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Good guitar as an investment, around £1.5k?

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  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 6939
    edited October 2016
    Iamnobody said:
    Buy 15 sub £100 guitars on gumtree, then punt them out at £130 over a few months. 30% return on investment.  I am serious 
    That's a lot of effort for £450! I do hope you are not serious...

    @robinbowes Does you mate mean invest in the true meaning of the word? Or does he just want to buy a nice guitar for £1500?
    450 For a few hours work. Not a fortune but it can be scaled up or down to suit. 
    On the assumption that it takes you two hours to find each one - Internet searches, collection and getting home is all time spent.

    Then another two hours to store it, take photographs, make an advert deal with idiots before finally selling at a not guaranteed profit.

    You have probably 'investsted' 60 hours of your time...for a return of ~ £7.50/hr

    I value my time more that's all - but it might work for some people...

    A good idea maybe for those that don't mind putting in the leg work?

    Previously known as stevebrum
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • SkippedSkipped Frets: 2371
    We would need a better idea of what your friend expects from the "investment".

    The best bet in guitar terms would not be any of the guitars mentioned - At this price point. Brexit has made things a lot harder. I would be looking for a near mint Fifties Es-125 with original case but that is now hard to do for £1500 after shipping + taxes.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Iamnobody said:
    Iamnobody said:
    Buy 15 sub £100 guitars on gumtree, then punt them out at £130 over a few months. 30% return on investment.  I am serious 
    That's a lot of effort for £450! I do hope you are not serious...

    @robinbowes Does you mate mean invest in the true meaning of the word? Or does he just want to buy a nice guitar for £1500?
    450 For a few hours work. Not a fortune but it can be scaled up or down to suit. 
    On the assume that it takes you two hours to find each one - Internet searches, collection and getting home is all time spent.

    Then another two hours to store it, take photographs, make an advert deal with idiots before finally selling at a not guaranteed profit.

    You have probably 'investsted' 60 hours of your time...for a return of ~ £7.50/hr

    I value my time more that's all - but it might work for some people...

    A good idea maybe for those that don't mind putting in the leg work?

    But you aren't getting paid being sat on your arse in front of the telly browsing this web page are you?
    The Bigsby was the first successful design of what is now called a whammy bar or tremolo arm, although vibrato is the technically correct term for the musical effect it produces. In standard usage, tremolo is a rapid fluctuation of the volume of a note, while vibrato is a fluctuation in pitch. The origin of this nonstandard usage of the term by electric guitarists is attributed to Leo Fender, who also used the term “vibrato” to refer to what is really a tremolo effect.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23699
    I don't see the point in spending £1,500 as an investment, even if you somehow double or triple your money in a few years it's not exactly going to be life changing is it?

    He should buy a guitar he likes and forget the investment angle.

    Or just spend it on a retirement party.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • robinbowesrobinbowes Frets: 3073
    I thought this might generate a little interest :)

    The situation is that my mate has a lump sum of money from his pension to invest. He talked to his bank and they told him that normal savings accounts, ISAs etc are not worth bothering with because the returns are so poor and that he'd be better off buying paintings or something. He's already bought a few cane fishing rods (he's expert in that field - he restores them), and has just asked me for advice about guitars. He does play a little (he's a better slide player than me!) but is predominantly a harmonica player.

    I'll point him to this thread and let him read it.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 6939
    edited October 2016
    Iamnobody said:
    Iamnobody said:
    Buy 15 sub £100 guitars on gumtree, then punt them out at £130 over a few months. 30% return on investment.  I am serious 
    That's a lot of effort for £450! I do hope you are not serious...

    @robinbowes Does you mate mean invest in the true meaning of the word? Or does he just want to buy a nice guitar for £1500?
    450 For a few hours work. Not a fortune but it can be scaled up or down to suit. 
    On the assume that it takes you two hours to find each one - Internet searches, collection and getting home is all time spent.

    Then another two hours to store it, take photographs, make an advert deal with idiots before finally selling at a not guaranteed profit.

    You have probably 'investsted' 60 hours of your time...for a return of ~ £7.50/hr

    I value my time more that's all - but it might work for some people...

    A good idea maybe for those that don't mind putting in the leg work?

    But you aren't getting paid being sat on your arse in front of the telly browsing this web page are you?
    @meltedbuzzbox ;;; I take your point but...I'm not the one trying to make money! Am I?

    I'd maintain buying fifteen shit guitars for resale is neither a shrewd investment or good use of one's time.

    And for the record I browse this forum on an iPhone mostly 'on the go' and one of the reasons I frequent the forum so much is largely because we don't have the TV on at home - mainly kids stuff when it is on.

    The entertainment and characters and fountain of knowledge on here suits me much better!

    And as for being sat on my arse, today I've been to the post office sorting depot, walked the dog, spent a couple of hours playing with the kids, washed up and tidied up the house made breakfast and lunch. This afternoon I'm taking the eldest swimming.

