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  • darthed1981darthed1981 Frets: 12468
    Iamnobody said:
    I’ve misjudged the room on this one - I admit that. I honestly thought Killers were kind of a solid pop act for those who don’t necessarily obsess about music (as I assumed a lot of us do) but listens to the radio and popular music of the day. That seems to be the perception of them in my circles anyway.
    To repeat my point above, no slight intended, all opinions on the band are opinions on whether or not you like a piece of popular music.

    I'd say though overall in this thread we have all underestimated the Killers a bit.  They really did hit the ground running and keep running for quite a while.  Like a lot of bands who get this big (Muse, Coldplay, U2 etc) they have steadily built up a killer set list so they can profitably tour probably for another forty years.  Arguably their newer records are their best stuff, their popularity letting them enjoy themselves (a bit like Foo Fighters IMHO, I'm way more interested in their new stuff than their "classic" stuff).

    They have also always been a very tight band, who wrap Flower's vocals up like he's the sausage in a sausage roll.

    YMMV of course - nobody is obliged to like them.
    You are the dreamer, and the dream...
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  • DefaultMDefaultM Frets: 7434
    Iamnobody said:
    I love the threads on here about a specific song usually instantly attract an "I don't like it and I don't understand why anyone does" post (no slight meant at anyone who does post so). 

    Isn't the approach of Justin Hawkins on his Youtube channel better?  Let's listen to it and understand why people DO like it, what there is in this piece of music to like or love.

    For me music must be about positive things, as it is one thing in life that can be nothing but a positive influence.  I'm not a big fan of screamy metal music, or blues music that's just an old bloke doing one bend for ten minutes, but given the passion both inspire, they both must have something going for them?

    I’ve misjudged the room on this one - I admit that. I honestly thought Killers were kind of a solid pop act for those who don’t necessarily obsess about music (as I assumed a lot of us do) but listens to the radio and popular music of the day. That seems to be the perception of them in my circles anyway.

    The debut album came out a year before I left high school and I got pretty sick of it because most of the girls I knew were obsessed. Then I joined a covers band and they had quite a few Killers songs which I thought was odd, but actually they're really fun and everyone always gets up for them.
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  • rsvmarkrsvmark Frets: 1405
    Like it or loathe it on a personal level, you cannot deny it is a massively popular song but maybe just doesn’t flick your switch. That’s fine. Having played it (I think correctly) in pubs and decent sized local festivals, it always is a hell of a set closer. For me this raises the level of enjoyment to see punters going nuts is ace. I love it.

    Then seeing the real deal a few years ago when we were maybe 10 yards from the stage, we saw, or rather felt 10,000 people behind us go apeshit and get lost in the song. Loved it
    An official Foo liked guitarist since 2024
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  • rsvmark said:
    Like it or loathe it on a personal level, you cannot deny it is a massively popular song but maybe just doesn’t flick your switch. That’s fine. Having played it (I think correctly) in pubs and decent sized local festivals, it always is a hell of a set closer. For me this raises the level of enjoyment to see punters going nuts is ace. I love it.

    Then seeing the real deal a few years ago when we were maybe 10 yards from the stage, we saw, or rather felt 10,000 people behind us go apeshit and get lost in the song. Loved it
    Agreed. It's one of the undroppable songs in our set however much we are bored of it and however much it pains me having to fine tune the intro if I haven't played it for a few weeks (never nail it perfectly in practices but yet to mess it up live).
    At the end of the final set with a drunk crowd it's magic.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I'm another one who doesn't "get" the Killers. Cannot see the appeal at all - Blues Rock is even worse, mind you. :D
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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23713
    It’s a fantastic song and every time I hear a guitarist proclaiming their hate for it I assume they only like blues rock and hilarious prog
    I think I hate it, but I've only heard it a couple of times, I can't remember what it sounds like and I certainly can't be arsed to go and listen to it.  I like some blues rock and fairly unamusing prog.

    Oh, and I'd never call myself a guitarist. 
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