Welsh Fretboarders - A petition to stop UKIP chairing Climate Change Commitee

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  • eSullyeSully Frets: 981
    @mkjackery - This thread isn't about rejecting democracy or the referendum. See @fretwired post and my reply. It's about Welsh assembly assigning a climate change denier as chair of the climate change committee. Perhaps you think that's a good thing, in which case don't sign the petition! Peace and love and all that bollox ;)
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  • skankdelvarskankdelvar Frets: 473
    edited June 2016
    Probably a good idea to have someone on (or chairing) a committee who disagrees with the majority view. Otherwise everybody would just agree with each other thereby removing the need for a committee in the first place.

    Unless the point of such committees is merely to endorse a single opinion and gag dissenting views, the better that one's own tribal faction can prevail over the other.

    Which I suppose is why there's a 'petition' being hawked around. If one is going to subvert democracy, one should always use supposedly 'democratic' tools like petitions to camouflage one's intent.
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  • thermionicthermionic Frets: 9779
    edited June 2016
    Someone who denies SCIENCE has no place on any committee.  Could he chair an employment committee if he said "Nobody is unemployed blah blah blah I'm not listening"?

    Anyway, done. I suffer from petition fatigue as much as anybody, but this one is important.
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  • eSullyeSully Frets: 981
    Hang on. He's an elected AM. No one is questioning that or saying he should be stripped of it. He's been assigned a chair by Welsh assembly gov that a lot of people feel he's inappropriate for so that opinion is being voiced through a petition. It can be completely ignored but at least people have made their voices heard. What's undemocratic about that?
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  • eSullyeSully Frets: 981
    And yes. I do believe that someone that denies climate change and wants to axe the fund to tackle the effects of climate change is probably not the most appropriate choice as chair of the climate change committee.
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  • thermionicthermionic Frets: 9779
    My old physics professor, Phil Williams was an AM for a few years. He had a lifetime of experience of researching into the Earth's atmosphere and its interaction with solar radiation, including monitoring the growth of the ozone hole. He is sadly missed at times like this.
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  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 22577
    edited June 2016
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh. Grumpy. 

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  • MkjackaryMkjackary Frets: 776
    eSully said:
    @mkjackery - This thread isn't about rejecting democracy or the referendum. See @fretwired post and my reply. It's about Welsh assembly assigning a climate change denier as chair of the climate change committee. Perhaps you think that's a good thing, in which case don't sign the petition! Peace and love and all that bollox ;)
    I get you. Not 100% certain on the details of the situation, but mostly just expressing my built up frustration with previous fellow students who are on facebook.
    I won't post on facebook because my facebook it for saying happy birthday to relatives I don't know and family photos, don't want to get political on there.

    But yeah, part of me just thinks this petition is people waking up too late and realising "we ballsed that up". People should have put effort into advertising anti UKIP stuff during the elections.

    One possible outcome is that a UKIP member being in that position gives them the opportunity to realise how utterly idiotic their environmental policy is, and will potentially change it. I wouldn't bet money on it though.
    I'm not a McDonalds burger. It is MkJackary, not Mc'Jackary... It's Em Kay Jackary. Mkay?
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