Radio 2 Hundred Riffs thing

What's Hot


  • TinLipTinLip Frets: 368
    What I find a bit puzzling is that they don't seem to have actually published an in order list anywhere that I can find.
    I know. It's really frustrating, I just wish I could find it somewhere.


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  • BellycasterBellycaster Frets: 5883
    My groans got ever louder the closer to #1 it went. Honestly, who the fuck compiled this list? Lots of great songs, yes, and a FEW unexpected ones. I hate being given what I can choose from......The BBC might as well have said "Here is your 100 songs, we can't allow people to vote with their own imagination because we simply can't be arsed to source any other music if it's not already on our playlist anyway."

    Most likely, the high % of voters maybe recognised about 8 guitarists from the list and then just picked Slash because everyone knows the melody to S.C.O.M

    Bollocks BBC!

    Rant Over!

    Only a Fool Would Say That.
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  • stedsted Frets: 259
    I love most of those songs though, gawd, am I Jeremy Clarkson?

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  • PolarityManPolarityMan Frets: 7395
    meh some of those songs dont even have a riff in them let alone one of the greatest riffs of all time.
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  • johnnyurqjohnnyurq Frets: 1368
    edited August 2014
    sted said:
    I love most of those songs though, gawd, am I Jeremy Clarkson?

    I don't know. 

    Do you fraternise with a serving Prime Minister and hang out with horse loving ginger bints who got away scot free with a clean pair of heels?

    I like a lot of them too but there are loads more better stuff in the context of riffage.

    Bloody hell does that mean I am James May or worse the Hamster. Nah my teeth aren't very white and whilst I have some natural brain damage it wasn't from a high speed crash, and not as wee as he is. So I must be May (not Theresa).

    Disclaimer I actually like James May and don't mind Clarkson and Hammond, despite being moumental arses at times.
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  • stickersticker Frets: 869
    any "Greatest Riffs" list that doesn't feature any songs by Hot Chocolate isn't worth reading ...
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