Are slow drivers dangerous?

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In the last twenty-four hours, I have been twice been involved in discussions regarding drivers that drive too slowly. My wife who, on a good day, will drive at normal speeds, slows right down in bad weather. She regularly tells of those who overtake her in foggy, icy or excessively rainy conditions. 

My question to the wise and well informed sages of this forum is;

With the obvious exception of motorways, is it dangerous to drive too slowly?

My view, to kick things off....

I think that drivers should drive according to their own perception of road conditions and perceived hazards. They should not be brow-beaten or forced to drive outside their capability. If a driver, for example, wishes to drive at 20mph in a 30mph zone because they fear a child may run out, that, to me, is being socially responsible and not dangerous. The driver behind that gets agitated and tries to overtake in that zone is the danger.
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  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 28012
    edited January 2015
    Wolfetone said:
    My view, to kick things off....

    I think that drivers should drive according to their own perception of road conditions and perceived hazards. They should not be brow-beaten or forced to drive outside their capability. If a driver, for example, wishes to drive at 20mph in a 30mph zone because they fear a child may run out, that, to me, is being socially responsible and not dangerous. The driver behind that gets agitated and tries to overtake in that zone is the danger.
    It depends on how slowly they're driving. For example, 5mph in a 30mph zone is likely to cause problems. So might 10mph, actually. With a rough finger in the air, 20mph is probably OK. Where's the threshold? Dunno.

    It's not necessarily the act of driving slowly that's the problem. If somebody doesn't feel safe driving at, say, more than half the speed limit under normal conditions then I'd say that person probably shouldn't be considered to be safe on the road at all.
    <space for hire>
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  • breakstuffbreakstuff Frets: 10884
    I find its the ones who are constantly breaking for no apparent reason that are the real menace.
    Laugh, love, live, learn. 
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  • holnrewholnrew Frets: 8207
    I think people drive too quickly and are overconfident in their driving ability. I hired a car and drove for the first time in ages at the weekend, and the thing that struck me is how much you take for granted. That other drivers are going to drive well, that the road surface is safe, pedestrians and cyclists will be visible. Driving even at 30mph, it's impossible to be completely aware of everything. 

    I really don't think it's too dangerous to drive slowly, within reason. Anybody who doesn't react in time to somebody doing ~20mph below the limit is driving too quickly in the first place. I think it's an argument from the same people who say "I need a fast car to accelerate away from danger".

    Drivers are generally too entitled.
    My V key is broken
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  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17140
    On some foreign roads there is a minimum speed limit, so there may be something in it.

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  • FuzzdogFuzzdog Frets: 839
    It's the 'fixed speed drivers' which drive me nuts.

    60 limit?  They do 40mph, and build up a long line of frustrated traffic behind them.

    Limit drops to 30?  Off they go, still doing 40, leaving everyone else behind, only to once again build up a queue when the limit goes back up to 60 as they refuse to deviate from their little speed bubble.
    -- Before you ask, no, I am in no way, shape or form related to Fuzzdog pedals, I was Fuzzdog before Fuzzdog were Fuzzdog.  Unless you want to give me free crap, then I'm related to whatever the hell you like! --
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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28389
    I'd say that slow drivers cause problems. It is irritating to other drivers if people are too slow, and causes some to eventually pass where they wouldn't normally bother. I do quite a lot of driving and it can irritate quite a bit sometimes. I'm not one for speeding around, even on motorways, but I don't like being stuck doing 20 in a 30 zone, 30 in a 40 zone. I'm not saying that they 'should' drive faster though. The speed limit is a maximum, so anything up to that is basically OK.
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  • jonnyburgojonnyburgo Frets: 12657

    Fuzzdog said:
    It's the 'fixed speed drivers' which drive me nuts.

    60 limit?  They do 40mph, and build up a long line of frustrated traffic behind them.

    Limit drops to 30?  Off they go, still doing 40, leaving everyone else behind, only to once again build up a queue when the limit goes back up to 60 as they refuse to deviate from their little speed bubble.
    It depends what the road is, on an unfamiliar country lane there is no way I'm going to do 60 with the family in the car, If you get some prat stuck to your bumper trying to make a point that's their problem
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • ToneControlToneControl Frets: 12248
    Fuzzdog said:
    It's the 'fixed speed drivers' which drive me nuts.

    60 limit?  They do 40mph, and build up a long line of frustrated traffic behind them.

    Limit drops to 30?  Off they go, still doing 40, leaving everyone else behind, only to once again build up a queue when the limit goes back up to 60 as they refuse to deviate from their little speed bubble.
    these are the ones I was going to bitch about:
    60mph zone long country road? they do 35-40
    built up residential 30mph narrow road - they do 35-40

    People who drive slowly like this cause other people to overtake them, so yes it is more dangerous, since every overtaking manoeuvre carries a risk. Generally I just chill and sit behind them, which is ironic since I now have the fastest car I've ever owned. Mind you, having a really fast car makes you realise how quickly you can put yourself and others in danger when you overtake
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  • VimFuegoVimFuego Frets: 16465
    round here it's not unusual to get stuck behind a tractor, lorry (twisty roads mean they generally go slow as well) or old person, so you just factor going slow into your equations. The most usual type of accident is going off the road into the ditch, that's generally caused by too much speed.

