Tonemaster hankering (now successfully hankered)

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TimmyOTimmyO Frets: 7798
edited June 2023 in Amps
I have an idle hankering for a Fender Tonemaster

I’m over valve amps (medically, carrying heavy things is not something I can do any more)

I have semi-realistic thoughts of playing out (just jams) in future - main barrier being time.

I like my AMP1 and Neo cab but just have a general hankering for something in a more traditional format that won’t continually be tempting me to faff with midi or multiple channels. 

My preferred way of playing is riding the volume to go between clean and gritty, and pedal for something more obviously ‘lead’

Which models would you be leaning toward, or trying out in store? 
Red ones are better. 
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  • bermudianbritbermudianbrit Frets: 174
    The DR blond. Great speaker, light, loud enough. I have one and its a great thing.
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  • JalapenoJalapeno Frets: 6424
    Princeton, with a pine rather than MDF cab and a neo speaker for your delectation - give Rift a call ...
    Imagine something sharp and witty here ......

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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 27897
    I absolutely love my DR. I have the regular black one and it kicks ass. Easy one hand carry, attenuation is great, and the DI out is an absolute boon for gigging
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • LittlejonnyLittlejonny Frets: 164
    Those of you who have these - how do they compare to your valve amps?
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  • chrisj1602chrisj1602 Frets: 4079
    I’ve had a DR and I am now a very happy Princeton owner. I think they’re great amps. They’re versatile for different situations, they sound good and take pedals well.
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 27897
    Those of you who have these - how do they compare to your valve amps?
    For me, pretty damn close. I’m certain it doesn’t sound identical to a valve DR, but it’s close enough in a mix and the other benefits far outweigh any downside. 

    If I had a detached house or studio and never needed to move it I’d probably choose a valve one but I don’t so I don’t!
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • HAL9000HAL9000 Frets: 9870
    TimmyO said:.

    I...  ...have a general hankering for something in a more traditional format that won’t continually be tempting me to faff with midi or multiple channels. 

    My preferred way of playing is riding the volume to go between clean and gritty, and pedal for something more obviously ‘lead’

    ^ This is me. However, rather than going down the ToneMaster route I’ve recently ordered a (yet to arrive) Award-Session 5E3 Extra. It’s essentially a three-knob analogue solid-state amp - tone, volume, and master so no faffing necessary. I tried one out recently at a local blues jam and was impressed enough to place an order when I got home.
    I play guitar because I enjoy it rather than because I’m any good at it
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  • BarquentineBarquentine Frets: 312
    Maybe look at a Quilter Cub. I love mine. 
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  • TeyeplayerTeyeplayer Frets: 3343
    I absolutely love my DR. I have the regular black one and it kicks ass. Easy one hand carry, attenuation is great, and the DI out is an absolute boon for gigging
    This has been my experience, it’s a great bit of kit. I’m not going to pretend I’m not gassing for something else so have it up for trade right now, but I know from a rational perspective (because gas is never rational) that it is very hard to beat.
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  • dazzajldazzajl Frets: 5950
    I would say Princeton if you’re thinking of jams without a drummer. It’s small, gorgeous and has the nicest breakup of the three types I’ve played. If you need more volume, then the DR is your fella. Black wrapped is my personal preference but the Blond is very popular. 
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  • WazmeisterWazmeister Frets: 9728
    The DR blond. Great speaker, light, loud enough. I have one and its a great thing.
    This - 100%.
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  • jellybellyjellybelly Frets: 792
    Love mine. Is it the best amp, tone wise, I've ever owned? Nope, not miles off though. But it's by far the easiest amp I've ever owned to live with. 
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  • TimmyOTimmyO Frets: 7798
    HAL9000 said:
    TimmyO said:.

    I...  ...have a general hankering for something in a more traditional format that won’t continually be tempting me to faff with midi or multiple channels. 

    My preferred way of playing is riding the volume to go between clean and gritty, and pedal for something more obviously ‘lead’

    ^ This is me. However, rather than going down the ToneMaster route I’ve recently ordered a (yet to arrive) Award-Session 5E3 Extra. It’s essentially a three-knob analogue solid-state amp - tone, volume, and master so no faffing necessary. I tried one out recently at a local blues jam and was impressed enough to place an order when I got home.
    I had a look at the website yesterday - sounds very interesting - I’d want to be able to play one before it turned my head though 
    Red ones are better. 
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  • johnhejohnhe Frets: 192
    I still own a Vibrolux, a Blues Deluxe, an Origin 20 and a Pro Jnr. I really like them all. But the amp I use now, both at gigs and at home is a Tonemaster Deluxe Reverb. 
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  • TeyeplayerTeyeplayer Frets: 3343
    That’s high praise @johnhe, some nice amps there.
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  • GassageGassage Frets: 31271
    This is the ONLY Tonemaster I hanker after....
    One of Fender's finest ever.

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73238
    edited May 2023
    Gassage said:
    This is the ONLY Tonemaster I hanker after....
    One of Fender's finest ever.
    Unfortunately it’s one of the few amps I’ve ever played that really does need to be turned up properly loud to really release the magic. At low volumes it’s a bit lacklustre, even on the clean channel, and the ‘dirt channel’ sounds actively poor.

    But when I finally got the chance to play one at full stage volume, I realised that it’s not really meant as a preamp-distortion channel-switcher - it’s more like a big non-MV amp with a *boost* channel. It sounded like the voice of god…

    Unfortunately after about five minutes an irate woman appeared and asked/told me to stop! (Owner’s wife rather than mine, or I’d probably have just ignored her .)

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

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  • GassageGassage Frets: 31271
    ICBM said:
    Gassage said:
    This is the ONLY Tonemaster I hanker after....
    One of Fender's finest ever.
    Unfortunately it’s one of the few amps I’ve ever played that really does need to be turned up properly loud to really release the magic. At low volumes it’s a bit lacklustre, even on the clean channel, and the ‘dirt channel’ sounds actively poor.

    But when I finally got the chance to play one at full stage volume, I realised that it’s not really meant as a preamp-distortion channel-switcher - it’s more like a big non-MV amp with a *boost* channel. It sounded like the voice of god…

    Unfortunately after about five minutes an irate woman appeared and asked/told me to stop! (Owner’s wife rather than mine, or I’d probably have just ignored her .)

    Absolutely agree. A force of nature cranked into a 4 x 12- literally how I imagine Attila the Hun to summon his hounds.

    Insanely loud, insanely powerful. Sambora sounded like God through one (well 4 of them)

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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  • TimmyOTimmyO Frets: 7798
    I’ve gone a bit demo-blind lol. 

    The TMDR is probably a safe bet. But Blonde or regular? 
    Red ones are better. 
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  • dazzajldazzajl Frets: 5950
    edited May 2023
    I think the regular model is the sound I have in my head for a DR. The very scooped, deep, bright and warm Fender thing. The Blond seems to be the preferred choice on here though, suggesting most are indeed ‘Gentlemen’ 
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