Kemper vs Helix vs Quad Cortex

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Does anyone have any experience with either or all of these units? 

Kemper is an established unit but is old tech compared to the Quad Cortex and Helix 

Watched all the Youtube videos but interested to hear peoples first hand experiences. 
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  • Jonathanthomas83Jonathanthomas83 Frets: 3496
    edited August 2023
    I wouldn't say Kemper is old tech. Especially not against the Helix. The new Liquid Profile stuff, although I've not tried it, should, by all accounts, make it fairly new-tech! Seems to be getting good reviews online too. I loved my old Kemper and would love another one day.

    Does really depend on your preference though, profiling Vs. modelling OR a snapshot of an amp+cab+mic at a given moment Vs. whatever signal chain you fancy putting together today.
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  • siremoonsiremoon Frets: 1524
    I still have the Helix I bought in January 2016 from, iirc, the very first UK batch.  It, and the Native plug-in which I also have, continue to serve me very well.  There have been a succession of firmware upgrades over the years which have improved it enormously.  £ for £ probably the best piece of gear I've ever had and if it broke I'd buy another without hesitation.  There are still some who turn their noses up because it's Line 6 or who think the terrible factory presets define it but I've got it to produce a multitude of tones I like. 

    I have no experience of either the quad cortex or kemper so only have an onlookers opinion.  Kemper strikes me as being a little different with its profiling etc and I view it as a kind of boutique option to Helix's more "chain store" offering.  My impression of the quad cortex is that it promised plenty and came up short.     

    In the end you pays your money and takes your choice.
    “He is like a man with a fork in a world of soup.” - Noel Gallagher
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  • MusicwolfMusicwolf Frets: 3732
    I've owned my Kemper (19" rack, non-powered) for eight years now, I've had my Helix for four or five.  Thanks to all the free updates both are better now than when I bought them.

    To my ears it sounds better, or at least more like a real amplifier mic'd up. 
    The PC Editor has improved greatly over the years, but it's still a bit quirky.
    I have the foot controller but the layout is a little cramped (but it is built like a brick outhouse).
    Effects are fine, but slightly limited.

    Very flexible.
    Dual amp paths.
    Tons of usable effects.
    Can load IR's (I use acoustic guitar sims live)
    You can reconfigure the pedal layout, plus it has scribble strips / coloured rings.
    You can use it as a MIDI controller.
    The Editor is a breeze but also very easy to operate from the unit itself.

    I use the Helix live and the Kemper in the studio.  If either went down I'd replace it, even though I could manage with just one of them.

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  • willowillo Frets: 417
    One thing that caught me out is how not all features are common to all units. I have a Helix, so that's my reference point, but it surprised me to find out that the Kemper only got audio interface capabilities earlier this year. While features like Snapshots are implemented differently in Fractal. I suppose the devil is in the detail.

    Will say that I'm very happy with the Helix, and in particular the ongoing support, customer engagement and user interface for the app. It seems very user focused. 
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  • I posted my thoughts a while ago but still relevant-

    “ Long time Kemper user and recent QC user here, just thought I’d share my thoughts after using the QC for a year. I’ve been gigging regularly with the QC but recently traded it for a Kemper Rack and Remote.

    First off, wow, I remember the Kemper sounding great but it really is a fantastic sounding thing. I use the M Britt profiles mainly and for me they sound better than anything in the QC. I’d sort of convinced myself the QC sounded bigger and better but that’s not actually the case, it’s possibly the opposite.

    Secondly I’m a big effects user and Kemper also does this better. Reverbs and Delays are up there with the best in Kemper and this was my biggest issue with the QC. Delays especially were really bad, they were always too smeared in amongst the amp tone, as if they were ducking automatically.

    Form factor and live use. This is very subjective but I didn’t like having the QC on the floor. We predominately play weddings and corporate functions and there’s no end of drunk idiots trying to grab microphones, spilling drinks and falling over our gear. It just makes more sense to have something racked out of harms way. I dread to think what a nightmare I was when attended these sort of things as a punter!

    There’s also a few quality of life bonuses with the Kemper such as instant switching, instant tuner, the ability to load up the next song while still playing the older one, the ability to properly re-order songs and let’s not forget the editor (which to be fair is still a bit buggy on the Kemper).

    I also think it’s still true the QC isn’t ready, the whole recent debacle over the promised plug-in support certainly pushed me over the edge, that was pretty unacceptable.

    But ultimately to those thinking Kemper is past it and old tech, in many ways it’s a far more capable unit than the shiniest new thing and there’s something to be said for how well though out it is.”

    As far as the Helix goes, I’ve never got the amps to really work for me but the full fat version is an incredible piece of gear and works in so many situations. If the amps sounded as good as the Kemper to me it’d be a no brainer.
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  • MusicwolfMusicwolf Frets: 3732
    For anyone who's bothered, I did some tests to compare the snapshot switch speed of both the Kemper and the Helix.

    I should point out that this is not comparing apples with apples since the Kemper 'slots' contain different profiles whereas the Helix are just different configurations of the same layout.  In practice though, this is what you have to work with in a gig situation.

