Advice need on a guitar trade.

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I need some advice i have a mid 60s gretsch clipper that has been modded with new fliterons and a bigbsy....and a friend of mine wants to trade a AVRI 52 Reissue fender telecaster....

i have 4 other gretches but also a dave dearnaley tele and a 74 tele deluxe

so unsure what to do ? any advice cheers James.
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  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    Just get the fuckin Tele as long as its butterscotch and stop poncing about with a Gretsch
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  • thebreezethebreeze Frets: 2819
    I don't know anything about Gretschs so I can't help.  I think the AVRI 52's are meant to be good guitars though.

    Do you need advice from a financial perspective?  I think @musicman100 is a Gretsch man.
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  • welshboyowelshboyo Frets: 1831
    Surely if he/she is a "friend" you can do a "test drive trade"

    or is it purely financials? - if so, the whole financial thing sort of goes out the window in a way with trades to certain extent as its more to do with what both parties want i.e - do you need an AVRI Tele and does your friend need a Clipper?
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  • TheMarlinTheMarlin Frets: 8153
    Clippers are not desirable models, a decent one may fetch £800.  

    AVRI's are great guitars. Seems like a good deal to me.  If you're fed up of the Gretsch tone, and the AVRI speaks to you, then do the deal.  
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  • musicman100musicman100 Frets: 1753
    edited November 2016
    The clipper was as still is only an entry level gretsch and not very desirable at all.
    In top orginal condition it wouldn't be worth any more than the AVRI TELE but then you say yours has been modded/messed with so that will devalue it as well.

    The AVRI tele is a lot more desirable guitar and therefore easier to sell in the futureh.

    The choice is yours as I can only give you honest opinion. 
    But the gretsch clipper is never going to be a valuable vintage guitar. 


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  • i have 4 other gretsches but the clipper is good cause it has filtertons and a bigsby so its the old gretsch feel with the sound of my 6120......the trade is nothing to do with money i dont want to sell the clipper or the tele if i did trade..
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  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73087
    I know the Clipper is far from the most valuable model, but I still wouldn't do it unless there was a bit of money your way - it has to be worth more than a '52 RI Tele.

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