I have an itch for a Tele

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VinylfanVinylfan Frets: 33
Not really sure why, but I have an itch for a Telecaster.  Not played one before, but have developed a real liking for them in terms of how they sound, look etc.

What is worth looking at in £300-£500 range these days?  Happy to go down the used route as well as looking at new.  Initial consideration was a Fender of some description, but have also looked at G&L Asat as an example.  Obviously bit limited at the moment in terms of going to a shop to try one out.

Additionally, I'm keen on Lake Placid Blue (or some other blue) in terms of colour and that seems to be a limiting factor too.

Ideas, thoughts, experiences gratefully received.

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  • tony99tony99 Frets: 7220
    think any MIM fender tele you're gonna get well within budget especially used and they are great solid guitars in my opinion, can't go wrong, tidepool more common than LPB

    something a bit more special, baja for a few quid more perhaps, I'm looking for american special or performer atm myself

    also there are a couple of nice mexi road worn fenders on ebay right now
    Bollocks you don't know Bono !!
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  • VinylfanVinylfan Frets: 33
    tony99 said:
    think any MIM fender tele you're gonna get well within budget especially used and they are great solid guitars in my opinion, can't go wrong, tidepool more common than LPB

    something a bit more special, baja for a few quid more perhaps, I'm looking for american special or performer atm myself

    also there are a couple of nice mexi road worn fenders on ebay right now
    Thanks.  The ones I've seen have been MIM ones.  Tidepool seems to be a newer colour - is that right?  Or is it an older one that's been resurrected?

    I've heard about Baja - what is different/special about them?

    The pricing for MIM ones seems to be quite varied - what should I expect to pay for a used one that is original, in very good / mint condition and hasn't been modded?

    Not thought about road worn so will have a look at Ebay now...
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  • You’ll be lucky to find a roadworn under £500 these days.
    'Vot eva happened to the Transylvanian Tvist?'
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  • chris78chris78 Frets: 9612
    If you can stretch your budget a bit, get a baja. They can be heavy but they’ve got a wonderful neck and cs pickups. The bodies are at least 4 piece, but for that money who cares. 
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  • tony99tony99 Frets: 7220
    You’ll be lucky to find a roadworn under £500 these days.
    there's one that's just got one bid on at £499 right now, I'll keep an eye on it
    Bollocks you don't know Bono !!
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  • tony99tony99 Frets: 7220
    edited June 2020
    Vinylfan said:
    tony99 said:
    think any MIM fender tele you're gonna get well within budget especially used and they are great solid guitars in my opinion, can't go wrong, tidepool more common than LPB

    something a bit more special, baja for a few quid more perhaps, I'm looking for american special or performer atm myself

    also there are a couple of nice mexi road worn fenders on ebay right now
    Thanks.  The ones I've seen have been MIM ones.  Tidepool seems to be a newer colour - is that right?  Or is it an older one that's been resurrected?

    I've heard about Baja - what is different/special about them?

    The pricing for MIM ones seems to be quite varied - what should I expect to pay for a used one that is original, in very good / mint condition and hasn't been modded?

    Not thought about road worn so will have a look at Ebay now...
    I think tidepool is a later version of LPB, I may be wrong though

    Baja's have a bit of difference in the neck, which is called a soft V, some prefer it but you'd probably be best trying it, the neck is also usually gloss on a Baja, while more often satin on a MIM,  I'm told that can make a difference if you sweat when gigging so gloss might be better

    the Baja also has a four way switch, I don't know what for, a secret cowboy tone or something, different pick ups in baja's too, I can't remember which though

    MIM ones probably go anywhere between £250 up to £450, but if you're gonna pay that much you might as well get a brand new MIM player, I let one go stupidly cheap not long ago coz I'm a dope who now needs another one

    shop around long enough until you find a dope like me!
    Bollocks you don't know Bono !!
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  • SPECTRUM001SPECTRUM001 Frets: 1608
    The Baja switch adds three more tone options (both pickups out of phase, both pickups in series and in series out of phase).

    Both the 50s and 60s Baja’s custom shop pickups are great, however many players don’t bother with the additional switching too much.