    I triggered the switch via MIDI so that I had a reference point.

    Helix switch speed 20 msec, Kemper 150 msec.

    In most cases I could live with the slower speed, by slightly anticipating the change, but I do have at least one number in the set where I do need faster switching between an acoustic IR and a conventional amp.
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  • nero1701nero1701 Frets: 1579
    I've owned or still own in some cases

    Axe FX 2:Sold Great unit, great sounds..Too much faf

    FM3:Sold Great unit, Lacks footswitches, great sounds, great editor...Too much faf

    Eleven Rack: No fucking comment

    Quad Cortex, Bought as I really liked my Tone King and Soldano Plug ins, failed to deliver in almost every way of the 4 units I know of personally (3 mates and my own) 2 Have bricked (Not mine). 

    Kemper Rack and seperate power amp, Never fails to put a smile on the face, feels like and behaves like an amp. 1000's of profiles available, Editor has a few more steps to improve. remotes easy to program.

    I also bought a couple of the Kemper Kones and have a 2x12 with them in, I think its a little novelty tbh, but I have them "imprinted" as greenbacks and think they sound good. 
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  • Musicwolf said:
    For anyone who's bothered, I did some tests to compare the snapshot switch speed of both the Kemper and the Helix.

    I should point out that this is not comparing apples with apples since the Kemper 'slots' contain different profiles whereas the Helix are just different configurations of the same layout.  In practice though, this is what you have to work with in a gig situation.

    I triggered the switch via MIDI so that I had a reference point.

    Helix switch speed 20 msec, Kemper 150 msec.

    In most cases I could live with the slower speed, by slightly anticipating the change, but I do have at least one number in the set where I do need faster switching between an acoustic IR and a conventional amp.
    Interesting, I’ve never noticed any perceivable latency on either of the units. I think the Kemper is even able to cross fade performances? It may well be faster via the remote rather than midi. 
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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 25050
    I went Helix at launch and never regretted it.

    That being said, I don’t think you can go wrong with any of them really. They all sound a little different as the individual amps they modelled are different. Every plexi sounds different after all.

    Subjective preference really.

    However, I won’t buy any unit with a cooling fan as I have a pathological hatred of fan noise. So no Fractals for me.

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

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  • MusicwolfMusicwolf Frets: 3732
    Musicwolf said:
    For anyone who's bothered, I did some tests to compare the snapshot switch speed of both the Kemper and the Helix.

    I should point out that this is not comparing apples with apples since the Kemper 'slots' contain different profiles whereas the Helix are just different configurations of the same layout.  In practice though, this is what you have to work with in a gig situation.

    I triggered the switch via MIDI so that I had a reference point.

    Helix switch speed 20 msec, Kemper 150 msec.

    In most cases I could live with the slower speed, by slightly anticipating the change, but I do have at least one number in the set where I do need faster switching between an acoustic IR and a conventional amp.
    Interesting, I’ve never noticed any perceivable latency on either of the units. I think the Kemper is even able to cross fade performances? It may well be faster via the remote rather than midi. 
    For 99% of applications the Kemper switching is fast enough and I've gigged it quite happily.  We perform with a click track / backing so I now do all of my Helix swiching via MIDI (as well as running the light show / mixer scenes and mutes etc).  I did think about switching back to the Kemper (probably out of boredom) but in addition to the switch problem on one song there was also the fact that Kemper doesn't do MIDI over USB so I'd need to carry a USB > MIDI device, at which point I thought 'why am I doing this when the Helix is fine?'

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  • Musicwolf said:
    Musicwolf said:
    For anyone who's bothered, I did some tests to compare the snapshot switch speed of both the Kemper and the Helix.

    I should point out that this is not comparing apples with apples since the Kemper 'slots' contain different profiles whereas the Helix are just different configurations of the same layout.  In practice though, this is what you have to work with in a gig situation.

    I triggered the switch via MIDI so that I had a reference point.

    Helix switch speed 20 msec, Kemper 150 msec.

    In most cases I could live with the slower speed, by slightly anticipating the change, but I do have at least one number in the set where I do need faster switching between an acoustic IR and a conventional amp.
    Interesting, I’ve never noticed any perceivable latency on either of the units. I think the Kemper is even able to cross fade performances? It may well be faster via the remote rather than midi. 
    For 99% of applications the Kemper switching is fast enough and I've gigged it quite happily.  We perform with a click track / backing so I now do all of my Helix swiching via MIDI (as well as running the light show / mixer scenes and mutes etc).  I did think about switching back to the Kemper (probably out of boredom) but in addition to the switch problem on one song there was also the fact that Kemper doesn't do MIDI over USB so I'd need to carry a USB > MIDI device, at which point I thought 'why am I doing this when the Helix is fine?'

    That’s fair, Helix is the absolute king for midi for sure.
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29408
    It's also worth considering user interface.

