The Brexit guilt swapping thread

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As a number of people (on both sides) seem to be having voters remorse, I propose - for the good of tFB, we start a thread where sufferers can offset their Leave / Remain vote against an equally remorseful Remain / Leave voter, thereby allowing them to sleep well for the first time in a week.

Scots can revel in the fact that the combined number of Leave votes registered in Scotlsnd would still have left the Leave campaign victorious by a quarter million even if they'd voted the other way.

Youngsters can console themselves with the fact that they are young.
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  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    Fuck that .. I was young and lied to in 1975 .. time for some payback .... :-)

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • professorbenprofessorben Frets: 5106
    I'm quite happy to throw abuse at remorseful Leave voters.
    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • Moe_ZambeekMoe_Zambeek Frets: 3452
    professorben;1132033" said:
    I'm quite happy to throw abuse at remorseful Leave voters.
    Not conducive to the unity of tFB :) plenty of other threads for vitriol, this is a place for peace and reconciliation ;)
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • professorbenprofessorben Frets: 5106
    Moe_Zambeek;1132045" said:
    [quote="professorben;1132033"]I'm quite happy to throw abuse at remorseful Leave voters.
    Not conducive to the unity of tFB :) plenty of other threads for vitriol, this is a place for peace and reconciliation ;)[/quote]

    Well then they can always...... Leave!!!
    A ha ha
    No seriously, cunts.

    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
    5reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • MkjackaryMkjackary Frets: 776
    Moe_Zambeek;1132045" said:
    [quote="professorben;1132033"]I'm quite happy to throw abuse at remorseful Leave voters.
    Not conducive to the unity of tFB :) plenty of other threads for vitriol, this is a place for peace and reconciliation ;)[/quote]

    Well then they can always...... Leave!!!
    A ha ha
    No seriously, cunts.

    Seriously mate, you are giving remain-ers a bad name.

    I know there are personal circumstances and it is potentially going to have a direct impact on your family. That is shit, and I'm sorry.
    But what are you hoping to achieve but needlessly brand other remain-ers as bigots along with yourself, and also piss off a load of people who are on the leave side.

    If OP wants a happy thread let him have a happy thread. If you want to piss people off to make yourself feel better go over to speakers corner.
    I'm not a McDonalds burger. It is MkJackary, not Mc'Jackary... It's Em Kay Jackary. Mkay?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • professorbenprofessorben Frets: 5106
    Mkjackary;1132145" said:
    professorben said:

    Moe_Zambeek;1132045" said:[quote="professorben;1132033"]I'm quite happy to throw abuse at remorseful Leave voters.

    Not conducive to the unity of tFB :) plenty of other threads for vitriol, this is a place for peace and reconciliation ;)

    Well then they can always...... Leave!!!

    A ha ha

    No seriously, cunts.

    Seriously mate, you are giving remain-ers a bad name.

    I know there are personal circumstances and it is potentially going to have a direct impact on your family. That is shit, and I'm sorry.But what are you hoping to achieve but needlessly brand other remain-ers as bigots along with yourself, and also piss off a load of people who are on the leave side.

    If OP wants a happy thread let him have a happy thread. If you want to piss people off to make yourself feel better go over to speakers corner.[/quote]

    Ok that's a fair point, but why should I not pour scorn on those who 'cast their vote' and now are backing away trying to distance themselves from the almighty cesspool we will prob have to live in now???
    I understand the views and opinions of people that voted leave because they genuinely thought it was in the best interests of their families and the country, misguided tho they are.
    But the weak arsed fuckwits that have turned tail so soon after voting without even seeing what the fallout will be good or bad?
    I'm angry I'm bitter, I'm scared, why the hell shouldn't I scream it?
    If I were a Chuck Norris type guy id be out prowling the streets of Peterborough hunting down remorseful Leavers with a baseball bat and a tub of lard.
    But I'm not, I'm just a normal guy.
    I don't care what people think, I'm not trying to achieve anything other than to try and make myself feel a little better, as I'm currently trapped in a car going the wrong way driven by idiots.

