I'm stuck in a super typhoon!

What's Hot
I've been on holiday in The Philippines for just over two weeks and now, with just the weekend to go before I fly home on Monday, I've been scuppered by the impending category 5 super typhoon 'Haiyan'. I'm with friends in a city called Legazpi, which tonight got shut down by the governor for safety reasons. Our morning flight to Manila has been cancelled and there's no buses in or out.
Haiyan is set to have gusts of up to 355kph is set to make landfall around 8am, then moving over Legazpi and on to Manila.
We've managed to talk a cab driver in to driving us north to a place called Naga at 3am which we hope will have travel options to Manila in the morning, but we may well get stuck there too. At least it's further out from the storm than Legazpi.

So if I don't make it, it was great kinda knowing you all!
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