Ashamed of your band members behaviour?

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  • springheadspringhead Frets: 1658
    I was recording a band once and there was some friction between the bass player and drummer. I couldn’t see them from the control room but at the end of a take over the drum mics I could hear shouting and swearing. As I got to the studio door an angry drummer came storming out. The clincher apparently was the bass player suggesting he played rim shots in part of the song. Drummer pinned him to the wall and gave him a slapping. 

    I thought I’d be in trouble with the studio manager for not keeping them under control. However he just grinned and asked me if I got it on tape!
    That's  not very realistic. Are you sure you don't  mean side-sticks instead of rim shots?
    Dunno but it was the side of the bass players head that he twatted!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • digitalkettledigitalkettle Frets: 3403
    The Police were called and they took him away.
    Truth Hits Everybody. ;)
    When your singer's going down, you make the best of what's still around.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Vintage65Vintage65 Frets: 373
    Danny1969 said:
    After 40 years gigging in bands I could literally write a book. Some of the worse behaviour would actually come from me so I'm not judging.  Musicians, alcohol, women, drugs. it kind of goes with the territory. Maybe not so much now but in the eighties and early nineties there were all kinds of things going on ... different times and all that . We are certainly better people now. 
    I'm looking forward to the autobiography.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Danny1969Danny1969 Frets: 10719
    Vintage65 said:
    Danny1969 said:
    After 40 years gigging in bands I could literally write a book. Some of the worse behaviour would actually come from me so I'm not judging.  Musicians, alcohol, women, drugs. it kind of goes with the territory. Maybe not so much now but in the eighties and early nineties there were all kinds of things going on ... different times and all that . We are certainly better people now. 
    I'm looking forward to the autobiography.
    The main participants would pay me NOT to write it I reckon. .... 
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • vizviz Frets: 10827
    Danny1969 said:
    After 40 years gigging in bands I could literally write a book. Some of the worse behaviour would actually come from me so I'm not judging.  Musicians, alcohol, women, drugs. it kind of goes with the territory. Maybe not so much now but in the eighties and early nineties there were all kinds of things going on ... different times and all that . We are certainly older people now who don't have the capacity for that kinda stuff any more ;)

    Roland said: Scales are primarily a tool for categorising knowledge, not a rule for what can or cannot be played.
    Supportact said: [my style is] probably more an accumulation of limitations and bad habits than a 'style'.
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  • LongtallronnieLongtallronnie Frets: 1219
    We were due to play a short set at the bassist's wedding, the drummer was best man (much to singer's annoyance) so while the wedding party had their meal, the singer and his wife invited the stragglers round theirs for a few drinks. Some guests had come from out of town so it saved them being at a loose end all afternoon, waiting for the reception.
    Predictably, the singer drank far too much and his poisonous missus was in his ear the whole time winding him up - he was upset that he wasn't asked to be best man and she was really stoking the fire.

    The reception began at 7pm, we were due on at 9pm. Singer staggers in a minute before stage time with a can of Carling in his hand but seems to have calmed down so we press on with the gig.
    By the end of the first song, he'd managed to call the guests a bunch of c#nts and we abandoned the second song halfway through as he was murdering it. He dropped his Rickenbacker on the stage and started walking off. The drummer ushered him out the back door and twatted him, he fell back, hit his head on a pallet and laid motionless for what felt like minutes. I honestly thought he'd killed him until he picked himself up and came lunging towards the drummer, arms flailing like a madman. Me and another guest jumped in between them to break up the fight and eventually separated them. The singer sloped off and we went back inside to tell the DJ he needs to extend his set. 

    That was the end of that band.
    6reaction image LOL 11reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ColsCols Frets: 7374
    I was recording a band once and there was some friction between the bass player and drummer. I couldn’t see them from the control room but at the end of a take over the drum mics I could hear shouting and swearing. As I got to the studio door an angry drummer came storming out. The clincher apparently was the bass player suggesting he played rim shots in part of the song. Drummer pinned him to the wall and gave him a slapping. 

