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whats a good cheap guitar for stoner rock !!!

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  • LewLew Frets: 1657
    edited November 2016
    Bob Balch uses Reverend which is within budget ish. Brant Bjork uses a Strat (and SG). On the heavier side Thomas V Jaeger uses a Greco V and king Jus Oborn uses an Epiphone g400 and honestly if it's good enough for Jus ... well... Liz plays some tasty SG's ;-) any shorter scale (or not) plank with strings will do. Get yer fuzz and amps right innit bruv :-)

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  • ReverendReverend Frets: 5214
    Lew said:
    Bob Balch uses Reverend which is within budget ish. Brant Bjork uses a Strat (and SG). On the heavier side Thomas V Jaeger uses a Greco V and king Jus Oborn uses an Epiphone g400 and honestly if it's good enough for Jus ... well... Liz plays some tasty SG's ;-) any shorter scale (or not) plank with strings will do. Get yer fuzz and amps right innit bruv :-)

    Jus used an Epi for years but has a couple of Gibson SGs now. He used a BC Virgin  with Lord Of Putrefaction and Thy Grief Eternal. 
    Liz uses an old laney aor she got when she was in Sourvein. However they usually spec 800s for festivals and one off gigs. 
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  • Look for a used esp Ltd h1000 or h1001.  They used to go cheap as chips because they're ugly as fuck. 

    Great guitars though -well thought out, good hardware , amazing to play. They like drop tunings. There are ec1000s out there for a more lp vibe. 
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  • I had a look at the ESP, I think i prefer the Reverend ones, they looks amazing.

    Instagram is Rocknrollismyescape -

    FOR SALE - Catalinbread Echorec, Sonic Blue classic player strat and a Digitech bad monkey


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  • Epiphone Sg400.
    Cheap as chips brand new, sound great downtuned, and the stock pickups are pretty good (or chuck a set of iron gears in for @£65)

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  • TTBZTTBZ Frets: 2958
    Epiphones are a bit more known for being neck heavy I think. 

    Someone else suggested a Revstar - I had a go on one the other day and loved it. They look really good as well. I can see myself ending up with one eventually! 
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  • SG is the answer to most questions. That or a Tele. Or a 335
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  • TTBZ said:
    Epiphones are a bit more known for being neck heavy I think.
    Well...i have an Epiphone Sg400 and a Gibson 2009 sg special, and i would say they are both balanced really well.
    The gibbo is a lot lighter, but both have no real weight or balance issues.
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  • DrJazzTapDrJazzTap Frets: 2181
    My initial thoughts were a faded SG
    I would love to change my username, but I fully understand the T&C's (it was an old band nickname). So please feel free to call me Dave.
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  • doogz84doogz84 Frets: 206
    I have an Explorer that I keep in Drop C or B for this sort of stuff.

    Does the job well, but the Black Winters are a bit much tbh. Keep meaning to take them out and get something else, but I'm not playing it too much these days while my drummer mate has gone into some sort of drug/anxiety induced hibernation, and we're not going to the studio/factory as much.

    I do like a bit of Down. :)
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  • ExorcistExorcist Frets: 666
    LPJunior (P90) > Green Russian Muff or similar - should be had for £500, loads of choices but I loved that combo personally. I was going into a Laney AOR 100 clean channel dimed with gain low. Sounded heavenly.
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  • What tuning were you using

    Instagram is Rocknrollismyescape -

    FOR SALE - Catalinbread Echorec, Sonic Blue classic player strat and a Digitech bad monkey


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