Chris Boardman's mum killed in cycling collision

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  • strtdv said:
    Troy said:
    Was there a law passed recently where all cyclists have to wear lycra? 

    Not too many idiot drivers around here to be fair, last week a truck honked at me as he didn't like the fact that there wasn't space to overtake me, but haven't had much road rage at all.

    I've often considered doing the same - just leaning on the horn in the hope that the driver in front will simply pull over and let me past. What's always stopped me is the thought that the chap in front is possibly not an idiot and is not inclined to do the same.. :-)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • sev112sev112 Frets: 2869
    Interesting to hear others views. My use of shared cycle paths is purely to bimble a couple of miles into town rather than driving, so my speeds are lower than 15mph. I can understand more sporty cyclists wanting to stay on the public road and keep their speeds higher than that.

    I used to live in East London and commute into the City on a cycle Superhighway (along Cable Street if anyone's interested). The greatest danger to me on those was people cycling the other way (towards Canary Wharf) and pulling out into my lane to overtake someone slower...
    The joint pavement /cycle paths are very good for walking pace cycling and kids.  But they are very hazardous - cars pulling out of drives, the aforementioned dogs, people on phones. Mon main roads, the experienced cyclist is better off with the cars.   Also the surface is usually appalling with even more potholes and debris than the road. 
    On my closest main road stretch we have both joint and road cycle way next to each other.

    PS very difficult to turn right from a cycle lane.  Drivers behind usually honk or shout to stay in lane !
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • i used to cycle 17 miles into Salford from Stockport Daily, the place Ive been hit 3 times is Didsbury, an aspirational middle class area full of go getters, 4WD Botox mums on the 1 mile school run and suits in big powerful cars, double parked pull out without indicating fuckwits all allong the main street My hilarious "adventures" on this stretch have been fairly well documented on here so won't go into detail right now except to say that Didsbury has proven itself to be cock central. 

    People just don't think, too fucking busy for all that stuff.
    Wisdom for this. Anything on Barlow Moor road was a disaster for me & going from Burton onto Wilmslow was dicey too! Once you hit withington going north things settled down on my commute. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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