I've left facebook

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  • bigjonbigjon Frets: 681
    With my daughter in hospital, she finished reading a book, I put out a facebook status from her bedside in Addenbrookes hospital asking to borrow the next book in the series, she was reading it within an hour. That wouldn't have happened without facebook.

    When my wife went into hospital suddenly, I put a status out asking if anyone could childmind next day. Three offers straight away, didn't have to ring them up and put them under pressure, they could just volunteer of they were willing. Wouldn't have happened without facebook.

    If a jam-nights gets cancelled or a gig venue gets changed etc, you'll only find out if you're on Facebook.
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  • FusionistaFusionista Frets: 184
    edited January 2015
    Apart from this, the only other site I use is YouGov - great to profile people,but skewed to ranters, I doubt terrorists would bother to use it - as per the old NTNON sketch about Marxists    
    "Nobody needs more than 20 strats." Mike Landau
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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    IanSavage said:
    I can't be rid of mine, most of the band planning seems to revolve around FB :/ I can kinda see the advantages though, easier to do group messages and get everyone's can/can't do gig responses all in one place; I've become involved in some quite unusual creative projects because of 'shout-outs' on Facebook too. Oh, and my last band swung a tour with one of my all-time heroes because of finding a random Twitter post, so if you're in a band you're kind of doing yourself a disservice if you abandon the whole social media thing, like it or not.
    Wis, like it or not, it's the future, and a good free way of spreading the good word about your band....

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:





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  • holnrewholnrew Frets: 8207
    Evilmags said:
    And for keeping an eye on the children.
    Okay Rolf.
    My V key is broken
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  • vizviz Frets: 11023
    It's good for making new friends:

    Roland said: Scales are primarily a tool for categorising knowledge, not a rule for what can or cannot be played.
    Supportact said: [my style is] probably more an accumulation of limitations and bad habits than a 'style'.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • FusionistaFusionista Frets: 184
    edited January 2015
    lloyd said:Wis, like it or not, it's the future, and a good free way of spreading the good word about your band....
    Is it the future though ? Didn't get it from the off and I still don't. Find it weird to be telling everyone what you are doing, as if it mattered to anyone but you and those you are doing it with. Fully prepared to have my eyes opened, see it in a different way however.

    What I do know is that Mark Zuckerberg is now a fully-paid up member of the Elite, who are between them running the world (as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos etc) so I do not expect it to fail (as so many before it, eg MySpace), but surely it must morph into something more useful ?
    "Nobody needs more than 20 strats." Mike Landau
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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    lloyd said:Wis, like it or not, it's the future, and a good free way of spreading the good word about your band....
    Is it the future though ? Didn't get it from the off and I still don't. Find it weird to be telling everyone what you are doing, as if it mattered to anyone but you and those you are doing it with. Fully prepared to have my eyes opened, see it in a different way however.

    What I do know is that Mark Zuckerberg is now a fully-paid up member of the Elite, who are between them running the world (as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos etc) so I do not expect it to fail (as so many before it, eg MySpace), but surely it must morph into something more useful ?

    @Fusionista if you didn't get it from the off, I suppose it's not for you and you never will, I've said this before many times-used how you want it's a great tool-I like it. 

    I use it to keep in touch/share photo's with people all over the country/world-my parents live 150 miles away as does one brother/wife/kids the other brother/wife/kid  lives 300 miles away. 

    I live 150 miles away from my hometown so don't see the lads I grew up with that often, so will have (apologies for the word) 'banter' about sport over it-I'd like to be in the pub with them doing it but it's a good enough substitute-it's more public than a phone call/text message but that's a good thing-as other people will chime in with abuse/piss taking etc-all good fun.

    I have private groups which me and my family share photos in-that other people aren't interested in and wouldn't necessarily want in the public domain-eg baby pictures/3,000,000 holiday snaps from Greece-boring for others, but my Mam loves that kind of stuff. I have a public band page for promoting gigs/tunes/networking, and a private one for just the members that we can discuss stuff in quickly that everyone can see.

    Of course I have the odd idiot 'friend' on there which on the whole just make me laugh when they post their drama's rather than winds me up-but if the wound me up too much-I could delete them, or if that's too socially awkward I'll 'hide' their posts so I never see them (one mates wife comes to mind-posts 50 times a day about her kids being ill/shat on the floor/no money etc etc)

    I'd say that socialising through the internet is the future-whether that's facebook or it takes some other form-humans as a species are fascinated by what other people do and narcissistic enough to want to tell other what they're doing. 

    I'd be surprised if facebook fell by the wayside like Myspace did though, it's pretty embedded in the social conciousness now-kids have grown up with it, had their formative years on it, know no life without facebook in a way that myspace never did. Like it or not their format is very very popular and for every time they change something and people bitch and moan about the changes-people (on the whole) don't leave. Instagram is owned by them-and that seems (for some reason) going strong. I have 14 year old to 60+year old family members on there as well as Asian and black people Americans, Indians, Ozzies etc etc etc,as friends, so in that massive sample size it has a very wide range of age, ethnic and cultural appeal.....

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:





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  • jonnyburgojonnyburgo Frets: 12657
    Well, not been on it now for a few days and have to admit it is odd to go on the computer and not log in to facebook, it's a habit just like getting in from work and turning the TV or the kettle on. 

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  • holnrewholnrew Frets: 8207
    You've missed some fantastic posts.
    My V key is broken
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