    They all, I'm sure, sound decent. Having an interface you get on with is critical to getting to the sounds you want. 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • drwiddlydrwiddly Frets: 920
    edited August 2023
    I own/have owned a ton of modellers and other digital units over the years. Currently I have a Digitech GSP1101, Axe FX Ultra, Axe FX 2, Kemper rack, Helix rack and an Amplifire 3.

    I gig all of these now again and they're all capable of sounding good. As has been said, the best sounding is the Kemper closely followed by the Axe FX 2. The Helix has the best interface and editor but lacks a little in the tone department compared to those two and even the Ultra. The GSP1101 is a little Swiss Army knife and I take it out as back up for the Kemper, Helix and Ultra. The Amplifire is back up for the Axe 2.

    The Amplifire is an odd one. It needs some good IR's and the fx are a pain to dial in but the amp models are very good and with a fair bit of tweaking it can sound great. If you come from a HX Stomp, you will be tearing your hair out after 20 minutes though

    In my experience any of these units can sound really good but you need good IR's, decent FRFR speakers and, most importantly, learn how to tweak the EQ.
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  • Owned my Kemper since May 2020 and love it. Sounds very real amp wise. Won't ever beat an actual tube amp through a 4x12 but for home playing close enough. Still sounds good through a speaker cab, though I've grown used to using it direct now. The output options are useful for recording and stuff.

    Fairly easy to use and I like how you can create performances using different amps for different sounds. I'm sure you can do this with the other ones too though. Haven't played either before to comment.
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  • BGGBGG Frets: 699
    Bought a used Helix, couldn’t get my head around it. Everyone states how user friendly it is, I didn’t find that at all. Couldn’t get a decent tone out of it , my fault, totally user error. A have lots of friends gigging them and they sound killer. 
    Sold it and got a Kemper Power rack used, loved it from plugging in. Very good sounding amps, not too bad to edit and gigged it for two years with cabs, then later just direct to PA. 
    Got intrigued by the Quad Cortex, so bought one last year. Tone wise  it’s great, and especially after last weeks update, the Matchless and Victory amps are awesome. Love the smaller footprint, menus are fantastic and it’s so easy to edit. No idea why folk are pushing for the desktop software ? I couldn’t care less. 
    I run it through a Laney LFR 112 and I couldn’t be happier. 
    I’ll be selling the Kemper. 
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  • fnptfnpt Frets: 760
    edited August 2023
    I went with a Tonex pedal into the loop of a Boss GT1000 core with midi interconnectivity. Takes a while to get used to the GT's interface but its a great combination of the Tonex amp sounds and the GT's fx. Press bank up or down on the GT and the midi command is seamless into the Tonex to the corresponding amp profile.

    A Hotone switch is also on its way for additional fx control. All in all, around €1.000 for a compact great sounding rig. Perfect for home use.  

    Edit: actually closer to €1.200 including Tonex profiles from the Studio Rats and Amalgam Studios.
    "You don't know what you've got till the whole thing's gone. The days are dark and the road is long."
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  • NerineNerine Frets: 2362
    I’m surprised so little mention of the Fractal options. They’re the best IMO. 
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  • RolandRoland Frets: 8900
    The OP didn’t ask about Fractal. I assumed that was a budgetary consideration. It won’t be any surprise that I put it head and shoulders above the others, not just for FX quality, but for the ability to control everything for ease of use when playing. However you need to be prepared to learn how to exercise this control. I can understand why some people decide that it’s too complicated for their needs.
    Tree recycler, and guitarist with
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  • NerineNerine Frets: 2362
    Roland said:
    The OP didn’t ask about Fractal. I assumed that was a budgetary consideration. It won’t be any surprise that I put it head and shoulders above the others, not just for FX quality, but for the ability to control everything for ease of use when playing. However you need to be prepared to learn how to exercise this control. I can understand why some people decide that it’s too complicated for their needs.
    Perhaps, but a Quad Cortex isn't what you'd call "cheap" and you could probably get into the Fractal ecosystem if you shopped around at that sort of money. 
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  • PolarityManPolarityMan Frets: 7446
    No experience of the QC but we tracked an album through a kemper and it sounded great, really really good amp tones. I have helix for live and it is *fine* I guess. Amps are pretty decent, the original stock cabs were bullshit so using your own IR's really makes the amp models sound a lot better although still not on par with kemper or top VSTs for me. Effects are  generally pretty decent but delay is very hard  to tweak just right to get the exact number of repeats you want. I think their decay curves could be too aggressive. The whammy is also a bit polite and weird sounding. Finally its a massive chunk.

    However despite all those bad points it is massively flexible in terms of I/O and signal path routing, it does sound easily "good enough" especially in a live setting. The native plugin means that you can tweak presets without the unit then load them on alter which is always handy. The scribble strips and coloured lighting on the buttons are fantastic for minimising mis-stomps. They a re still adding new models through firmware upgrades which is great, the new cabs for instance are much ebtter than the original ones.

    Personally I wouldnt go to a rack form factor so I think it still wins out as best overall unit but I would love it to be maybe 3/4s of the size and to sort out the bloody delays.
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