Random headaches.

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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 34026
    Your Mrs isn't pestering you for sex is she?
    She is in Germany now- I'm reasonably well-endowed but that might be a stretch even for me.
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 34026
    Just scared the absolute life out of myself.

    Earlier today I took the bandage off my cut hand to encourage it to heal.
    Then I took the dog for a walk, wearing gloves, which I removed when I cam back.

    When I came back I went and had a pee.
    Looking down I saw a significant amount of blood in my pee.
    After having headaches I of course thought 'oh terrific, now I have bladder cancer'.

    A long minute passes until I feel blood dripping from my hand- the cut must have reopened on the walk.

    Never in my life have I ever been so relieved to be bleeding from the hand.
    I know, I know- I'm an idiot.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • jd0272jd0272 Frets: 3867
    Regardless, get thee to a Dr or walk in clinic.
    "You do all the 'widdly widdly' bits, and just leave the hard stuff to me."
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  • CirrusCirrus Frets: 8505
    It's ok. The other week I had the runs really bad. I chanced a little slice of strawberry cheesecake... a few hours later while sat in the toilet I looked down into the loo and saw little red bits. My assumption was that I was internally bleeding and that was the end of me, spent a minute panicking until I realised it was little bits of strawberries.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ToneControlToneControl Frets: 12123
    octatonic said:
    Just scared the absolute life out of myself.

    Earlier today I took the bandage off my cut hand to encourage it to heal.
    Then I took the dog for a walk, wearing gloves, which I removed when I cam back.

    When I came back I went and had a pee.
    Looking down I saw a significant amount of blood in my pee.
    After having headaches I of course thought 'oh terrific, now I have bladder cancer'.

    A long minute passes until I feel blood dripping from my hand- the cut must have reopened on the walk.

    Never in my life have I ever been so relieved to be bleeding from the hand.
    I know, I know- I'm an idiot.

    fastest way to heal cuts and bad grazes now is with special dressings


    keeps the wound moist rather than drying it out - less scabs and scarring

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  • bertiebertie Frets: 13581

    fastest way to heal cuts and bad grazes 

    let the dog lick it.

    been there got the proverbial.................
    just because you don't, doesn't mean you can't
     just because you do, doesn't mean you should.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • RockerRocker Frets: 5045
    octatonic said:
    Been getting random headaches lately.
    Had one this morning.
    I thought I'd bought decaf by mistake as a coffee seemed to fix it but it came back after an hour or so.

    Other than going to the GP who will send me off for loads of tests does anyone have any idea of what to do or what it could be?
    I did have a stressful day yesterday but I woke up with a banging headache at 3am.
    James, my suggestion is to get your eyes tested.  Lay off the coffee if you can also go easy on soft drinks [too much sugar].  Excessive use of a computer does not help either
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. [Albert Einstein]

    Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 34026
    Rocker said:
    James, my suggestion is to get your eyes tested.  Lay off the coffee if you can also go easy on soft drinks [too much sugar].  Excessive use of a computer does not help either
    Hi mate, 

    I don't drink soft drinks and I got glasses within the last year.

    I do use the computer a lot- I should probably lay off it a bit.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • bertiebertie Frets: 13581
    octatonic said:
    I do use the computer a lot- I should probably lay off it a bit.

    especially forums
    just because you don't, doesn't mean you can't
     just because you do, doesn't mean you should.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 34026
    bertie said:
    octatonic said:
    I do use the computer a lot- I should probably lay off it a bit.

    especially forums
    Especially this one.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • johnnyurqjohnnyurq Frets: 1368
    Yep being getting some beauts recently and some come with the added joy of many nose bleeds.

    Doc says nowt to worry about and to see how it goes.

    Used to get mental migraines when younger but only get the odd one since my 30's.
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  • MaxiMaxi Frets: 13
    If I drink like a glass of wine or a single beer after a long period of no drinking say like a month or so I get a pretty bad hangover . I think regular drinkers develop not just a tolerance but a habit of absorbing other things they need to stay in good health or hangover free at least .
    Flown the nest .
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Could be related to your back. I started getting headaches about 14 years ago. Not throbbing but just a constant ache lasting for days. An uncle of mine died from brain tumours so I naturally started shitting myself. Turned out they were caused by an underlying back problem, Still get them now due to the back problem being untreatable but at least my underpants are now safe. Occasional trips to a chiropractor for the most part keep things in check.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 34026
    SidNewton said:
    Occasional trips to a chiropractor for the most part keep things in check.
    Jaysus- you let those witchdoctors go near you?
    How do you feel about exorcism and leeches?

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • octatonic said:
    SidNewton said:
    Occasional trips to a chiropractor for the most part keep things in check.
    Jaysus- you let those witchdoctors go near you?
    How do you feel about exorcism and leeches?

    Do I get a happy ending with those choices?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 34026
    edited November 2013

    My wife (who is a pharmacist by trade) used to work in a spinal ward.
    Quite a few casualties there from poor chiropractic adjustment.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ToneControlToneControl Frets: 12123

    Snap, my Mrs used to work in pharmacy labs btw

    I get chiropractic treatment once every month or two, with a very gentle one. Some of them are brutal. I hadn't heard about injuries, just people moaning about the stupid ideas about colic in babies that some of them trot out

    I only go when I am in lots of pain

    This put me off this week though:


    I saw her name in some link, she was a nice looking person I recall. 500 treatments in 3 years - must be mad


    Leeches are available within the NHS !


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