    For £3-500 you should easily be able to find a good condition used Player, which is a fine MiM, and good platform for pickup mods should you decide you like the Tele sound...
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  • rossirossi Frets: 1713
    I had a Lake Placid Blue Baja which was an FSR for the UK .Lovely guitar but way to heavy for an old fart like me and also a bit plasticky paint wise.
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  • BridgehouseBridgehouse Frets: 24581
    Surely if you have an itch then a cream tele would be best?
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  • RolandRoland Frets: 8851
    edited June 2020
    Vinylfan said:
    ... I have an itch for a Telecaster ...
    It’s called growing up. Go second hand and you’ll get a decent instrument within your budget. Teles are working guitars, and dings don’t matter.
    Tree recycler, and guitarist with  https://www.undercoversband.com/.
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  • mikeneticmikenetic Frets: 71
    I have a Classic Player Baja Tele, bought from here. Absolutely fantastic guitar. I don't find mine that heavy, but with the extra switching it's like a normal Tele with another guitar hidden inside.
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  • Gerz6558Gerz6558 Frets: 778
    Agree with most of the others. Either a mexican player series or the baja, but you may have to be pretty patient waiting for a baja on your budget.

    I'd go with the player, they really are a decent range with no real need to swap anything out. I believe tidepool is supposed to be a bit like when the vintage lake placid blue fenders started to go green over time.
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  • FunkfingersFunkfingers Frets: 14793
    Roland said:
    Vinylfan said:
    ... I have an itch for a Telecaster ...
    It’s called growing up.
    I think it is the realisation that:
    1) one’s younger self was wrong to dismiss the Telecaster as a Country & Western geetar.
    2) seventy five years ago, there was an enormous overlap between C&W and Rock ‘n’ Roll.
    3) some of the great C&W guitarists were complete and utter fret-melting mofos.
    You say, atom bomb. I say, tin of corned beef.
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  • VinylfanVinylfan Frets: 33
    edited June 2020
    Roland said:
    Vinylfan said:
    ... I have an itch for a Telecaster ...
    It’s called growing up.
    I think it is the realisation that:
    1) one’s younger self was wrong to dismiss the Telecaster as a Country & Western geetar.
    2) seventy five years ago, there was an enormous overlap between C&W and Rock ‘n’ Roll.
    3) some of the great C&W guitarists were complete and utter fret-melting mofos.
    Thanks all.  You may well be right - I've never really looked at or considered Teles before, but now they're calling strongly.
    Might be a bit shallow but I really like the look of the blue ones - and swing from favouring one with a maple neck to one with a rosewood one.  Looks aren't everything, but they are important (in a guitar anyway).

    There seem to be some Players around at the £450-£500/510 range, though that isn't far off a new one, in which case I'd be tempted to go new if the right deal came along.

    Also swinging from 'getting a slightly cheaper one that can be modded' to 'just buy a good one as you're never going to mod it'.  I think if it was beat up or knocked about, I'd probably be keener to swop things in/out than if it was new and sorted.

    Anyway, I think I should play one first to see if I actually like playing one!  Now that the shops are starting to open it might be a bit easier.  Have also been looking on Reverb, but have never bought anything via that route yet, so a little unsure.
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  • TheMarlinTheMarlin Frets: 8152
    Get a Baja. Awesome guitar, great bang for your buck. 
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  • mikeneticmikenetic Frets: 71
    I love how many people (me included) have just said "Get a Baja."

    We're so enthusiastic about them, we don't even read the thread, well at first anyhow. We're just all like "Telecaster you say? Get a Baja." That's because WE'RE RIGHT.  =)
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  • mbembe Frets: 1840
    Another variant of LPB to look out for is Agave Blue, which was on some MIM Telecasters in the noughties.  
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  • VinylfanVinylfan Frets: 33
    I’ve seen a Player tele for around £400 so thinking about that...
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  • mikeneticmikenetic Frets: 71
    I have a Modern Player Tele which is a little unusual - It's an HSS setup with a tap on the humbucker. It's a maple neck a pine body, and is a Chinese model. It's a corking guitar to play. https://www.andertons.co.uk/guitar-dept/electric-guitars/telecaster/fender-modern-player-telecaster-plus-in-honey-burst 

    If you want a "Tele but a bit different" they're good if you can find a used one. I upgraded the neck and bridge pups on mine, but the neck and overall finish quality is excellent.
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  • mikeneticmikenetic Frets: 71
    edited June 2020
    Deleted double-post
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