Question on Conditional Job Offers

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danodano Frets: 1647
Right so I've got two job offers on the table, I'm very pleased but torn between them.

Second job - Today I've received a conditional job offer for an interview I went for end of last week. It's the second of two jobs I've applied for in the last few weeks. I'm really chuffed as it's a fantastic opportunity at a really prestigious company. I work in electronics design and they have an amazing reputation nationally

First job -  last week prior to job #2 interview I recieved a conditional job offer from job #1 I interviewed at about 2 wks ago, fantastic company and very different to this other one.

As I didn't expect to get offered the second job (I thought I'd go for the experience knowing I had already bagged a good offer), I filled in the forms accepting the conditional offer for job #1 and sent them back end of last week. There are now in their 'system'.
So I'm in the fantastic position of having two conditional offers from two companies. But I'm really torn between the two I need to make a decision in the next 1-2 days (ad I'm not putting it to a poll on here). My head is with the first the my heart is with the second.

I've been researching hard today the laws around conditional job offers, particuarly as I've accepted a conditional offer for the first job. If I do go with the second one are there any problems with the first one ? Apart from pissing of the company and the recruitment agent.

I'd love to hear thoughts from anyone whose been in thsi situation betfore or anyone who works in recruitment.

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  • SporkySporky Frets: 30212
    While I am not a lawyer, my general understanding is that they could only take you to court for their losses, which would be zero.

    Decide quickly (I advocate flipping a coin and seeing if you like the result - have another go if necessary), and let them both know.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • danodano Frets: 1647
    Flipping a coin is high on tonights list of activities !
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 30212
    It sounds like you can't make a poor choice here, so the trick is to do it quickly and don't look back.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 25568
    I've said "I'm not coming" on the morning of when I'm supposed to start before.

    Had some general whinging in response that was negated by me saying "I'm happy to get sued - get on with it or shut up."

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

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  • ChalkyChalky Frets: 6813
    A couple of my family work in HR. Amazed at how little power an employer has over employees - why do people think they do?

    And you're not an employee, so apart from the agent whining about losing his fee then you are free.
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  • CabicularCabicular Frets: 2214
    Yes you can do what you like
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  • ToneControlToneControl Frets: 12256
    I had the same problem with my first job

    Only got offered the job I really wanted  late on the friday,  both jobs dues to start on monday
    I just called up the people at the  job I didn't want from the  site of the one I did, and apologised. All was fine

    Anyway -  what contracts have you signed?  
    Regardless, I don't think you would be sued
    The agency might harbour a grudge against you for a while though, until the day they have a role they need you for again

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  • MyrandaMyranda Frets: 2940

    You have two offers... See if you can get better remuneration. Maybe a company car. What about free private health care, etc. 

    Supply Vs Demand. There's only one of you and two people want you. More, they have offered you the job so turned down others and might need more interviews to replace you. 
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  • CabicularCabicular Frets: 2214
    If people do that with me they are effective declaring themselves for the other job Do you really want to start a job having shaken down your employer? It shows poor judgement so I'd rather not have them
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  • peteripeteri Frets: 1286
    I do a lot of hiring - and have seen this from both sides (people doing it to me, people doing it to join me). Firstly as advised - don't haggle, it will only create bad blood and will bite you. Decide the job you like and take it, explain to the other firm openly and honestly the reason. Be an adult and tell the truth. Strictly speaking, they can make you work (normally) a week - i.e. basically the minimum notice period for a new joiner. But no firm on earth will do that - since they'll also have to pay you. The agent will be really upset (if you've used one) - since they'll have mentally spent the commission/hit the target, but chances are the firm will not bear any grudges if you handle it well. Not handling it well, for example not telling the truth and coming up with dead grandmother type stories - will sour any future dealings - for a few years at least. Oh and ignore any pressure the agents put on you - it's your life, and they are not thinking of you - only their commission!
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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited July 2016
    re: the first job offer....

    Why is it only a conditional offer?    What is it conditional on exactly?    Is it subject to acceptable references or other things?

    Have they sent you a signed employment contract and a written job offer?

    Exactly what paperwork have you submitted back to them?  

    Have you signed an employment contract and returned it?

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  • CabicularCabicular Frets: 2214
    until you sign an employment contract you aren't under any obligation
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  • kjdowdkjdowd Frets: 852
    I've seen this mainly from the employer side. Like @peteri said, pick up the phone and explain the situation clearly and honestly and there will be few if any dramas. The only time I've got annoyed is where people either go silent or tell lies. And frankly even then there is little If anything that the prospective employer can do.
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  • 10thumbs10thumbs Frets: 427
    If you are under 45, go with your heart , over 45, go with your head its time to start thinking about your future , wish I had.
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  • danodano Frets: 1647
    edited July 2016
    Ro_S said:
    re: the first job offer....

    Why is it only a conditional offer?    What is it conditional on exactly?    Is it subject to acceptable references or other things?

    Have they sent you a signed employment contract and a written job offer?

    Exactly what paperwork have you submitted back to them?  

    Have you signed an employment contract and returned it?

    WHat i've signed is a conditional offer letter and a contract of employement. The job offer is conditional on security checks, references etc.  Looking back  foudn it strange having to sign the contract even though the offer is still conditional, based on teh checks.

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  • danodano Frets: 1647
    edited July 2016
    I'm waiting on a letter to arrive tomorrow from job #2 detailing some important informatio about the role in more deatil and I've decided that after lunch i'll make the call to one of the companies.

    Thanks for the comments here, Ive done a similar straw poll with frends and a few trusted work collegues and got some really good advice. Ultimately a tough choice to make...

    I've no intenion of haggling or playing one off against the other. They are both incredibly good offers at the top end of the salary and benefis.

    It should be a happy day, but it's been a aweful feeling the last 24 hrs... 
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  • ChalkyChalky Frets: 6813
    Make you work a week? Absolute bollocks.

    I've haggled/played one against the other on two jobs. One time proved that one company stayed nice and one company got upset and cranky. I went with the nice company. The other time I got a 20% increase in their pay offer.  My daughter did the same recently and got 10% increase in the offer - took the job and quickly got a promotion.

    It all depends on your confidence. If you go in thinking you are the child and they are the parent then you've failed from the start. The relationship is adult-adult, and any decent HR person will tell you that the best time for negotiation is when you get the offer letter. Fact of life in companies with fixed pay grades and policies.
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  • CabicularCabicular Frets: 2214
    Yeah Chalky how would you be if I interviewed another candidate after offering you the job and then made you both a lower offer to see which one would take it?
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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited July 2016
    dano said:
    Ro_S said:
    re: the first job offer....

    Why is it only a conditional offer?    What is it conditional on exactly?    Is it subject to acceptable references or other things?

    Have they sent you a signed employment contract and a written job offer?

    Exactly what paperwork have you submitted back to them?  

    Have you signed an employment contract and returned it?

    WHat i've signed is a conditional offer letter and a contract of employement. The job offer is conditional on security checks, references etc.  Looking back  foudn it strange having to sign the contract even though the offer is still conditional, based on teh checks.

    okay, noted.

    was the contract signed by them?

    what does it say in the contract about notice periods etc if you decide not to work for them at this stage? 

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  • SporkySporky Frets: 30212
    Cabicular said:
    If people do that with me they are effective declaring themselves for the other job Do you really want to start a job having shaken down your employer? It shows poor judgement so I'd rather not have them
    And some employers take a very dim view indeed. Where I am now they've withdrawn offers when people have pushed their luck. They're clear throughout the application process that negotiations about salary form part of the application, and that the offer is the offer. It probably helps that the offers aren't stingy.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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