Any vapers making their own liquid?

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  • SargeSarge Frets: 2433
    high pg content is meant to simulate a real cig "throat hit"  what bollocks!  unless it's Gauloises they're smoking! 

    pg just seems nasty to me,  I want smooth as possible. 
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  • nanomannanoman Frets: 62
    I'm considering giving it a go as it's a bit pricy for the ready mixed. Any tips for getting decent tobacco flavours? Current favourite is Liberty Flights Tobacco.
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  • Jez6345789Jez6345789 Frets: 1814
    edited July 2016
    Been Vaping for a good few years now. My golden rules are get a good tank which gives you flavour and leave the clouding to the kids. Then find a flavour you like. I am big on fruit based aniseed and some of the dessert types but a lot of the old US flavours got reworked because of concerns over custard based flavours.

     I have and do make my own I tend to use flavours from Capella and others I keep a basic database of recipes in this site. As its good to have a reference to recreate things or make bigger volumes.

    I have a friend who is crazy for my custard apple danish it took me a good while to perfect this and he asks me to make him 100ml with a higher vg. All of which is easy to do with the calculator. Best advice I got was to use flavours at about 20% as a base and then work up or down from there to suit your tastes.
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  • grungebobgrungebob Frets: 3379
    Gents. Depending on your reasons for vaping and how long you intend to do it should really dictate the "flavours" you use. i.e. If you are currently vaping with the intention to ween you off ciggerettes and you also intend to stop vapping too in the next 12 months then have at it , enjoy all those flavours. However if you think it more likely that you will replace ciggerettes with vaping and continue to vape for the rest of your days as it's healthier than the fags you really should avoid the "flavours ". In essence the flavours are a bunch of different chemicals (esters) that can be very dangerous for lung health. Esters used in food production (like in pear drop sweets) etc have been tested for safe toxicity levels but the esters(and other compounds) used to flavour and perfume vaping liquid has not.
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  • SargeSarge Frets: 2433
    grungebob said:
    Gents. Depending on your reasons for vaping and how long you intend to do it should really dictate the "flavours" you use. i.e. If you are currently vaping with the intention to ween you off ciggerettes and you also intend to stop vapping too in the next 12 months then have at it , enjoy all those flavours. However if you think it more likely that you will replace ciggerettes with vaping and continue to vape for the rest of your days as it's healthier than the fags you really should avoid the "flavours ". In essence the flavours are a bunch of different chemicals (esters) that can be very dangerous for lung health. Esters used in food production (like in pear drop sweets) etc have been tested for safe toxicity levels but the esters(and other compounds) used to flavour and perfume vaping liquid has not. 


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