Female Bodybuilders - sexy or No No

What's Hot


  • DominicDominic Frets: 16297
    I don't really think so ............. the attitude to peoples sexuality is a total non-event in modern society - nobody gives a shit other than the odd bible-basher or Octagenarian Colonel....I think some people can be over-sensitive to their sexuality but these are the type of people who would be offended by reference to being called a Vegan when they are ,in fact, a boring everyday vegetarian. I think that one of the lovelier aspects of the modern Western world is that all sexual diversity is almost disregarded as an irrelevance and I don't see any bullying at all ;smart or otherwise................ In this silly brand -brainwashed society you are more likely to be ridiculed for wearing an unfashionable label,wrong trainers or wrong style of Hipster beard than the sex of who you choose to sleep with.
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  • DominicDominic Frets: 16297
    Why don't paragraphs format properly with this new format ?
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  • MyrandaMyranda Frets: 2940
    Dominic said:
    Why don't paragraphs format properly with this new format ?
    Why not message the mods and ask? 
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  • marantz1300marantz1300 Frets: 3107
    No ,No ,No. Fit women are great. Steroids ,growth hormone and women should NEVER be mixed.
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  • DominicDominic Frets: 16297
    @Myranda - oh go on ..... would you ask for me ?.............or tell me if you know and I promise never to use the word Ladyboy again As it happens I do see your point .......never occurred to me ......that it is a name they have made up for themselves in a sex industry way .........I thought they actually liked to be called Ladyboy .Sorry if you found that offensive . Thanks
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  • earwighoneyearwighoney Frets: 3516
    Each to their own.  

    IMO, I find Strats to be really ugly guitars.  More of a Tele person myself. 

    This is a guitar forum right? 
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  • marantz1300marantz1300 Frets: 3107
    Each to their own.  

    IMO, I find Strats to be really ugly guitars.  More of a Tele person myself. 

    This is a guitar forum right? 

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  • DiscoStuDiscoStu Frets: 5611
    Did anyone catch the Fetish programme on Channel 4 last night? There was some weird stuff going on on there (balloons, teeth flossing...) and one guy gets off on female bodybuilders. But not looking at them, touching, no. He gets off on being lifted and carried around by them. Each to his own and all that but I just don't get it!
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  • DominicDominic Frets: 16297
    I saw one of those programmes years ago where an old City chap took a box of cream cakes and a rubber mat each week to a prostitute .........she had to throw the cakes at his genitals when he took his trousers down - every time she scored a direct hit he tipped his Bowler hat and said ' thankyou madam '!.....................takes all types !
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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    If you think it's sexy, then yeah-it's sexy. Why give a shit what others think or try to compartmentalise anything? If you want to fuck lady boy's but are straight who gives a fuck?

    personally I find the overly muscley women a turn off, but the fitness competition ones great (after a pie and 2 weeks out of competition).

    not sure why anyone male or female would want to jab ounces of steroids onto themselves personally but there we go.

    Anecdotally I know 3 massive steroid takers-1 is now blind (top level body builder in his day-international winner, early 50's) and 2 have kidney issues (one cancer early 40's) these are body builder/doormen guys, I know a few others that have taken them that are now in their 40's and 50's but on the face of it are fine and many more younger guys that are fine.

    if you google the SA rugby team of the early 90's many of them were on the juice and now suffering all kinds of health issues as they hit their 40's and 50's, could be coincidence but the numbers suggest not.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:





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  • cacophonycacophony Frets: 385
    hmmm, i find myself strangely unable to form my own opinion on this matter. perhaps if someone were to post lots of pictures of fitness models i may be able to reach a decision...

    (just fitness models mind, no big muscly she-men)

    *doffs hat*
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 34007
    edited July 2016
    lloyd said:
    If you think it's sexy, then yeah-it's sexy. Why give a shit what others think or try to compartmentalise anything? If you want to fuck lady boy's but are straight who gives a fuck?

    personally I find the overly muscley women a turn off, but the fitness competition ones great (after a pie and 2 weeks out of competition).

    not sure why anyone male or female would want to jab ounces of steroids onto themselves personally but there we go.

    Anecdotally I know 3 massive steroid takers-1 is now blind (top level body builder in his day-international winner, early 50's) and 2 have kidney issues (one cancer early 40's) these are body builder/doormen guys, I know a few others that have taken them that are now in their 40's and 50's but on the face of it are fine and many more younger guys that are fine.

    if you google the SA rugby team of the early 90's many of them were on the juice and now suffering all kinds of health issues as they hit their 40's and 50's, could be coincidence but the numbers suggest not.
    This is why I never got into steroids- although I researched it a lot.
    It is a short term solution with long term consequences.
    Look at the number of American wrestlers with cancer, heart problems and the like.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TheBlueWolfTheBlueWolf Frets: 1536
    Females who work out yes, but not the extra ripped bodybuilding types.

    The Williams sisters are pretty hot!

    I assume the more extreme end of female bodybuilding is as much of a turn off as the guys.......unless you're into a walking, bulging muscle 

    Twisted Imaginings - A Horror And Gore Themed Blog http://bit.ly/2DF1NYi

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  • Its a no from me, but each to their own, one mans steak pie is another mans apple tart and custard!
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  • SargeSarge Frets: 2433
    No,  any woman who has a bigger wammy bar than me is a turnoff. 
    Likewise any woman who can beat the shit out of me is never going to be my thing. 
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  • marantz1300marantz1300 Frets: 3107

    Robert Crumb.

    Takes me back 4 years.


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  • LastMantraLastMantra Frets: 3825
    My girlfriend's sister is a dominatrix. Some of the stories I've heard from her are...well...mind-bending!
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  • DominicDominic Frets: 16297
    Oh go on share some of the funny ones ..........it's all anonymous ..........
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  • octatonicoctatonic Frets: 34007
    Dominic said:
    Oh go on share some of the funny ones ..........it's all anonymous ..........
    I have an ex who is a mistress so I can give you a few stories.
    The best one is a chap who used to like to have his scrotum nailed to a plank of wood.
    Big nails too.
    Apparently he'd take about 20 of them.

    Happy now?
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