That's the last of my redundancy money gone

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Col_DeckerCol_Decker Frets: 2188
Bloody credit cards, why don't they call them debt cards? Never again. Still its nice to be free.

Ed Conway & The Unlawful Men - Alt Prog Folk: The FaceBook and The SoundCloud

 'Rope Or A Ladder', 'Don't Sing Love Songs', and 'Poke The Frog'  albums available now - see FaceBook page for details

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  • p90foolp90fool Frets: 31969
    Nice to start with a clean sheet, well done.
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  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17137

    Being debt-free is a wonderful feeling.

    What's it like?

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  • Col_DeckerCol_Decker Frets: 2188

    Being debt-free is a wonderful feeling.

    What's it like?

    A mixture of joy because you've no debt, and a disappointment because if you hadn't had the debt in the first place you could have bought that new _______________ you always wanted.

    Ed Conway & The Unlawful Men - Alt Prog Folk: The FaceBook and The SoundCloud

     'Rope Or A Ladder', 'Don't Sing Love Songs', and 'Poke The Frog'  albums available now - see FaceBook page for details

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  • CabbageCatCabbageCat Frets: 5549
    edited July 2016

    Being debt-free is a wonderful feeling.

    What's it like?

    Awesome. It improves everything. I found that the biggest thing was that it meant I didn't feel like I absolutely had to have a job, which in turn meant I didn't fear losing my job, which in turn meant I stressed less at work and started enjoying it a lot more.

    It's funny, at the time signing myself up for decades of debt (OK, it only turned out to be 8 years) didn't fell like such a big deal, but now I'm liberated the idea of committing myself like that again feels like an unthinkable horror.

    I know people say money isn't everything, and that's true - but only if you don't owe someone money. If you have to have money it becomes everything.

    Pay yer debts, kids. And pay 'em quick.

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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16421
    When my redundancy money comes through it's paying off the balance of the mortgage. So I'll be the richest I've ever been for about two days then it will all be gone with no immediate discernible difference to my life. Yay... :o3
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • slackerslacker Frets: 2280
    I got rid of my credit card in 93. I didnt get sorted until 95. It was painful but the best thing I've ever done. 
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  • OssyrocksOssyrocks Frets: 1679
    I took severance at the end of January this year and stuck the money in the bank. Still had £150k mortgage on a very big house though. We managed to sell it three weeks ago, pre Brexit thank god, and have downsized into a three bed semi with no mortgage. Only used a third of the money in the bank to do it too. I have been really bad with a slipped disk and have not been able to work since January, but had surgery this week and feel a lot better already. Debt free, money in the bank, my wife is self employed and loves her job and makes enough to get by until I am fit again. The pressure is off, I can concentrate on recovery, then consider some kind of part time / contract work, with no pressure. Even with my awful back, it's been the greatest feeling in the world. I never realised just how stressful my job had been until I left it. It's like discovering who you really are again. I like it. Good luck in whatever you do! Rob
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  • hobbiohobbio Frets: 3440

    I'm in a lot of debt, with more set to kick in in a few months. It's a really, really, shit place to be.

    Don't do it kids! Save up for a few months rather than pay back for many years.

    electric proddy probe machine

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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28355
    I have a credit card with an £8k limit.

    I have never used it.
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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 12521
    axisus;1134358" said:
    I have a credit card with an £8k limit.

    I have never used it.
    I always found it ironic that the more you don't use credit cards, the more they keep raising the spending limit. One of my cards (that I haven't used for about 5 years, I really should cancel it) has just been increased to £15k.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • jonevejoneve Frets: 1492
    I've just transferred the last of our debt for 40 months, so that'll be paid off in a few years and I'll (hopefully) be debt free, with the exception of my mortgages.  
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29194
    When my redundancy money comes through it's paying off the balance of the mortgage. So I'll be the richest I've ever been for about two days then it will all be gone with no immediate discernible difference to my life. Yay... :o3
    And then a month later you'll be up whatever the mortgage payment used to be.

    I was very happy to pay off the mortgage. I still have payments on a watch - I could have afforded it outright but they offered 0% and my bank account gets 3% so it seemed silly not to.

    I don't think debt is necessarily a bad thing, but clearing it is definitely a good thing.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • CabbageCatCabbageCat Frets: 5549
    joneve said:
    I've just transferred the last of our debt for 40 months, so that'll be paid off in a few years and I'll (hopefully) be debt free, with the exception of my mortgages.  
    Heh. Being debt free with the exception of mortgages is like being injury free with the exception of amputations.
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  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17137
    Decker should be handing advice out to EU member states.

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  • SkippedSkipped Frets: 2371
    Now that's what I call Take Back Control.

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  • hobbiohobbio Frets: 3440
    joneve said:
    I've just transferred the last of our debt for 40 months, so that'll be paid off in a few years and I'll (hopefully) be debt free, with the exception of my mortgages.  
    Heh. Being debt free with the exception of mortgages is like being injury free with the exception of amputations.
    Not really, because if you hadn't bought then you'd still be paying rent.

    electric proddy probe machine

    My trading feedback thread


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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29194
    edited July 2016
    Heh. Being debt free with the exception of mortgages is like being injury free with the exception of amputations.
    Isn't a mortgage more of a gently weeping sore?

    Whereas a payday loan is a spurting arterial wound, and an amputation is what happens when you don't keep up the payments and the bailiffs come 'round.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • slackerslacker Frets: 2280
    edited July 2016
    boogieman said:
    axisus;1134358" said:
    I have a credit card with an £8k limit.

    I have never used it.
    I always found it ironic that the more you don't use credit cards, the more they keep raising the spending limit. One of my cards (that I haven't used for about 5 years, I really should cancel it) has just been increased to £15k.
    A couple of years ago I spoke to a personal banker who arranged some savings accounts for me and asked me to go to the cash desks to transfer the money. So the bloke transferred the money and asked me if I wanted a loan. Excuse me? Do you want a loan? I said you 've just seen my savings why on earth would you ask me if I wanted a loan. Where were you when I had a big mortgage three kids and one income? He apologised and said it was policy to ask. Dont I said. 

    When I was skint the bank said me a sarcastic letter saying I had overspent and they couldnt find an overdraft. THey charged me £30 the dicks. They knew I didt have the £30 double dicks. The last bit is for those who thought I was being harsh with the guy on the tills. 

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  • CabbageCatCabbageCat Frets: 5549
    hobbio said:
    joneve said:
    I've just transferred the last of our debt for 40 months, so that'll be paid off in a few years and I'll (hopefully) be debt free, with the exception of my mortgages.  
    Heh. Being debt free with the exception of mortgages is like being injury free with the exception of amputations.
    Not really, because if you hadn't bought then you'd still be paying rent.
    A debt with a good reason is still a debt. You still have to pay it off. You are still trapped in the rat race.
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