    I'm not locked in here with you, you are locked in here with me.

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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 28678
    Safe driving is all about anticipation. I don't drive slowly but I'm always looking for what could happen and go wrong (especially out here in the Land of No Indicators).

    If you're on a wide B-road with no turnings or field entrances you can crack on safely, but as soon as you have blind junctions or whatever you need to keep in mind that something could come bombing out of one without looking. Equally, even when you can see someone waiting they can always pull out on you - you can tell the slightest movement from the rotation of their front wheel before you can see the car physically moving forward.

    I don't think driving a bit slow is particularly dangerous though, unless it's so slow that it encourages people to overtake unsafely, not least 
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • dogloaddogload Frets: 1495
    I don't take issue with drivers being more cautious in areas where there are lots of parked cars on either side of the road- it makes sense. However, I find that I am increasingly having to drive in 3rd gear for long periods when it is absolutely not necessary. It is  frustrating.

    I travel to work between 6.30 and 7.00 a.m. on roads that are not congested- in fact traffic is usually very light, but I still find that I am having to trail someone doing 20 mph or less almost every day. 

    What is even more annoying is that I have to pass through a tunnel where the speed limit is clearly marked all the way along as 40 mph. I would say that 4 days out of 5 the traffic is forced to queue behind a driver who takes it upon themselves to do 30 or less, or one who has slowed down rather than overtake a lorry. For the record, the tunnel is only a couple of years old, is comfortably wide and very well lit. Sheesh!

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  • Fog, especially very think fog is one of the most difficult conditions to drive in.  You need to slow so its safe within the limits of the available visibility but are constantly aware that their could be a nutter going too fast coming up the rear.    Ice and snow also need caution.

    In all other condition I take the view that someone has decided that the speed limit is a safe speed to travel at.  I would say that 10% or 5mph below is the point where it get annoying for anyone else.  Its incumbent on the driver to drive in a way that keeps he traffic flowing.  

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  • guitarfishbayguitarfishbay Frets: 7973
    edited January 2015
    You can't control how others drive so the best approach is just to keep yourself safe. Usually I do drive at the speed limit. However, like Jonny, if I'm unhappy driving at 60 on a road I don't know then I won't do it. Though if some bugger who has run late or just has no patience comes up behind me and I feel is a danger to myself I will pull in and let them past. Life is too short to let someone like that put me in danger. In real terms, we're usually talking a difference of single figure minutes to the journey time, which is no big deal most of the time providing decent time management and accounting for possible delays. The amount of drivers I see texting worries me far more.
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  • Driving slowly is not dangerous in itself however often the same drivers will have other unsafe habits. Sudden breaking for no reason, fog lights in the rain. Breaking in the corner rather than before it. Do not.commit to a manoeuvre and change their mind mid way. Do not know how to take a roundabout.

    When you are driving you are in charge of a 1 ton+ killing machine with lots of other killing machines on the road. You need to be confident you know the rules (even the unwritten ones) to be able to drive safe.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 28678
    Driving slowly is not dangerous in itself however often the same drivers will have other unsafe habits. Sudden breaking for no reason, fog lights in the rain. Breaking in the corner rather than before it. Do not.commit to a manoeuvre and change their mind mid way. Do not know how to take a roundabout.

    When you are driving you are in charge of a 1 ton+ killing machine with lots of other killing machines on the road. You need to be confident you know the rules (even the unwritten ones) to be able to drive safe.
    If we're doing a list of things worse than driving a bit slow I can beat those...

    Hazard lights on in fog. But not fog lights...
    Tailgating 4 feet behind the car in front.
    Tailgating 4 feet behind the car in front. At 85.
    Tailgating 4 feet behind the car in front. At 85. In the rain.
    Overtaking then brake-checking the driver you were tailgating because he didn't get out of the way quick enough
    Overtaking on the hard shoulder
    Turning left at traffic lights from the 3rd lane of 5, when the lane to your left is marked left and straight on
    Reversing back down hard shoulder after missing an exit
    Driving while on phone
    Driving while on phone AND reading newspaper
    Child not wearing seatbelt
    Child jumping up and down on back seat
    Child sat on driver's lap doing the steering...

    That said, the most scared I've ever been in a car was a cab going too slow when all around were doing 85. He started at about 60 and slowed down every time someone overtook- clearly had never driven before on a highway. Absolutely bloody terrifying.
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • mike_lmike_l Frets: 5700

    It depends entirely on the situation.

    20 in a 30, past a school, safe.

    20 in a 60 on a dry, clear day, unsafe as most other drivers will (reasonably) expect to be driving at 60.

    I worked with a guy who was prosecuted for driving too slowly, 40 on a motorway, in clear conditions.



    Ringleader of the Cambridge cartel, pedal champ and king of the dirt boxes (down to 21) 

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  • stickyfiddle;488229" said:
    Axe_meister said:

    Driving slowly is not dangerous in itself however often the same drivers will have other unsafe habits. Sudden breaking for no reason, fog lights in the rain. Breaking in the corner rather than before it. Do not.commit to a manoeuvre and change their mind mid way. Do not know how to take a roundabout.

