Do you play ALL your guitars?

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  • GrumpyrockerGrumpyrocker Frets: 4174
    edited June 2015
    I have four electrics and two acoustics. I rarely play the acoustics - the 12 string because I'm shit, the six string because I can't be bothered.

    I play my Les Paul Traditional quite a bit but it's heavy and hurts my shoulder. It's a beautiful guitar, a gift from my wife, and I will never part with it.

    I have another Les Paul - a Studio Deluxe 60s - which is very nice. Fabulous neck, great pickups, coil-tapping too. I don't play that as much. Thinking of selling it actually to buy something light (feel free to make an offer :)

    My PRS SE I play quite a bit because it's not as heavy as my Les Pauls.

    My Vintage SG I play a bit because again it's not as heavy as my Les Pauls. It's okay, not brilliant. Much prefer playing the LP Traditional. 

    I'm thinking of getting a cheap Ibanez S-series just so my shoulders might still be in one piece by the time I'm 50.

    I have two stands in my study, so the four electrics get rotated around these. 

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  • TeetonetalTeetonetal Frets: 7834
    the only one I don't play is my Gibson LP Classic, mainly because it badly needs a setup, but I keep buying effect pedals instead.

    all my other guitars get a look in :)
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  • DrBobDrBob Frets: 3023
    Of the six electrics I currently own I only really play two at the minute and of those the Strat bitsa gets the most play time and that's mostly because I'm having a bit of trouble withy fingers/hands/wrists and the neck on the Strat seems to be the most forgiving for that.Can't actually remember the last time I played my acoustic or one of the basses..
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  • ChalkyChalky Frets: 6811
    I own guitars that I haven't SEEN for a year let alone playef them :)
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  • NeilNeil Frets: 3702
    I've only got three electrics dotted around the house and they all get pretty equal useage.

    I really fancy buying some more but I feel I will spend less time on what I already have.

    It's a puzzler.
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  • I would say that play 3 out of my 4 guitars every time I practice. Not always the same 3!

    I've got 3x electric and a cheap acoustic and it's the latter that gets the least attention.
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  • ronnybronnyb Frets: 1750
    Out of five I only play two. A Turner acoustic and an 80s tele. Two old Gibson acoustics I've had for years never see the light of day and a strat which stays in its case most of the time.
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  • koneguitaristkoneguitarist Frets: 4218
    Out of four, mainly two. My old acoustic which is my most treasured guitar, is very difficult to play as neck is a vey slim V shape, and due to my arthritis my hand cramps up within a song or two.
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  • DrJazzTapDrJazzTap Frets: 2178
    Everytime I think about selling one, I play it and end up changing my mind. Still strongly thinking about selling the sg to fund another prs.
    I would love to change my username, but I fully understand the T&C's (it was an old band nickname). So please feel free to call me Dave.
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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 23683
    Chalky said:
    I own guitars that I haven't SEEN for a year let alone playef them :)
    Likewise.  I keep telling myself I'm going to have a clearout.

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  • TonyRTonyR Frets: 908
    Of the nine guitars I currently own I actually only use three of them (although one is off limits until my "special" birthday next month - so that doesn't count!)

    That doesn't stop the GAS though!

    I am seriously trying to shrink my collection (I've got three of my guitars advertised in the classifieds as we speak!).

    My Rickenbacker Pete Townshend doesn't see the light of day these days, but I can't bring myself to part with it...

    Similarly my Rickenbacker 381/12 only comes out on rare occasions. I do keep thinking I ought to sell this guitar but every time I look at it I find it so beautiful - please somebody convince me I should sell it!
    We are all Chameleons...
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  • UnclePsychosisUnclePsychosis Frets: 13049
    Yes. If I don't play it, it goes.
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  • johnonguitarjohnonguitar Frets: 1243
    edited June 2015
    The guitar that gets the most gig time is my Kotzen Tele, however I practice most on my Eastman Norman Brown. The PRS sees a little gig time these days as I've stopped gigging my Gibson Chet Atkins Tennesseean which is now at my girlfriends house with my Taylor acoustic which doesn't see much action since I quit the ceilidh band.

    I just got my old USA strat out of my ms loft which has been out of action for a couple of years needing a new nut. I'm just really bad and lazy at repairing things rather than buying new things so that will be heading to the repair shop tomorrow.

    I have a yamaha bass which is still in the loft and only comes out for home recordings or the occasional dep. It used to get gigged a fair bit but not anymore.
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  • HAL9000HAL9000 Frets: 9829
    Three electrics and an acoustic here. One of the electrics I don't really get on with so it's rarely played. It needs to go, but I know I'd only spend the money (and then some) on another guitar.
    I play guitar because I enjoy it rather than because I’m any good at it
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  • thomasross20thomasross20 Frets: 4438
    These Kotzen Teles seem to be very popular!
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  • richardhomerrichardhomer Frets: 24866
    Yes - I have two 'main' electrics - a PRS McCarty and an AVRI '59 Strat. Both get played a lot.

    I have a 'slide' Strat (a 20 year old American Standard) than I use occasionally - and a vintage '335 which doesn't get played much.

    I have a Martin Dreadnought and a Taylor GS Mini which are played a lot - though my Taylor NS32 nylon string probably hasn't been out of its case in 2 years.

    I have an EBMM bass which I use when recording.

    They do all have a 'purpose', so I wouldn't part with any of them.
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  • hubobuloushubobulous Frets: 2372
    I have 4 guitars that I'll never gig, but they get played at home.

    All my others get played at home and I would gig/have gigged them. Some may go for a month or so without being played, but then they get their turn. The ones I have for sale are the ones I found myself not playing any more.
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  • paulmapp8306paulmapp8306 Frets: 854
    I have 6 electrics and 5 get regular use. My Strat and mule leaded Prs are normally first choice, but the tele gets used for something more raunchy, my p90 loaded Prs for fuller tones that can rock, and my shur for higher gain that needs tighter core tone of when I need a floyd.

    The one that hardly ever gets used is the tokai es135 (335 clone). Don't really know why.
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  • CirrusCirrus Frets: 8502
    I have three electrics and one acoustic, they all get used. The Les Paul with P90s probably least so, but I still use it and would miss it if it was gone.
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  • RMJRMJ Frets: 1274
    I had a big thin out recently and ended up with 4:
    1. CS Strat. Will never go anywhere. Love it.
    2. LP Traditional. WIll never go anywhere. Love it.
    3. 94 MiJ Tele. First proper electric. Bought with pocket money. Sentimental value. Love it.
    4. MiM Strat. Bought by my wife when we got engaged.  Couldn't part with it for that reason.

    I play  and 2 a lot. 3 and 4 not so much. 
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