Band woes....

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  • prh777prh777 Frets: 143
    writing/jamming (as a band) in odd time signatures is tough.  We tend to bring ideas and themes and try and work around them.  Interspersed with a few covers to refresh yourself.

    I would agree its easier to bring a part song and flesh it out.  disclaimer - we have only written 4 or 5 things this way
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  • Oddly ( ha!) we find it easy to move from ideas in 4 to 5 or 7 etc as a jam. 
    But then our drummer is ridiculously switched on. 
    We have had a lot of part songs written that way, but now we need the arranging time to form them into complete things, with vocal lines and melodies. 
    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
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  • horsehorse Frets: 1597
    If regular full band rehearsals are what you really want, it doesn't sound like that is going to happen, so I think I'd probably move onto something that is more workable myself - might not be as interesting musically, but at least you could make progress and enjoy it
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  • pintspillerpintspiller Frets: 998
    edited October 2016
    If everybody wants to rehearse more often than you are, then you need to remove the member(s) that are holding you back. Anybody can be replaced... it just seems like it takes for ever to find them.
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  • Do both?
    Unfortunately whilst I'd love to do that, I just can't justify being in two bands, I have time and energy to commit to one, but not two.
    baby, gf, house, job etc.
    Fair enough, I know that feeling... !

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  • Well, turns out whilst trying to organise another rehearsal, that said drummer had just got another job. 
    We have all decided to move on and are auditioning another drummer on Mon. 

    Hoping to to go towards a simpler, less technical direction. 
    Also waaaaay heavier. 
    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • He probably got the hint. Eventually.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • TTBZTTBZ Frets: 2957
    Good luck with the new drummer :) 

    I hate trying to write stuff at rehearsal. I work way better doing it at home with ezdrummer, then get them to listen and have an idea of the parts then suggest new bits and changes when we have the rough outline down. They still want to try and write new stuff though which just turns into long drawn out boring jams.
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