Summer Football Transfers

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preston61preston61 Frets: 690
So the season has hardly finished and the Euro's are just round the corner, but the papers are a wash with speculation about who is maybe going where.

So I thought that it might be worth setting up somewhere for all of us that are football fans to discuss signings and rumours.

To paint my colours, I am life long Swindon Town fan but due to how hard that is , Manchester United are my 2nd team, which means that this summer is going to be a lot of fun, especially if Zlaatan signs

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  • SargeSarge Frets: 2433
    Rooney to Everton, it's not a widely regarded rumour as I've only just started it, but give it time.
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  • preston61preston61 Frets: 690
    Sarge said:
    Rooney to Everton, it's not a widely regarded rumour as I've only just started it, but give it time.
    haha, was hoping to avoid the Transfer Deadline day style rumours, (just seen Ronaldo at the Burger King in Manchester Airport, type thing) so maybe a link to the website where you've seen the rumour might be a good idea, or quote the paper its in. Just a thought
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  • menamestommenamestom Frets: 4777

    I've read The Zlat is waiting for a loyalty bonus from PSG before he signs. Apparently he needs to wait until after 30th June. With regards to the signing, I have mixed feelings. A 34 year old 'super ego' is not my idea of the future, but he could be a good mentor for the younger crop of players and you can't argue with his goal stats, which seem to have an upward trend as he's got older. That said, will he have the pace for the premier league?
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  • preston61preston61 Frets: 690
    Somewhere in the region of 4 million from what I understand, can understand why he would wait.

    As a short term fix he's a very good signing, as much for his off the field additions as anything else, his shirt sales alone could plug the gap that United will miss from not being in the champions league. Sure his lack of pace might have it's down falls, but with Martial and Rashford around him I don't think United or him will suffer. He has an amazing ability to create something out of nothing, be that a goal or a chance creating pass, so I think he'll be excellent

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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774

    I've read The Zlat is waiting for a loyalty bonus from PSG before he signs. Apparently he needs to wait until after 30th June. With regards to the signing, I have mixed feelings. A 34 year old 'super ego' is not my idea of the future, but he could be a good mentor for the younger crop of players and you can't argue with his goal stats, which seem to have an upward trend as he's got older. That said, will he have the pace for the premier league?
    Zlatan never had any pace so not sure that will be an issue for him, what will affect him and his team mates is his lack of any kind of press in his game and no tracking back-English fans will forgive playing badly, but they won't forgive not putting a shift in (unless he's banging goals in).

    He's not a player I'd want at my club (Liverpool) if I'm honest-he does some amazing things on a football pitch but it's a team game and I don't think he gets that.

    He's worth a punt for Utd with Mourihno at the helm as he's fine playing up top on his own, will be 'handled' right by the other super ego of the game and with no CL this year so probably won't be able to attract another player of his stature, but being Utd they have to get superstars in every summer.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:



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  • NikkoNikko Frets: 1803

    Spurs fan here...sorry 'bout that ;)

    Looking at the Sky Sports website this morning, the newspaper rumours suggest that Spurs are in for Vincent Jannsen from AZ Alkmaar. Don't know much about him to be honest as I don't really watch much footie from the Eredivisie, but apparently he was the leagues top scorer with 27 goals last season. Prem is obviously a much tougher league, but hes young and will have a good coach in Pochettino.

    On a side note, id love to see 'The Zlatan' in the Premiership next season!

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  • menamestommenamestom Frets: 4777

    Well put @lloyd you are probably right. It will be interesting, if nothing else. Looking over to the blue side of Manchester, Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang could be a very good signing for them, if it goes through. No question with pace there, could the City 2nd striker 'issue' be solved at last if this happens?
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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    City will be fine, they now have a class manager, unlimited money, CL football etc etc etc.

    Think Pep is going to raid the shit out of Dortmund but for City this time-I'm guessing he'll have a clause that stops him poaching Bayern's talent for a transfer window or two.

    Aubameyang would be a great signing.