    When you are driving you are in charge of a 1 ton+ killing machine with lots of other killing machines on the road. You need to be confident you know the rules (even the unwritten ones) to be able to drive safe.

    If we're doing a list of things worse than driving a bit slow I can beat those...

    Hazard lights on in fog. But not fog lights...Tailgating 4 feet behind the car in front.

    Tailgating 4 feet behind the car in front. At 85.

    Tailgating 4 feet behind the car in front. At 85. In the rain.Overtaking then brake-checking the driver you were tailgating because he didn't get out of the way quick enoughOvertaking on the hard shoulderTurning left at traffic lights from the 3rd lane of 5, when the lane to your left is marked left and straight onReversing back down hard shoulder after missing an exitDriving while on phoneDriving while on phone AND reading newspaperChild not wearing seatbeltChild jumping up and down on back seatChild sat on driver's lap doing the steering...

    That said, the most scared I've ever been in a car was a cab going too slow when all around were doing 85. He started at about 60 and slowed down every time someone overtook- clearly had never driven before on a highway. Absolutely bloody terrifying.
    Funny thing all of those are the traits of an over confident driver (or an arsehole).
    I used to do a lot of hill climbs/racing where you truely learnt the limits of your driving and your car. It stopped me being an idiot on the road.
    A) Because I got a lot out of my system
    B) Because I realised how dangerous I was driving.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • FuzzdogFuzzdog Frets: 839

    Fuzzdog said:
    It's the 'fixed speed drivers' which drive me nuts.

    60 limit?  They do 40mph, and build up a long line of frustrated traffic behind them.

    Limit drops to 30?  Off they go, still doing 40, leaving everyone else behind, only to once again build up a queue when the limit goes back up to 60 as they refuse to deviate from their little speed bubble.
    It depends what the road is, on an unfamiliar country lane there is no way I'm going to do 60 with the family in the car, If you get some prat stuck to your bumper trying to make a point that's their problem
    The type of drivers I'm talking about are the ones who have one fixed speed and seem utterly oblivious to changing conditions.  They'll always drive at the same speed whether on a straight A road, driving past a school gate or on a tiny country lane in freezing conditions.  I'm related to a couple of them and it's terrifying how unaware they are of pretty much anything happening outside the car.

    I have no problem with someone going slower than the limit if they're unfamiliar with the road, or conditions are bad.  
    -- Before you ask, no, I am in no way, shape or form related to Fuzzdog pedals, I was Fuzzdog before Fuzzdog were Fuzzdog.  Unless you want to give me free crap, then I'm related to whatever the hell you like! --
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 28678

    stickyfiddle;488229" said:
    Axe_meister said:

    Driving slowly is not dangerous in itself however often the same drivers will have other unsafe habits. Sudden breaking for no reason, fog lights in the rain. Breaking in the corner rather than before it. Do not.commit to a manoeuvre and change their mind mid way. Do not know how to take a roundabout.

    When you are driving you are in charge of a 1 ton+ killing machine with lots of other killing machines on the road. You need to be confident you know the rules (even the unwritten ones) to be able to drive safe.

    If we're doing a list of things worse than driving a bit slow I can beat those...

    Hazard lights on in fog. But not fog lights...Tailgating 4 feet behind the car in front.

    Tailgating 4 feet behind the car in front. At 85.

    Tailgating 4 feet behind the car in front. At 85. In the rain.Overtaking then brake-checking the driver you were tailgating because he didn't get out of the way quick enoughOvertaking on the hard shoulderTurning left at traffic lights from the 3rd lane of 5, when the lane to your left is marked left and straight onReversing back down hard shoulder after missing an exitDriving while on phoneDriving while on phone AND reading newspaperChild not wearing seatbeltChild jumping up and down on back seatChild sat on driver's lap doing the steering...

    That said, the most scared I've ever been in a car was a cab going too slow when all around were doing 85. He started at about 60 and slowed down every time someone overtook- clearly had never driven before on a highway. Absolutely bloody terrifying.
    Funny thing all of those are the traits of an over confident driver (or an arsehole).
    I used to do a lot of hill climbs/racing where you truely learnt the limits of your driving and your car. It stopped me being an idiot on the road.
    A) Because I got a lot out of my system
    B) Because I realised how dangerous I was driving.
    Absolutley. And it sums up a good 40% of the drivers in the UAE unfortunately. There was heavy fog a couple of weeks ago which resulted in a 57 car pileup. People are just idiots, sadly.
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • VimFuegoVimFuego Frets: 16465

    It depends what the road is, on an unfamiliar country lane there is no way I'm going to do 60 with the family in the car, If you get some prat stuck to your bumper trying to make a point that's their problem
    as a general rule, in a situation you've described I try to pull over to let the faster driver go past. If he stacks his car that's his problem, so long as he doesn't block the road (I may stop long enough to call the emergency services, depends on my schedule).

    I'm not locked in here with you, you are locked in here with me.

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