Vintage LP Jnr versus SG Jnr?

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What would you say are the relative merits... or disadvantages of the following options...

1950s LP Junior Single Cut

1950s LP Junior Double Cut

Early 1960s SG Junior

???  Any specific points about tone... sustain... etc?


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  • I would love any of them, but for some reason I am always drawn to the SG jnr, lighter, access to top of neck, looks, all are tone machines. 
    A single P90 pick up is best option ever. 
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  • BrizeBrize Frets: 5640
    Late LP Juniors and SG Juniors from 61 and 62 will typically have slimmer necks - they got a bit fatter again in 63 and 64.

    If the frets are original, the single cut Junior will have vintage-size frets, whereas the SGs and double-cut Juniors from early 59 onwards will have the medium-jumbo size frets.

    I don't think there are many valid generalisations about tone - too much will depend on the individual instrument.
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  • richardhomerrichardhomer Frets: 24868
    A friend of mine used to own a '61 SG/Les Paul Junior. It was a great sounding guitar - really powerful - but the image of anything SG shaped is too 'rock' for me.

    DC LPJs generally say 'punk' - so I'd choose a SC....
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  • peteripeteri Frets: 1284
    I played an all original 66 Sg jr this weekend and I've played a 59 dc before. 

    Both necks were surprisingly fat but comfortable - SG was just a fat tone monster, really powerful. Loved it. 

    Dc was for me more refined and less angry and also of course much thicker!

    no two will be the same of course 
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  • SassafrasSassafras Frets: 30320
    The doublecut LP Jnr is only the coolest looking guitar in the world.
    Sounds raw and edgy too.
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  • BridgehouseBridgehouse Frets: 24581
    Although I do agree that the juniors are superb tone monsters, don't discount that neck p90 option...
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  • The SG Junior seems to pack a hell of a lot more clout than the LP Junior, in terms of power and tone. That said, I find the body shape of an LP Junior slightly more comfy. 

    I don't think you could go wrong with either in fairness.

    That said, if you forced me to choose, it would be the SG. Looks absolutely stunning in single pickup form.
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  • monoaminemonoamine Frets: 506
    vintage dc or sc junior
    love mine... absolutely killer tone
    1979 Tokai TE-85
    1980 Tokai LS-80
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  • The SG's are more mid-rangey with lots of bite, the LP's have more of a thump in the low end. Both sound great into the right amp. 
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  • peteripeteri Frets: 1284
    The SG's are more mid-rangey with lots of bite, the LP's have more of a thump in the low end. Both sound great into the right amp. 
    Completely agree - played both recently (59 dc, 65/66 SG)

    amazed at the difference and for me it's the sg - tons of attack, it was like it came pre-pissed off!

    dc was very nice, but I have a les Paul with a ton of low end thump already. 
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  • Thanks everyone... lots of good feedback from guys that have played these things (Sadly, I haven't yet).

    Would you say the LPs have more sustain than the SGs??

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  • If you get a light SG Junior with a thick neck. It's likely to have some degree of neck dive when on a strap. Also a lot of the old P90s will be microphonic
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  • Thanks everyone... lots of good feedback from guys that have played these things (Sadly, I haven't yet).

    Would you say the LPs have more sustain than the SGs??

    SGs can suffer from 'dead spots'. These tend to be an issue on most guitars with long 'whippy' necks (early PRS 24 fret Customs are notorious for it).

    They occur where the neck's resonant frequency closely matches the affected note and saps it of sustain. Some examples are much worse than others - and how much of an issue it is to you will depend on how much gain you use.

    For certain styles - one in the wrong place will drive you mad....
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • Thanks everyone... lots of good feedback from guys that have played these things (Sadly, I haven't yet).

    Would you say the LPs have more sustain than the SGs??

    SGs can suffer from 'dead spots'. These tend to be an issue on most guitars with long 'whippy' necks (early PRS 24 fret Customs are notorious for it).

    They occur where the neck's resonant frequency closely matches the affected note and saps it of sustain. Some examples are much worse than others - and how much of an issue it is to you will depend on how much gain you use.

    For certain styles - one in the wrong place will drive you mad....
    Didn't know that. Wisdom awarded.

    I've not had a Gibson SG jr as they seem much more rare than the LP Jr, which I HAVE owned. Instead I have a Raygun SG Jr. (It's a Vintage brand model that's been modded by Raygun Relics). 
    The SG is MUCH lighter and more resonant, the tone is more "snarly"- although whether that's down to the pickup I can't say. It DOES neck dive a bit but not half so badly as other SG's I've tried. I've not experienced any dead spots either thankfully.
    The Jr had a slightly darker, thicker sound & no issues with neck dive.

    Both sounded good in their own way- I was surprised by the difference between them. I sold the LP and kept the SG as the SG was just more fun to play, but that's a personal opinion obviously.
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  • BridgehouseBridgehouse Frets: 24581
    Has anyone tried an Epiphone Coronet as an alternative to the SG junior? I know they are pretty rare as well but I imagine they have a lot of the same formula in a slightly different package? 
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  • IvisonGuitarsIvisonGuitars Frets: 6843
    tFB Trader
    Has anyone tried an Epiphone Coronet as an alternative to the SG junior? I know they are pretty rare as well but I imagine they have a lot of the same formula in a slightly different package? 
    Yup, almost identical constuctionwise (thin body) and tonewise. More 'angry' sounding than a DC junior and infinitely more cooler (the 3 aside headstock model, not the latter batwing headstock models popularised by the, urgh, Libertines)...IMO :-)
    (formerly miserneil)
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  • BridgehouseBridgehouse Frets: 24581
    miserneil said:
    Has anyone tried an Epiphone Coronet as an alternative to the SG junior? I know they are pretty rare as well but I imagine they have a lot of the same formula in a slightly different package? 
    Yup, almost identical constuctionwise (thin body) and tonewise. More 'angry' sounding than a DC junior and infinitely more cooler (the 3 aside headstock model, not the latter batwing headstock models popularised by the, urgh, Libertines)...IMO :-) 
    I could live with batwing. I've got a batwing Olympic. Strictly speaking Mr Doherty played an Olympic on Up The Bracket anyway. 

    I think I'd probably choose a Coronet over an SG Junior if I was looking at Vintage.
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  • IvisonGuitarsIvisonGuitars Frets: 6843
    tFB Trader
    miserneil said:
    Has anyone tried an Epiphone Coronet as an alternative to the SG junior? I know they are pretty rare as well but I imagine they have a lot of the same formula in a slightly different package? 
    Yup, almost identical constuctionwise (thin body) and tonewise. More 'angry' sounding than a DC junior and infinitely more cooler (the 3 aside headstock model, not the latter batwing headstock models popularised by the, urgh, Libertines)...IMO :-) 
    I could live with batwing. I've got a batwing Olympic. Strictly speaking Mr Doherty played an Olympic on Up The Bracket anyway. 

    I think I'd probably choose a Coronet over an SG Junior if I was looking at Vintage.
    I'm sorely tempted by this beauty currently....but i'm totally spent out...
    (formerly miserneil)
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  • BridgehouseBridgehouse Frets: 24581
    How much, and where is it? 
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  • IvisonGuitarsIvisonGuitars Frets: 6843
    edited November 2016 tFB Trader
    How much, and where is it? 
    Can't tell you....cause I want it.... ;-)

    Guncotton Guitars. Really great guy too. Would love to do business with him.
    (formerly miserneil)
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