    I thought I’d be in trouble with the studio manager for not keeping them under control. However he just grinned and asked me if I got it on tape!
    So was that Cream, or the album Bruce and Baker did with Gary Moore?

    Honestly, you’re lucky Ginger didn’t pull out a flick knife.
    5reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I was recording a band once and there was some friction between the bass player and drummer. I couldn’t see them from the control room but at the end of a take over the drum mics I could hear shouting and swearing. As I got to the studio door an angry drummer came storming out. The clincher apparently was the bass player suggesting he played rim shots in part of the song. Drummer pinned him to the wall and gave him a slapping. 

    I thought I’d be in trouble with the studio manager for not keeping them under control. However he just grinned and asked me if I got it on tape!
    That's  not very realistic. Are you sure you don't  mean side-sticks instead of rim shots?
    Or maybe he just wanted him to play DUBBA DUBBA DUBBA CHA!
    I'll get a round to buying a 'real' guitar one day.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Stripe59Stripe59 Frets: 0
    Cols said:
    I was recording a band once and there was some friction between the bass player and drummer. I couldn’t see them from the control room but at the end of a take over the drum mics I could hear shouting and swearing. As I got to the studio door an angry drummer came storming out. The clincher apparently was the bass player suggesting he played rim shots in part of the song. Drummer pinned him to the wall and gave him a slapping. 

    I thought I’d be in trouble with the studio manager for not keeping them under control. However he just grinned and asked me if I got it on tape!
    So was that Cream, or the album Bruce and Baker did with Gary Moore?

    Honestly, you’re lucky Ginger didn’t pull out a flick knife.
    BBM Around The Next Dream.  Love that album 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • KittyfriskKittyfrisk Frets: 19795
    Cols said:
    I was recording a band once and there was some friction between the bass player and drummer. I couldn’t see them from the control room but at the end of a take over the drum mics I could hear shouting and swearing. As I got to the studio door an angry drummer came storming out. The clincher apparently was the bass player suggesting he played rim shots in part of the song. Drummer pinned him to the wall and gave him a slapping. 

    I thought I’d be in trouble with the studio manager for not keeping them under control. However he just grinned and asked me if I got it on tape!
    So was that Cream, or the album Bruce and Baker did with Gary Moore?

    Honestly, you’re lucky Ginger didn’t pull out a flick knife.
    I'd be tempted to enter 'Ginger Flick Knife' in the " Band names you'd like to see"  thread.
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • springheadspringhead Frets: 1658
    Cols said:
    I was recording a band once and there was some friction between the bass player and drummer. I couldn’t see them from the control room but at the end of a take over the drum mics I could hear shouting and swearing. As I got to the studio door an angry drummer came storming out. The clincher apparently was the bass player suggesting he played rim shots in part of the song. Drummer pinned him to the wall and gave him a slapping. 

    I thought I’d be in trouble with the studio manager for not keeping them under control. However he just grinned and asked me if I got it on tape!
    So was that Cream, or the album Bruce and Baker did with Gary Moore?

    Honestly, you’re lucky Ginger didn’t pull out a flick knife.
    I got Ginger to apologise and it was all fine. He was nice enough just misunderstood. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16156
    Not funny and funny at the same time

    I was the only teetotaller in the band and the others would get pissed EVERY night there was a gig

    Fast forward to me getting dropped off 1st at night in my lovely old timers street.....

    The morons, singer/bass player and drummer get out for a piss when the van comes to a halt in front of my house in middle of the road/street

    They all piss up the side of the van and van diver thinks it funny to drive off leaving all 3 morons in my street with their cocks out exposed for all the world to see.....i walked after a while with this shit
    tae be or not tae be
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ThePrettyDamnedThePrettyDamned Frets: 7521
    I've heard plenty of stories from friends.