    Yes I know I've bitten!
    Previously known as stevebrum
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Iamnobody said:
    Iamnobody said:
    Iamnobody said:
    Buy 15 sub £100 guitars on gumtree, then punt them out at £130 over a few months. 30% return on investment.  I am serious 
    That's a lot of effort for £450! I do hope you are not serious...

    @robinbowes Does you mate mean invest in the true meaning of the word? Or does he just want to buy a nice guitar for £1500?
    450 For a few hours work. Not a fortune but it can be scaled up or down to suit. 
    On the assume that it takes you two hours to find each one - Internet searches, collection and getting home is all time spent.

    Then another two hours to store it, take photographs, make an advert deal with idiots before finally selling at a not guaranteed profit.

    You have probably 'investsted' 60 hours of your time...for a return of ~ £7.50/hr

    I value my time more that's all - but it might work for some people...

    A good idea maybe for those that don't mind putting in the leg work?

    But you aren't getting paid being sat on your arse in front of the telly browsing this web page are you?
    @meltedbuzzbox ;;; I take your point but...I'm not the one trying to make money! Am I?

    I'd maintain buying fifteen shit guitars for resale is neither a shrewd investment or good use of one's time.

    And for the record I browse this forum on an iPhone mostly 'on the go' and one of the reasons I frequent the forum so much is largely because we don't have the TV on at home - mainly kids stuff when it is on.

    The entertainment and characters and fountain of knowledge on here suits me much better!

    And as for being sat on my arse, today I've been to the post office sorting depot, walked the dog, spent a couple of hours playing with the kids, washed up and tidied up the house made breakfast and lunch. This afternoon I'm taking the eldest swimming.

    Yes I know I've bitten!
    If it takes you 2 hours to find each guitar I suggest you get a faster broadband. Granted collecting them takes time but it can be done. And it's not that hard to double your money, I've done so many times. Might not be the quickest way to earn but the question was about guitars and investment.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • @Iamnobody my comment wasn't targeted at you specifically. It is easy to be an arm chair critic though. 

    I just find funny when people start putting a value on their time. 

    I know myself when I sit down most evenings with the misses watching crap TV I could be doing something more productive. I have nothing but respect for someone that has the drive to make extra money through an avenue they enjoy, even if it does work out at 7.50 an hour
    The Bigsby was the first successful design of what is now called a whammy bar or tremolo arm, although vibrato is the technically correct term for the musical effect it produces. In standard usage, tremolo is a rapid fluctuation of the volume of a note, while vibrato is a fluctuation in pitch. The origin of this nonstandard usage of the term by electric guitarists is attributed to Leo Fender, who also used the term “vibrato” to refer to what is really a tremolo effect.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Has he paid off his mortgage?
    I'm just a Maserati in a world of Kias.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • robinbowesrobinbowes Frets: 3073
    Has he paid off his mortgage?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BRISTOL86BRISTOL86 Frets: 1920
    I'm actually really interested in the 'buy a squier' gumtree model above! There's something therapeutic about taking someone else's junk and cleaning it up etc! 

    Whats a decent target price to try and pick up a used squier strat or tele for that would allow for 20% sell on without too much bother? 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • RaveRave Frets: 268
    Buy 15 sub £100 guitars on gumtree, then punt them out at £130 over a few months. 30% return on investment.  I am serious 

    That is a lot of time and effort for 30% return.

    A few years ago I had £500 spare and thought I'd see how much I could make in a month buying and selling.

    Bought a guitar off for £500 including shipping- sold it before it had even arrived for £1500 to a collector. £1000 Profit.
    Bought a guitar locally for £750- sold it to the same collector for £1400. £650 Profit.
    Bought a Marshall TSL100 Head, 1960B Cab, 1936 2x12 Cab and two 1912 Cabs for £550 through Gumtree. Had to travel from Wales to the top of Scotland which cost me about £90 in fuel. £640 total cost. Sold the 2x12" Cab for £180, the 1912s for £120 each and the TSL Half Stack for £750.  £530 Profit.

    Found a guitar on for £600....shipped to my doorstep for £625. Sold it on ebay a week later for £1700. £1050 profit after fees.

    Travelled to Nottingham to buy a Jem for £700 + £40 fuel. Sold it a couple of weeks later for £1500 with a plastic Ibanez case. Kept the pink lined case and sold that for £200. Plastic case cost me £60 originally so overall profit was £900.

    Not a lot of work for just over £4000 profit in 5 weeks. Couple of days travelling, a few emails, listings and a bit of packing.

    Anyone who tells you that you can't make money doing this either doesnt know their stuff or is trying to put you off. There are hoards of traders on this forum alone, though they wouldn't admit it. When you're a member on countless guitar forums, for sale pages on facebook get to see what goes on.
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • Jesus do you still do that? 
    Surely not that easy or you could quit your job!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mort said:
    If Amazon have another Black Friday Gibson blow-out I would suggest he books the day off and sits by his computer all day as the best deals were only available for a couple of hours if that. Sunburst 339s for £1150, Standards for £1049, Juniors for £289 etc etc. Instant profit as well as investment potential.......

