Welsh Fretboarders - A petition to stop UKIP chairing Climate Change Commitee

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eSullyeSully Frets: 981

Long story short. Welsh Assembly have lined up UKIP AM's to chair the Climate Change Committee, Nathan Gill (Leader of Welsh UKIP) is openly a Climate Change denier. Whatever your stance on the European referendum these people shouldn't be left near this role so do please sign.

More information - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-36651136

"UKIP AM's don't believe that climate change is being caused by humans and have pledged to axe the 73 million pound budget ring fenced to fight climate change in Wales."

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  • paganskinspaganskins Frets: 277
    eSully said:

    Long story short. Welsh Assembly have lined up UKIP AM's to chair the Climate Change Committee, Nathan Gill (Leader of Welsh UKIP) is openly a Climate Change denier. Whatever your stance on the European referendum these people shouldn't be left near this role so do please sign.

    More information - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-36651136

    "UKIP AM's don't believe that climate change is being caused by humans and have pledged to axe the 73 million pound budget ring fenced to fight climate change in Wales."

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    Why? It's called democracy - people voted UKIP, the party won seats and the party have been allocated seats on committees. What in reality can he do? Bugger all. Look on the bright side. He might learn something and change his mind.

    We need a petition to stop petitions.

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 6reaction image Wisdom
  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 22577
    Fretwired said:
    Why? It's called democracy - people voted UKIP, the party won seats and the party have been allocated seats on committees. What in reality can he do? 
    The party can reject the chair. When committees are distributed like this, nobody is forced into accepting them. What it does demonstrate is a real stich-up job by the main parties by giving UKIP a platform which ultimately doesn't really do much for them. One suspects there will be some major renegotiation on this front. As you say, they were voted in: accept it. People shouldn't fear the fact that they are voted in as there is always the potential for self-destruction as they saw down in Thanet with the council blowing up rapidly. 

    Now complain about Nathan Gill doing two jobs and describing 300 Euros a week for being an MEP as nothing... that's what people should be focusing on in Wales. It isn't a hgue sum of money but that's still the sort of contemptible gravy lapping that UKIP has consistently complained about from other parties and institutions. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • eSullyeSully Frets: 981
    @fretwired - I knew you'd be straight onto me on this. I've explained above, I've made no comment or judgement on them being elected, people are entitled to vote for who they want, but actually I completely agree that it's not appropriate for Climate Change deniers and a party that want to axe funding ring fenced to fight climate change to chair a committee on Climate Change. What in reality can he do? Maybe he can't do anything but I'd rather not find out the hard way that he can.

    I don't entirely disagree with you on petitions, I didn't and won't sign the Referendum petition as I think democracy should be respected but in this case I think it's fair enough people signing a petition to express concern to the Welsh Assemby no?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    @eSully .. thinking about it the Welsh Assembly members could be playing a blinder ... make the guy's life hell ... :-)

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 22577
    eSully said:
    @fretwired - I knew you'd be straight onto me on this. I've explained above, I've made no comment or judgement on them being elected, people are entitled to vote for who they want, but actually I completely agree that it's not appropriate for Climate Change deniers and a party that want to axe funding ring fenced to fight climate change to chair a committee on Climate Change. What in reality can he do? Maybe he can't do anything but I'd rather not find out the hard way that he can.

    But don't be angry with UKIP on this. They've been given this chair because the other political parties are scared about having them on the economic side or education for instance. They've tried to give them the most inconsequential brief possible and thus demonstrated themselves that the environmental role is not one they consider that vital. Had they done so, they wouldn't have given the chair to UKIP. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    eSully said:
    @fretwired - I knew you'd be straight onto me on this. I've explained above, I've made no comment or judgement on them being elected, people are entitled to vote for who they want, but actually I completely agree that it's not appropriate for Climate Change deniers and a party that want to axe funding ring fenced to fight climate change to chair a committee on Climate Change. What in reality can he do? Maybe he can't do anything but I'd rather not find out the hard way that he can.

    But don't be angry with UKIP on this. They've been given this chair because the other political parties are scared about having them on the economic side or education for instance. They've tried to give them the most inconsequential brief possible and thus demonstrated themselves that the environmental role is not one they consider that vital. Had they done so, they wouldn't have given the chair to UKIP. 
    @Heartfeltdawn .. good point. I also think there could be a little schadenfreude .. a climate change denier having to talk about climate change ....

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • eSullyeSully Frets: 981
    Very interesting take on it both. I'd not thought of it that way. I've still signed the petition though and still think it's an inappropriate brief but I will be sharing your point with those that shared the petition with me, cheers.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    Could having them sit on it open their eyes to being completely wrong?

    I doubt anyone who's looked into the subject properly and still come out as a denier can have their minds changed now, but the publicity could well have a negative impact on the party or the guy in question.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:





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  • mellowsunmellowsun Frets: 2422
    eSully said:

    Long story short. Welsh Assembly have lined up UKIP AM's to chair the Climate Change Committee, Nathan Gill (Leader of Welsh UKIP) is openly a Climate Change denier. Whatever your stance on the European referendum these people shouldn't be left near this role so do please sign.

