Bloody neighbours (or more accurately - their roofer)

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  • DominicDominic Frets: 16296
    To be really pedantic they should have sought a Party wall agreement as structural items and rafter replacement was involved
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 16981
    Dominic said:
    To be really pedantic they should have sought a Party wall agreement as structural items and rafter replacement was involved
    See, I didn't think they needed one for a new roof unless the wall goes above the roof line.  I don't think PWA comes into it
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 16981
    so we have now had a couple of independent assessments and its not good news

    Insurance won't cover it.  They agreed the neighbours work was likely the thing that started the leak but have said it was clearly an old and often repaired  valley so it would have leaked at some point soon anyway.   Fair enough on that bit, we know we need a new roof valley and its our responsibility to pay.

    An actual roofer has been around to quote for a new valley, but he has said given the age of the roof it would be quite invasive and he could not guarantee against leaks.     A lot of the stuff he told me matched other things I have been reading up on so I have a bit of faith in what he was telling me.   

     basically, yes the neighbours roofer did a shockingly bad job, but my roof is old and would have needed major work in the next 5-10 years anyway.  they have brought that forward but not caused  the underlying age related issues.   If I needed to sell in the next few years, the roof issue would now undoubtedly hinder that because of the shoddy way the roofs have been joined. If I don't want to sell I need a bit of peace of mind its not going to leak on me.

    I think i will get one more opinion to be sure, but it looks like a new roof is the best investment for us.

      As it stands we have a bit of inheritance coming our way and were just considering re-mortgaging to reduce our term.   It may be one of the rare occasions we can actually have enough spare cash & equity to raise the funds needed - so I think i am just going to bite the bullet and get it done fully rather than pay for repairs that only buy us a few years.

    The roofers opinion was that it was not just me who has been screwed over, he also thinks the neighbours side will leak within a year or so as they did not redo any flashing on the chimneys.   feckin cowboys
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  • SambostarSambostar Frets: 8745
    Typical insurance response though.  Makes you wonder why you pay a premium.
    Backdoor Children Of The Sock
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  • underdogunderdog Frets: 8334
    I was in the situation last summer where me and the wife saved up enough to completely gut and replace our kitchen, then a bit of the roof came away.

    All that we had put aside was then spent on a new roof (wasn't worth doing just the repairs) got to be honest as much as it killed me handing over 6 grand, it's looks money well spent after the winter we've had.
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 16981
    I don't think its unfair of them really, at least not on the roof valley issue.
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  • kjdowdkjdowd Frets: 852
    @WezV - you are an unusually reasonable man in an unreasonable world. Have a wis.
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 16981
    Well I cant blame the neighbours or even their builder, for the age of the roof.

    At this point I am trying to see it as something they have made me do sooner than I wanted. It will still be a good investment to get a new roof up there.

    The funny thing was when the real roofers were around earlier. They played a guessing game on who had done it. They got it right on the second guess.
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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28042
    WezV said:
    The funny thing was when the real roofers were around earlier. They played a guessing game on who had done it. They got it right on the second guess.
    That sort of local reputation will stick with them forever.  The sad thing is that someone will always want a "cheap" job doing, and they'll always be cheapest.

    If you're going to redo the roof, are the old timbers any good for necks??

    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • RolandRoland Frets: 8852
    Won't they be pine, and better for bodies than necks?
    Tree recycler, and guitarist with
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 16981
    Too small and full of rusty old nails for either. They are pine.

    If I do go with a modern roof I will need to beef up the timbers a bit
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 16981
    We are going for a full new roof from a company who have been recommended by quite a few locals.

    Getting the  measurements and quotes sorted revealed a few more issues with the work my neighbours have had done I had not noticed previously.

    As suspected,  they had just tiled over ours without a proper join or bonding gutter.  This would soon be a source of leaks for both houses, but we will sort with a proper bonding gutter when we do ours.   Doesn't add much to the cost  - so be it

    They had not replaced the leading on the chimneys and it will leak at some  point.  any  on our house will be replaced when we have ours done, they still have a risk of leaks their side.

    I did ask the roofers if they could join both roofs together so it looks like it used to - one big roof.  They said no for a few reasons

    1) The top 3 rows of tiles are all differently spaced.  Essentially they did not measure the roof and calculate the overhang needed for each row.  Instead they laid each row and then corrected the spacing in the last few.  looks terrible  once you see it

    2) There is no overlap of tiles.  You know how you normally start the next row with half a tile so everything overlaps.... Nope, vertical lines of tiles running straight up the roof.  I don't know how I didn't see this at first, but once seen it can't be unseen.

    3) they have not strengthened the roof enough.  We have an air gap between the lofts and can see some token gestures at reinforcement

    I almost feel sorry for my neighbours at this point.  They have paid for a roof that will leak and will eventually sag.

    So we are going for a separate and properly installed roof that will probably highlight just how badly theirs has been done whilst fixing the issues which could affect our house. We are also going to fix a few other roof level issues whilst they are there - Fascia's, guttering and chimneys will all get a much needed overhaul. 

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  • SambostarSambostar Frets: 8745
    Wish you were my neighbour.  You sound so nice and reasonable.
    Backdoor Children Of The Sock
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 16981
    Sambostar said:
    Wish you were my neighbour.  You sound so nice and reasonable.
    I just know my roof is old, and I had to do this in the next few years anyway.   

    I am pissed off for what their builders did, and am kinda looking forward to informing my neighbours of the reports we have had done.   But I can't be pissed off that I need a new roof.

    Timing has worked out okay for us too, a small inheritance has just come in -  so that helps
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 16981
    Also, relieved I have dodged a bullet. When are neighbours said they were having a new roof, I nearly suggested they do ours at the same time. that would have been an expensive mistake
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  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 6942
    edited April 2016
    Sambostar;1056160" said:
    Wish you were my neighbour.  You sound so nice and reasonable.

    I take it there is no opportunity for the neighbours to get their work put right?

    Ideally before you have your work completed.

    Or could your roofer do something with their roof at the same time to try and improve the aesthetics and prevent future problems?

    Previously known as stevebrum
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 16981
    Our roofer will sort out all our issues. Some of these will benefit our neighbour too.

    I will have piece of mind, and a 10 year guarantee on my roof.

    I now like the idea of a clear join done properly, rather than one big roof. It wont hurt the value of my property.
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  • SambostarSambostar Frets: 8745
    edited April 2016
    What tiles are you going to get?  Slates?  The cheapest grade Brazilian Slates are cleaved from banana shaped grain patterns.  They'll never lie flat.  Bare that in mind.  I've tried laying cheap slate patios in the past with banana slate, it's a total nightmare.  You know a lot about wood, so you'll understand slate as well as it's just like wood.
    Backdoor Children Of The Sock
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 16981
    Nah, modern flat black roof tiles, hence the need to strengthen the roof a bit.

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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28042
    Sambostar said:
    Wish you were my neighbour.  You sound so nice and reasonable.
    Wish you were my neighbour - sod the roofing, I'd just like a bloody good guitar guy next door

    Congrats Wez, it sounds like a good outcome from a bad situation.
    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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