Diagnosing Faulty Drill/Driver

cj73cj73 Frets: 1003
edited June 2016 in Off Topic

So, last night I pluged in my 6 year old Black & Decker 12v cordless drill / driver to charge as I needed it for some stuff tonight   When I got up his morning I gave it a try and nothing, absolutely dead.  So, the question is how do I go about identiying the faulty component?

I have a multimeter but no oscilloscope ;-)  and I don't think I've got another 12v centre positive charger.

My current thoughts

Charger - Plug in and test connector with mm

If not then

Drill Unit - Plug charger into drill (it goes into the rear of the drill handle) and check the battery connectors at the bottom of the unit with mm

If not then

Battery - but I've got no other way of charging it

and yes, I'm bored at work

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  • professorbenprofessorben Frets: 5106
    In my experience it's almost always the batteries, if it's been standing idle for a while.
    If it's 'dead' and not making any noises it's almost defo the battery, possibly the switch, but most likely the battery especially if the drill has previously not shown any dodgy switch issues.
    I'd charge the battery then check with MM for voltage across the terminals.
    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
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