    More information - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-36651136

    "UKIP AM's don't believe that climate change is being caused by humans and have pledged to axe the 73 million pound budget ring fenced to fight climate change in Wales."

    Wales voted out and is lurching towards the right. Wales was given devolved powers to decide how they handle these affairs - if the assembly want to appoint UKIP to handle their environmental affairs that's up to them, surely.

    The more news I hear, I'm inclined to let the idiots get on with it and continue to wreck their country.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 22577
    I've seen it with committee selections before. Most times there are some disagreements over who gets what. Within Wiltshire there was generally a Tory majority council running things so the committee chair choices for the smaller parties would often be in dispute as people scrabbled around for what they could get. 

    Looking at the last meeting transcript of the environment and sustainability committee, they had ten members. The climate change, environment, and rural affairs committee is a new one having been formed this month. Ten members = they won't all be UKIP so majority voting won't happen. The chair has to act in a decent way because there is more focus on them so any shitty behaviour from Reckless will be under the spotlight. For that reasn, one suspects the public gallery for their meetings will be better attended than normal and so he will be under more scrutiny than normal. 

    Wait until the committees have been totally formed before lodging a complaint. If the climate change committee ended up as a UKIP-Tory lovefest, then complain to the other parties who have cooked that up. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • paulmapp8306paulmapp8306 Frets: 854
    Fretwired said:
    eSully said:
    @fretwired - I knew you'd be straight onto me on this. I've explained above, I've made no comment or judgement on them being elected, people are entitled to vote for who they want, but actually I completely agree that it's not appropriate for Climate Change deniers and a party that want to axe funding ring fenced to fight climate change to chair a committee on Climate Change. What in reality can he do? Maybe he can't do anything but I'd rather not find out the hard way that he can.

    But don't be angry with UKIP on this. They've been given this chair because the other political parties are scared about having them on the economic side or education for instance. They've tried to give them the most inconsequential brief possible and thus demonstrated themselves that the environmental role is not one they consider that vital. Had they done so, they wouldn't have given the chair to UKIP. 
    @Heartfeltdawn .. good point. I also think there could be a little schadenfreude .. a climate change denier having to talk about climate change ....
    He might make those that believe in it see reason................................;)
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • WazmeisterWazmeister Frets: 9715
    edited June 2016
    Imho, if you are unsure about a political situation or stance, see what Farage and his followers are saying...

    ...and then do the exact oppostion.

    UKIP are naive, dangerous and reactionary... Again, imho and YMMV

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602

    Imho, if you are unsure about a political situation or stance, see what Farage and his followers are saying...

    ...and then do the exact oppostion.

    UKIP are naive, dangerous and reactionary... Again, imho and YMMV

    I agree with that .. but sometimes you have to give them a little power and watch them screw up.

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • UnclePsychosisUnclePsychosis Frets: 13049

    There's no way being chair on that committee will change his mind.

    Whats far more likely is that people who don't know any better will say "oh, that guy is chair of the climate change committee so he *must* know what he's talking about, he must be telling the truth when he says its all a lie...".

    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 22577
    He might make those that believe in it see reason................................;)
    @paulmapp8306 Since when has rationale and reasoning been part of the UKIP modus operandi? 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • thermionicthermionic Frets: 9779

    There's no way being chair on that committee will change his mind.

    Whats far more likely is that people who don't know any better will say "oh, that guy is chair of the climate change committee so he *must* know what he's talking about, he must be telling the truth when he says its all a lie...".

    Exactly. He's already ignoring several decades worth of scientific research from around the world, a handful of Plaid Cymru and Labour AMs isn't going to affect him.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • blueskunkblueskunk Frets: 2916
    UKIP wankers :)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • MkjackaryMkjackary Frets: 776
    edited June 2016
    No! Anything but democracy!

    What is that? We lost the referendum? We need another one, the people were wrong!

    < \sarcasm>

    Look, you have to get over the fact that democracy is about getting the most votes.
    Someone else got more votes than you, but who the fuck are you to tell people they voted wrong and democracy should be over ruled.

    Ukip are a dividing group, I side with them on a lot of issues, I also *massively* disagree with them on some. One if them being their environmental policies. They are full on horse shit.

    But that doesn't give me or anyone else the right to say "hey you, the party with the most votes, yeah we are going to ignore the people and do what the minority want, because we didn't get our way."

    Fucking ironic thing is a lot of he people signing this extremely anti democratic poll are also anti-monarchists.

    Make your fucking mind up.
    I'm not a McDonalds burger. It is MkJackary, not Mc'Jackary... It's Em Kay Jackary. Mkay?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • MkjackaryMkjackary Frets: 776
    edited June 2016
    Not aimed at any individual person, love, peace, happiness and all that bollocks x
    I'm not a McDonalds burger. It is MkJackary, not Mc'Jackary... It's Em Kay Jackary. Mkay?
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
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