    The only one I have was a gig I wasn't playing, just watching. The singer, an old friend, was a bit drunk and getting mouthy with the sound woman. I was at the front, and said to her (just loud enough to make sure singer could hear) "I remember when I had my first beer".

    The overreaction was quite incredible - starting with a scream of "I'm not drunk!" to falling off the stage, yelling at someone who had nothing to do with anything and finally being escorted out by security (having peed himself).

    He's a much more sensible lad now. Still completely toneless singer, but he enjoys it, and he's a force for good overall. Moved abroad some years back and married :) 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • GreatapeGreatape Frets: 3751
    edited July 13
    Band I recently left. All very right-on hippy types. Kind of. Turns out that some hippies can also be selfish, entitled dicks. Who knew?

    Incident one: onstage fight at a wedding gig between two of them. Resentment had been brewing for a long time, and one had recently suffered a personal loss. He harboured a particular animus towards this other band member - a hippy with some anger management issues. Result: pow. 

    Incident two: instigator of previous fight was getting ready to do a radio interview along with me, in anticipation of a reasonably important gig for us. Beforehand, we got a coffee in the venue and he was just incredibly, unnecessarily rude to the person serving us. Which confirmed to me that he utterly lacked class and for me at least, marked his card. 

    We later kicked this guy out. His retort was that we all had issues and that we should join him in group therapy. Ha. No, fuck off, sonny. Fuck off back to your dance therapy classes. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • cm01cm01 Frets: 497
    edited July 14
    Greatape said:
    All very right-on hippy types. Kind of. Turns out that some hippies can also be selfish, entitled dicks. Who knew?

    There are a lot of new age young right-on hippy types over here in Aus at the moment (well, on the East Coast of QLD and northern NSW anyway)… pretty much all of them that I’ve encountered have been massively entitled pricks … a lot of them are rich ‘kids’ (a lot are in their late 20’s and 30’s) living off mum and dad’s money, pretending to be poor.  The amount of pseudo-sprititual bullshit they spout is incredible.  
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • GreatapeGreatape Frets: 3751
    cm01 said:
    Greatape said:
    All very right-on hippy types. Kind of. Turns out that some hippies can also be selfish, entitled dicks. Who knew?

    There are a lot of new age young right-on hippy types over here in Aus at the moment (well, on the East Coast of QLD and northern NSW anyway)… pretty much all of them that I’ve encountered have been massively entitled pricks … a lot of them are rich ‘kids’ (a lot are in their late 20’s and 30’s) living off mum and dad’s money, pretending to be poor.  The amount of pseudo-sprititual bullshit they spout is incredible.  
    4reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • StevepageStevepage Frets: 3145
    Nothing major really, the worse thing was the hygiene of a singer in an old band. His family were wealthy and bought a huge mansion in Kings Langley. Whilst they were renovating the place, he lived in a static caravan on the land and was probably the grottiest place I’ve stayed. 

    He didn’t work at the time (we were all around 19) so spent all day at home, smoking weed and not showering. Which led to all his guitars being covered in thick crud and strings rusting within days. You needed a tetanus after touching them, they were some really nice guitars too. On the plus side, we rehearsed in the old horse stables on one of the fields on property. We had quite a lot of fun spending summer days/evenings rehearsing and drinking.
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • JfingersJfingers Frets: 422
    The singer/songwriter of a band I was in for three years fucked the Woman I had a mortgage on a flat with and continued to do so behind his Wife's back for almost a decade. He had two young kids at the time.

    His Wife was gorgeous and I think she thought that about me as well. If it wasn't for those pesky kids...
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • GrangousierGrangousier Frets: 2706
    Were you in Fleetwood Mac?
    10reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • RolandRoland Frets: 8900
    Jack Black is embarrassed, and the rest of the Tenatious D tour is cancelled, after bandmate's Trump comment
    Tree recycler, and guitarist with
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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