    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • John_PJohn_P Frets: 2756
    Are there actually any leave voters on here that regret their vote?    
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • John_P said:
    Are there actually any leave voters on here that regret their vote?    
    Some have expressly voiced that opinion, so yes.
    littlegreenman < My tunes here...
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • If I were a Chuck Norris type guy id be out prowling the streets of Peterborough hunting down remorseful Leavers with a baseball bat and a tub of lard.

    That's a bit of a cheap shot at Chuck Norris.  I do not believe that he would assault people just for having a different political opinion.

    @professorben, mate , do yourself a favour and calm down.  You are letting the side down a bit here.  You are embarrassing us all.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • professorbenprofessorben Frets: 5106
    Handsome_Chris;1132190" said:
    professorben said:If I were a Chuck Norris type guy id be out prowling the streets of Peterborough hunting down remorseful Leavers with a baseball bat and a tub of lard.

    That's a bit of a cheap shot at Chuck Norris.  I do not believe that he would assault people just for having a different political opinion.

    @professorben, mate , do yourself a favour and calm down.  You are letting the side down a bit here.  You are embarrassing us all.
    Sorry I'm all out of fucks to give at this point.
    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
    4reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • John_PJohn_P Frets: 2756
    John_P said:
    Are there actually any leave voters on here that regret their vote?    
    Some have expressly voiced that opinion, so yes.
    Ah fair enough - I stopped reading most of the post ref discussions and hadn't seen anyone change their mind.  If they have though that's fair enough - over time I suspect a fair few people's opinion will sway in both directions.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Handsome_Chris;1132190" said:
    professorben said:If I were a Chuck Norris type guy id be out prowling the streets of Peterborough hunting down remorseful Leavers with a baseball bat and a tub of lard.

    That's a bit of a cheap shot at Chuck Norris.  I do not believe that he would assault people just for having a different political opinion.

    @professorben, mate , do yourself a favour and calm down.  You are letting the side down a bit here.  You are embarrassing us all.
    Sorry I'm all out of fucks to give at this point.
    Then engage in something positive. Spend time with you're girlfriend and not abusing people online for their beliefs or mistakes.

    You are angry, confused and uncertain of the future.  It is causing you to lash out.  It is not how you want to be.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • professorbenprofessorben Frets: 5106
    Handsome_Chris;1132214" said:
    professorben said:

    Handsome_Chris;1132190" said:professorben said:If I were a Chuck Norris type guy id be out prowling the streets of Peterborough hunting down remorseful Leavers with a baseball bat and a tub of lard.

    That's a bit of a cheap shot at Chuck Norris.  I do not believe that he would assault people just for having a different political opinion.

    @professorben, mate , do yourself a favour and calm down.  You are letting the side down a bit here.  You are embarrassing us all.

    Sorry I'm all out of fucks to give at this point.

    Then engage in something positive. Spend time with you're girlfriend and not abusing people online for their beliefs or mistakes.

    You are angry, confused and uncertain of the future.  It is causing you to lash out.  It is not how you want to be.
    Oh it is. It truly truly is.
    My families future is now in doubt.
    No general election ever threatened to take my gf or little boy away.
    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • dtrdtr Frets: 1037
    Um... what's the lard for?  (I have a feeling I might have questioner's remorse soon)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • professorbenprofessorben Frets: 5106
    dtr;1132311" said:
    Um... what's the lard for?  (I have a feeling I might have questioner's remorse soon)
    " Why does it smell of bum?" Mrs Professorben.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • dtrdtr Frets: 1037
    dtr;1132311" said:
    Um... what's the lard for?  (I have a feeling I might have questioner's remorse soon)
    Oh!!!  Now I get it.  I saw a video of that on the internet once....
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • dtrdtr Frets: 1037
    ...might have been twice.
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Moe_ZambeekMoe_Zambeek Frets: 3452
    Well, this thread didn't turn out how I imagined.

    Much like the referendum :)
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • snakemanStoosnakemanStoo Frets: 1708
    Am I the only one who read the title as "Brexit guitar swapping thread"?
    PSN id : snakey33stoo
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Moe_ZambeekMoe_Zambeek Frets: 3452
    That could work too, in these cash strapped days...
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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