What was the first film you saw at the cinema

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MyrandaMyranda Frets: 2940
Inspired by something said in the Ghostbusters 202 0 thread ... What film did you see first (in the cinema) ? 

Did it ignite a live of cinema, did it make you hate films? Does it still seem as good/bad as you thought it was then?

I'll go first and unfortunately show my age a little ... 
Masters of the Universe (with Dolph Lundgren). Whilst it's a fairly rubbish film, it had colourful and dazzling special effects for the time and was fun and exciting to such a young and impressionable youngster, and it fired my love of film and of sci-fi and kerplosions in films... 
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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 25017
    Disney's The Black Hole.

    I bought it on DVD a couple of years ago. It has not aged well" :D 

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

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  • Police Academy 4 - Citizens On Patrol.
    My trading feedback can be seen here - http://www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/58242/
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  • Can't be 100% certain but I think Pinnochio, which I  saw more than once before I even went to school. As an adult I can still see why I liked it but I can't remember my actual thoughts as a 4 year old or whatever I was.
    “To a man with a hammer every problem looks like a nail.”
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  • Not 100% sure it was either The empire strikes back or the wrath of Khan - I was about 5 - I loved both, life long Sci-fi fan from it :)
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  • not_the_djnot_the_dj Frets: 7306
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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28356
    Hmmnnn .... I saw 4 films as young kid with the family. We didn't have a lot of money so it was a pretty rare treat:

    The Jungle Book
    The Love Bug
    Bedknobs & Broomsticks
    The Aristocats

    Not sure which was first and I can't be bothered to google 4 films! (think I've guessed right though)

    I still love Bedknobs & Broomsticks, it's pretty naff in many ways, and I still laugh at a few suits of armour in a small museum translating to about 500 atop the cliffs! Having said that, I saw it at an age where it was truly magical.

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  • Tone71Tone71 Frets: 635
    The Driver my mum took me to see it in Leicester Square on one of our many trips together to Soho when I was a kid.
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  • LastMantraLastMantra Frets: 3826
    First I remember was superman 3.
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  • Either Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or Where eagles dare.... i do like a decent war film
    “Ken sent me.”
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  • MayneheadMaynehead Frets: 1782
    I have absolutely no idea... how do people remember these things?!
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  • menamestommenamestom Frets: 4796

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  • mudslide73mudslide73 Frets: 3114
    Superman the Movie. Just missed out on Star Wars. 
    "A city star won’t shine too far"

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  • MyrandaMyranda Frets: 2940
    Maynehead said:
    I have absolutely no idea... how do people remember these things?!
    As a youngster a trip to the cinema was unusual as we were a bit poor. So it stood out. And what with it's being an effects driven spectacular, a coupled with a brain all spongy and ready for new things in my case it stands out as one of the few moments of my younger childhood I can recall  
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  • the_jaffathe_jaffa Frets: 1873
    Bedknobs and Broomsticks for me too
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  • racefaceec90racefaceec90 Frets: 1041
    edited January 2019
    around 84 i think it was star wars and empire strikes back double bill at my local cinema. pretty good i think for first cinema experience :-) .years later realized that friends i both knew then and had yet to meet (literally 20 odd years until i met one of my friends) were all there watching the films too lol. 

    actually it may well have been before return of the jedi actually as I'm sure they would have shown it so 81 then . 
    i like cake :-) here's my youtube channel   https://www.youtube.com/user/racefaceec90 

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  • SnagsSnags Frets: 5489
    I have no idea.  Probably a kiddie thing, although we didn't go that often. I know I saw Star Wars when it came out, and that wasn't the first thing I'd seen, but no idea what I saw before it. Saw "Call of the Wild" at some point, but can't have been when released in 1972 (not the earlier versions) because I would have been far too young.
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  • SassafrasSassafras Frets: 30322
    edited January 2019
    Last Tango in Paris when I was 10.
    How the hell should I know? I'm in my sixties. I can barely remember the last film I saw.
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  • mgawmgaw Frets: 5356
    Zulu  when I was about 6 or 7   living on an RAF base in Germany.... loved it
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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 12557
    I’ve no idea either, probably whatever new Disney film was around in 1957/8, when I was 3 or 4. 
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  • GassageGassage Frets: 31322
    Where Eagles Dare.

    All downhill after that..

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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