May makes Boris Johnson foreign secretary

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  • TeetonetalTeetonetal Frets: 7835
    ICBM said:
    It's a brilliant move. It puts a huge amount of responsibility on him, makes his followers think he's got a big reward and neutralises him as a threat to her leadership all at the same time. He's well-known and popular abroad, and if it all goes wrong with the EU negotiations, guess who gets the blame…

    And he gets to feel very uncomfortable talking to Obama.

    Although, it means that the position of foreign secretary is held by an d absolute idiot. In the countries best interest? not so sure.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 22613
    edited July 2016
    ICBM said:
    It's a brilliant move. It puts a huge amount of responsibility on him, makes his followers think he's got a big reward and neutralises him as a threat to her leadership all at the same time. He's well-known and popular abroad, and if it all goes wrong with the EU negotiations, guess who gets the blame…

    And he gets to feel very uncomfortable talking to Obama.

    Although, it means that the position of foreign secretary is held by an d absolute idiot. In the countries best interest? not so sure.

    If the EU negotiations go wrong, then it'll land at the feet of David Davis. You don't bring a guy like that back into the fold and render him neutral in terms of power, same with Liam Fox. Boris is there as the frontman, the bloke they can parachute into Shanghai to big up Britain. The hard talk will come from others.

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  • hungrymarkhungrymark Frets: 1782
    Come off it, Boris is no idiot. I actually think he'll do OK. He's a smart chap who'll know to toe May's line. Good move by May, if you ask me, who apparently doesn't like him much. Keeps him on something of a leash, and foreign secretary isn't really a high profile position as far as the UK media is concerned (how often do you see them in the news?), so it keeps him out of the way too. 
    Use Your Brian
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  • ESchapESchap Frets: 1428
    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer .....
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  • JezWyndJezWynd Frets: 6186
    edited July 2016
    quarky said:
    Gove takes Boris out of the running for PM to pave the way for May. May needs to give Boris a position in the cabinet, where he can rehabilitate himself to some degree, allow May to ride out the storm of the next year or so, and then challenge for leadership shortly after, the next election, where he will give Gove a senior position in the cabinet. the drippings off his nose.


    Smart move on May's part.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • NiteflyNitefly Frets: 4954
    I don't think he'll do too badly - he seemed to do a good job in China when London picked up the Olympics from Beijing.
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 17941
    tFB Trader
    It's either inspired, or insane and possibly both.
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  • NickLNickL Frets: 154
    It's quite a clever tactical move, and Obama did the same with Hillary Clinton in his first term. Give the biggest rival the foreign ministry - it's too big a job for them to turn down without looking petulant, they're bound by collective cabinet responsibility and they're out of the country (and the media) a lot of the time. The EU negotiations have been spun off to a new department and if anything important happens number 10 takes over foreign affairs anyway.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 17941
    tFB Trader
    If you think his meeting with Obama will be frosty then imagine what his Turkey trip will be like
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  • He'll need to step up, drop the public persona of Bumbling Idiot and start acting like a proper grown-up politician, which is a good thing as he's had it too easy in the game for too long. Time to start earning his keep, as it were.

    Shrewd moves all round from May it seems. Sky cycling may have a contender for the moniker of Team Death Star ;)
    littlegreenman < My tunes here...
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  • Axe_meisterAxe_meister Frets: 4712
    I would have stuck him in education. He's good at union negotiations, would be a welcome change from the last few ministers and the kids like him
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • scrumhalfscrumhalf Frets: 11450
    paulk said:
    Bojo is in charge of MI6. Just think about that.
    I  think that the opposite may prove to be true.

    It's a very clever move, it's time for him to pee or get off the pot.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • LodiousLodious Frets: 1960
    I think she put Boris in post to make it really, really obvious to Gove that he's fucked his career :-)
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  • DesVegasDesVegas Frets: 4651
    He's got to be only a few years away from the Prince Philip mentality of foreign policy. Hooray!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • HAL9000HAL9000 Frets: 9849
    Mayday! Mayday!
    I play guitar because I enjoy it rather than because I’m any good at it
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  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 22613
    Lodious said:
    I think she put Boris in post to make it really, really obvious to Gove that he's fucked his career :-)
    That's be the same Boris who in the last four months or so has gone from various stages of career:

    -the brave man risking it all by joining Leave
    -the heir aparent now Leave has won
    -career absolutely fucked after Gove denoucned him
    -the Sun saying that his career was in tatters and that he was at the end of his political life
    -And now Foreign Secretary

    Joining Boris in the career revival bar today has been Liam Fox and David Davis. 

    So having seen those three coming back from the dead, what makes you so sure that Gove is now fucked forever? 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • nickb_boynickb_boy Frets: 1689
    edited July 2016
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  • siremoonsiremoon Frets: 1524
    paulk said:
    Bojo is in charge of MI6. Just think about that.
    Not really.  The security services are largely overseen by the JIC which comes under the Cabinet Office
    “He is like a man with a fork in a world of soup.” - Noel Gallagher
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  • siremoonsiremoon Frets: 1524
    Obama is going to be off the scene in a few months and in any event the opposite number in the US Government to the Foreign Secretary is the Secretary of State not the president
    “He is like a man with a fork in a world of soup.” - Noel Gallagher
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  • ChalkyChalky Frets: 6811
    You've got to hand it to Boris - he is exceptionally well known on the world stage. His opposite numbers in other countries probably envy his public recognition levels.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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