Computer help needed

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I have a windows computer atm running reaper, which i started getting in to just before covid hit.
Being a cheapskate,and owning an adequate windows computer,reaper seemed like a good choice (and it is) but......
All my friends have Logic,or Protools,and when i get stuck with something,which is quite often the case,im a bit in the dark,as im not very DAW savvy.
So im looking to change my computer to an Apple (Secondhand preferably)
As one ill have a lot more help if needed,and my friends say that logic is easier to navigate.
My question is,twofold
1) Do you think this would be a good move, (besides being an expensive one)
 im having really good fun writing tunes,and recording them, but progress is slow,and daunting at times because of my lack of knowledge,and my friends do help, but are not familiar with Reaper.
2) what system would you get CPU,ot laptop ?
What system do you guys use ?
I have been advised to get an Apple tower,(iMac ?) rather than a laptop ?
What sort of memory would i need to run Logic,and plugins too.

Thanks in advance
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  • mrkbmrkb Frets: 7057
    There’s plenty of YouTube videos on reaper, much cheaper than buying a new pc!
    Ebay mark7777_1
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • andy_kandy_k Frets: 829
    If I were you, in this situation, I'd stick with Reaper and pool the knowledge.
    All projects can be worked on, across any software or platform, if you work with audio stems.
    Logic and PT are deep money pits to have working well, and in a few months, when you have got more comfortable with the concepts, your friends will be using Reaper too I suspect, so many things are possible that are not easily done in other DAWS, mainly to do with making it do what you want, and not being forced into a workflow that you have to learn.
    Feel free to ask here if you need any further info, and have a look on YT for Kenny's vids to get you going quickly.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • Thanks you,thats great

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • andy_k said:
    If I were you, in this situation, I'd stick with Reaper and pool the knowledge.
    All projects can be worked on, across any software or platform, if you work with audio stems.
    Logic and PT are deep money pits to have working well, and in a few months, when you have got more comfortable with the concepts, your friends will be using Reaper too I suspect, so many things are possible that are not easily done in other DAWS, mainly to do with making it do what you want, and not being forced into a workflow that you have to learn.
    Feel free to ask here if you need any further info, and have a look on YT for Kenny's vids to get you going quickly.
    This is the important bit in bold - don't learn the program, learn the concepts and then learn how to apply them in a given DAW. Not only will you get better more quickly, you'll also start to develop preferences on how you achieve individual goals, and start customising the DAW to suit your own workflow.

    Also, it'll make your knowledge much more transferable to other DAWs, should you ever want to change.
    <space for hire>
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Thanks chaps,ive decided to just knuckle down and work through it.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
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