    I'm looking forward to his take on English football, as he won't be able (or want to I'm sure) play the same way his teams have before.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:



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  • UnclePsychosisUnclePsychosis Frets: 13052

    Why on earth would a Swindon fan "support" Manchester Utd?

    Will be interesting to see the signings this year. The TV money has got so insane that even the likes of Stoke can spend megabucks.

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  • preston61preston61 Frets: 690

    Why on earth would a Swindon fan "support" Manchester Utd?

    Simply put, I grew up watching Swindon week in week out when I was kid, however I moved away from the area and getting to see any Swindon games now that they've slipped down to league one is not very easy. I have always enjoyed watching United and so by default they became my 2nd team (that and most of my friends were Arsenal fans when I was growing up, and their smugness was enough to want to support whichever side was beating them, which at the time was United)
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  • jpttaylorjpttaylor Frets: 473
    Well as a West Ham fan, I look forward to spending the whole summer being linked with every player under the sun. A combination of David Sullivan continually running his mouth off and the Olympic Stadium move means the papers will be focusing on us. My hopes and expectations will vary massively unless I ignore it all.
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  • FatfingersFatfingers Frets: 500
    And as an Arsenal fan I'll enjoy watching us be linked with all sorts of mouth-watering prospects, then watching Man City etc buy them.
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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    As a Liverpool fan I'm looking forward to being linked to every player Jurgen Klopp has ever managed, only for them to go to a team playing CL football and buying over-priced kids with potential (again).

    Although Klopp has a fantastic record in terms of buying players with potential and them actually realising that potential rather than the dross we've hired in the past.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:



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  • SnapSnap Frets: 6274
    I don't care. I'm still reeling from our (Blackburn) fantastic managerial appointment: Owen Coyle.


    If he lasts past Xmas, I'll be surprised. And if he does, we will be flirting with relgation I am sure.

    Prove me wrong Mr Coyle, but your track record suggest you are a bag of shite when it comes to managing teams.

    Mind you, it doesn't help with us not having hardly a single director, and owners who are not even remotely interested. very sad.

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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    Snap said:
    I don't care. I'm still reeling from our (Blackburn) fantastic managerial appointment: Owen Coyle.


    If he lasts past Xmas, I'll be surprised. And if he does, we will be flirting with relgation I am sure.

    Prove me wrong Mr Coyle, but your track record suggest you are a bag of shite when it comes to managing teams.

    Mind you, it doesn't help with us not having hardly a single director, and owners who are not even remotely interested. very sad.

    Read a piece on Lewandowski and how he was going to sign for your mob before that Icelandic cloud grounded his flight.

    Your recent past could have been a lot different had he stayed a year or two and you sold him on.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:



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  • SnapSnap Frets: 6274
    The last few years, the Venky period has been a catastrophically bad time for the club. Its very very sad to see a (previously) well run, hugely over performing profitable club, a founder of the football league, being steadily ground into dust.

    You hear people slating the Burn fans for the grief they gave Steve Kean, but very few people outside of the club knew what was going on behind the scenes, which justified a lot of the agro from the fans.

    I do fear for the club - now has 100M debt, dwindling gates, no board, and now, a really shite manager. League One is calling.
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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    It's sad to see your current state, the Venky's fucked you. Fingers crossed you'll get it turned around at some point.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:



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  • SnapSnap Frets: 6274
    Mate, I don't think so. Those Venkys are stubborn, and I can't see them losing face by selling.
    They also seem reluctant to take help and advice.

    The other main problem is we don;t have a board, not really, so the club is really wandering. That;s one of the main reasons Paul Lambert left, not that he is really that good anyway (poor results all season). But when a manager just walks, thats bad news.

    You know I never ever thought I would say this, but I reckon Steve Maclaren would have been a better option than Coyle. I think he;s that bad!
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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    I think you need them to leave before anything positive happens, you'll be run into the ground by that point....perhaps a fan takeover when you're down in League 2?

    Sad to see a Premier League winner in that state.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:



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  • quarkyquarky Frets: 2777

    Who'd have thought that Mourinho's first signing is set to be a defender :)

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