    That's a good shout actually, I really enjoy my Gibson Explorer and wouldn't mind snapping up a LP Standard T :)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Rave said:
    Buy 15 sub £100 guitars on gumtree, then punt them out at £130 over a few months. 30% return on investment.  I am serious 

    That is a lot of time and effort for 30% return.

    A few years ago I had £500 spare and thought I'd see how much I could make in a month buying and selling.

    Bought a guitar off for £500 including shipping- sold it before it had even arrived for £1500 to a collector. £1000 Profit.
    Bought a guitar locally for £750- sold it to the same collector for £1400. £650 Profit.
    Bought a Marshall TSL100 Head, 1960B Cab, 1936 2x12 Cab and two 1912 Cabs for £550 through Gumtree. Had to travel from Wales to the top of Scotland which cost me about £90 in fuel. £640 total cost. Sold the 2x12" Cab for £180, the 1912s for £120 each and the TSL Half Stack for £750.  £530 Profit.

    Found a guitar on for £600....shipped to my doorstep for £625. Sold it on ebay a week later for £1700. £1050 profit after fees.

    Travelled to Nottingham to buy a Jem for £700 + £40 fuel. Sold it a couple of weeks later for £1500 with a plastic Ibanez case. Kept the pink lined case and sold that for £200. Plastic case cost me £60 originally so overall profit was £900.

    Not a lot of work for just over £4000 profit in 5 weeks. Couple of days travelling, a few emails, listings and a bit of packing.

    Anyone who tells you that you can't make money doing this either doesnt know their stuff or is trying to put you off. There are hoards of traders on this forum alone, though they wouldn't admit it. When you're a member on countless guitar forums, for sale pages on facebook get to see what goes on.
    I agree not a huge profit but I was making the point that it can be done. For someone with the knowledge and balls, big profit can be made, but for someone without much knowledge,i include myself in this, it's fairly easy to pick up £100 stuff and knock it out for £150, without doing extra work or fixing them up. As confidence, experience and knowledge grows, buy higher end stuff and ask higher prices. I don't do it much anymore as I have more lucrative business interests, but I did it by accident. Buying cheap deciding to get rid of it and adding profit.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • SassafrasSassafras Frets: 30320
    You're all capitalist lackeys.
    Come the revolution, you'll all have your backs up against the wall.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • RaveRave Frets: 268
    Jesus do you still do that? 
    Surely not that easy or you could quit your job!
    Nope, though I've often thought about starting up some kind of online store. Trading guitars was my way of getting to own the gear I really wanted.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mortmort Frets: 720
    Rave said:
    Jesus do you still do that? 
    Surely not that easy or you could quit your job!
    Nope, though I've often thought about starting up some kind of online store. Trading guitars was my way of getting to own the gear I really wanted
    Hope you paid the taxman his share......... ;)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Rave said:
    Buy 15 sub £100 guitars on gumtree, then punt them out at £130 over a few months. 30% return on investment.  I am serious 

    That is a lot of time and effort for 30% return.

    A few years ago I had £500 spare and thought I'd see how much I could make in a month buying and selling.

    Bought a guitar off for £500 including shipping- sold it before it had even arrived for £1500 to a collector. £1000 Profit.
    Bought a guitar locally for £750- sold it to the same collector for £1400. £650 Profit.
    Bought a Marshall TSL100 Head, 1960B Cab, 1936 2x12 Cab and two 1912 Cabs for £550 through Gumtree. Had to travel from Wales to the top of Scotland which cost me about £90 in fuel. £640 total cost. Sold the 2x12" Cab for £180, the 1912s for £120 each and the TSL Half Stack for £750.  £530 Profit.

    Found a guitar on for £600....shipped to my doorstep for £625. Sold it on ebay a week later for £1700. £1050 profit after fees.

    Travelled to Nottingham to buy a Jem for £700 + £40 fuel. Sold it a couple of weeks later for £1500 with a plastic Ibanez case. Kept the pink lined case and sold that for £200. Plastic case cost me £60 originally so overall profit was £900.

    Not a lot of work for just over £4000 profit in 5 weeks. Couple of days travelling, a few emails, listings and a bit of packing.

    Anyone who tells you that you can't make money doing this either doesnt know their stuff or is trying to put you off. There are hoards of traders on this forum alone, though they wouldn't admit it. When you're a member on countless guitar forums, for sale pages on facebook get to see what goes on.
    Are you trying to pull the other one. Lol 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Philly_Q said:
    I don't see the point in spending £1,500 as an investment, even if you somehow double or triple your money in a few years it's not exactly going to be life changing is it?

    He should buy a guitar he likes and forget the investment angle.

    Or just spend it on a retirement party.

    Amen. If he wants a guitar, buy one for a good price and he won't lose much money. If he actually wants an investment (and isn't just using the word as an excuse to splash out on a guitar) then look at proper investment options like indexed funds.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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