Joe Bonamassa - new album...

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  • blueskunkblueskunk Frets: 2916
    SimonC;293843" said:
    Is it just me or is he looking more like Peter Kay every day.You never see them in the same room together do you? "Garlic.......bread??"
    "Can u ere me now?"
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  • I've put thought behind this one a bit more.

    this to some extent is a make or break album for Joe, I don't mean career killer or anything like that but, he's already proved he can play exceptionally well, he's already proved he can record a good track, he's proven he's just as good live as his reputation suggests, he knows gear and how to get good sounds out of it, etc etc, the one thing he's not proven is a fully fledged song writer. He's written some great tracks but this is an album full of original material, this is his name being stamped down, if this is a dud, it would be a real chink the armour. He's stepping out of the safe blanket of blues covers and saying "this is my best, this is what made the album".

    I've gained interest now thinking about this more.

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  • OctahedronOctahedron Frets: 400
    I've not got to reading it yet, but I bought the new issue of Guitarist with Mr JoBo on the covers. 

    So far all I've read in it is 10 ?s we ask everyone feat. Sambora and Orianthi. An unlikely pairing there, for sure... 
    Music the great communicator, use two sticks to make it in the nature - a music reviews blog:
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  • darcym said:
    I've put thought behind this one a bit more.

    this to some extent is a make or break album for Joe, I don't mean career killer or anything like that but, he's already proved he can play exceptionally well, he's already proved he can record a good track, he's proven he's just as good live as his reputation suggests, he knows gear and how to get good sounds out of it, etc etc, the one thing he's not proven is a fully fledged song writer. He's written some great tracks but this is an album full of original material, this is his name being stamped down, if this is a dud, it would be a real chink the armour. He's stepping out of the safe blanket of blues covers and saying "this is my best, this is what made the album".

    I've gained interest now thinking about this more.

    That's a great way of thinking about it...well said.

    I do think it will be the chink in the armour rather than the masterpiece that proves his legend, but I am open to being proved wrong.

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  • OctahedronOctahedron Frets: 400
    The clips are up for the album on iTunes (at least they are in Australia). I don't know what the go is in the rest of the world but in Australia we get 90 second clips. So that gives a fair taste of what's to be expected.

    Actually, there's some really different sounding stuff on the album! I tip my hat off to Mr Bonamassa. I did have my initial reservations.

    Poor choice of 'single' to release, IMO. I'd love to hear the full version of track 2 "Oh Beautiful" It's pretty heavy (for JB), got a interesting effect (maybe it's the one I read about in guitarist that he said he used a POG for or something) 

    There's some variety too. Some of it sounds like the stuff he's done with Beth Hart, some of it sounds like 'typical' JB, some of it sounds like nothing he's really dabbled with before.

    And I read somewhere he has actually collaborated on writing some of the tracks.

    Oh and the opening song is actually a "weird" Hendrix cover.

    Go figure. 
    Music the great communicator, use two sticks to make it in the nature - a music reviews blog:
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  • not_the_djnot_the_dj Frets: 7306

    Oh and the opening song is actually a "weird" Hendrix cover.

    Go figure. 
    Weird as in how he's interpreted the track?...or it's weird to start with?

    I love the Hendrix take on the "First Rays" CD, but I've yet to listen to any of the JB clips yet.

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  • OctahedronOctahedron Frets: 400
    Moreso it's weird to start with for an album that was supposedly all-originals! 
    Music the great communicator, use two sticks to make it in the nature - a music reviews blog:
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  • not_the_djnot_the_dj Frets: 7306
    Moreso it's weird to start with for an album that was supposedly all-originals! 
    Yeah I see what you mean.
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  • Nice one @TPReggie

    I don't mind the new song at all, but I do think it's pretty standard Bonamassa stuff...Can't quite see where this dramatic big change is that they keep alluding to.

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  • firks91firks91 Frets: 104
    i didnt realise there was this many people who disliked him to be honest. i can see why soe may not like him i guess but i think he's great, not all of his songs are stellar but there is a fair few which i really like. i would like to see him live at some point. 
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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16424
    TPReggie said:

    that just keeps seizing up for me :(
    @firks91 I have seen Joe live twice and he was excellent. He, or someone, has started charging rather a lot for tickets now so I suspect there won't be a third time. He is also quite different live than on record, much looser and bluesier. I like that JB more than I like the over produced lite rock JB you get on the albums.
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • firks91firks91 Frets: 104
    TPReggie said:

    that just keeps seizing up for me :(
    @firks91 I have seen Joe live twice and he was excellent. He, or someone, has started charging rather a lot for tickets now so I suspect there won't be a third time. He is also quite different live than on record, much looser and bluesier. I like that JB more than I like the over produced lite rock JB you get on the albums.
    thats good to know. i do have a couple of his "live at" dvds and it does seem excellent. how much are tickets these days? he has really started capitalising on merchandise and shows, which im not really a fan of but well thats his income i suppose.
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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16424
    There was a thread a while back about the cost of his tickets now, can't recall but higher than standard for the venues (£80 ish I think).
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • firks91firks91 Frets: 104
    ah bloody hell, thats a bit pricey. if thats the case it'll quite likely be a one time thing for me unless he completely blows me away or whatever.
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  • OctahedronOctahedron Frets: 400
    Oh goodness me some of the faces he makes while playing the solo in that video are worth a watch! Funny stuff :)
    Music the great communicator, use two sticks to make it in the nature - a music reviews blog:
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  • He reminds me of a chap I was in a band with once who had Asperger's.

    Let me stress right away that I do not mean that as an insult to him or anyone else with or without Asperger's, but some of the personality traits are markedly similar, in my opinion.

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  • ElxElx Frets: 412
    So it's guys like you who are the reason we are constantly subjected to Bonamassa and Clapton features in the Guitarist and Guitar techniques magazines! :) 

    I don't know, apart from the fact that he looks like a bank manager, his stuff is so middle of the road to me that I find it really annoying. The guy can play, but there's absolutely nothing exciting about his persona. IMO of course :)
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  • ElxElx Frets: 412
    I received my latest GT magazine yesterday. Another Clapton cover story...I don't think I will be renewing my subscription. I can only imagine the excitement among the staff when they sit down to discuss the next issue. Hey, let's do another Clapton story! Sure, why not? Screw our readers, they are a bunch of pentatonic wankers anyway, what do they know...
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  • TPReggieTPReggie Frets: 22
    There was a thread a while back about the cost of his tickets now, can't recall but higher than standard for the venues (£80 ish I think).
    I posted in that thread as I was looking to go to his gig next year in March. £117.50 a ticket - STANDARD ticket that is, so I will not be going. 

    I am going to see Kenny Wayne Shepherd in November for £22.50 a ticket. 

    I know JB is more famous than KWS - but I really enjoy both their playing, as much as I would like to see JB live - I never will at those prices. 

    I may pay that to see a fully reformed Floyd do a nice long gig or something of that ilk - but not a current artist with comparable people doing the same kind of thing for a 3rd of the price. 
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