Do you play ALL your guitars?

What's Hot
I've come to realise that of my 4 electric guitars I only ever seem to reach for two- My LP Jr or my Tele. Between them they cover all the musical bases I need and as such my time is divided almost equally between them.

(My Melody Maker is in danger of being put up for sale: Whilst it's really nice, it falls somewhere between the Jr and Tele both in terms of sounds and playability- it's a good backup to either, but never first choice.)

Do you have favourites- how many of how many do you routinely play? 
At what point do you consider selling a guitar you're not playing?

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  • shaunmshaunm Frets: 1650
    I actually sold two guitars because of this very reason. I just found myself always heading back to the one guitar. I got rid of the other two because they were not getting a look in. 

    If you can justify keeping them because you want to keep them then it's worth keeping them. If you would rather have the money and wouldn't miss these then move them on. Obviously the proceeds should go into buying another guitar that might make you sell one of the others....... And so the cycle continues
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  • teradaterada Frets: 5114
    edited June 2015
    I go through phases. Each one kind of inspires me in a different way, so I tend to play one exclusively for a few months, then change it up. That said, before I started using forums I was a one guitar guy (mia strat), and since getting my r8, I've been losing interst in other guitars so maybe I'll go back to being a one guitar guy! I still won't sell the others though!
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  • BucketBucket Frets: 7752
    I'm weeding out all the ones I don't play and replacing them with ones I do... so now I have nine and they all get used.
    - "I'm going to write a very stiff letter. A VERY stiff letter. On cardboard."
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  • jeztone2jeztone2 Frets: 2160
    I sort of did what @shaunm did. I had a Goldtop McCarty that was lovely but weighed a ton. Then I had an SG Standard that lived in a case & I never touched it. So both went.
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 27834
    Yup. I make a point of playing all of mine. I keep one in the living room all the time and rotate which one it is every couple of weeks. Any that don't get rotate regularly get modded to make me want to play them, or get the boot. 
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • Phil_aka_PipPhil_aka_Pip Frets: 9794
    Yes but some more than others.
    "Working" software has only unobserved bugs. (Parroty Error: Pieces of Nine! Pieces of Nine!)
    Seriously: If you value it, take/fetch it yourself
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  • underdogunderdog Frets: 8334
    I play mainly my Vermillion or Goldtop LPJ, I do use my SG when I fancy some P90 growl.

    I only use my HB explorer at the moment when I'm playing rocksmith, or my daughter uses it when she's playing the game.

    I rarely play my duo sonic as it needs some TLC, and I never play my Strat as I just don't like them.

    Play my acoustic fairly often, and also the 2 I keep at work.
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  • davewwdaveww Frets: 165
    Yep, all mine hang on the wall with straps or on stands witching easy reach. I make sure they all get played.
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  • mike_lmike_l Frets: 5700


    Last one I had that got very little play got PX'd against the Charvel, which gets loads of playing time.

    Ringleader of the Cambridge cartel, pedal champ and king of the dirt boxes (down to 21) 

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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28043
    I can honestly say that I play each and every one of my guitars.

    (during a 5-10 year period).
    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • thomasross20thomasross20 Frets: 4438
    Yes, I actually play all of them every time I play - 20 mins each or whatever. 
    Acoustic gets slightly less play time. 
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  • ellangusellangus Frets: 250
    edited June 2015
    Got my collection down to a Fender Telecaster, a Gibson Les Paul Studio, a Gibson Les Paul Jnr. a 1982 Epiphone acoustic and a Martin HD28.

    The Epiphone is for taking to a festival every year and that's the only time it gets played.

    The Telecaster of which the only original bit is the body - everything else has been changed is the guitar, it has a BKP Mule in the neck and a BKP Flat 50 in the Bridge. I keep coming back to and it NEVER disappoints.

    The LP Jnr gets played next

    The LP Studio least - it's not that I don't like it, it's just that for me, my Telecaster covers all my bases but I like the LPS it when I do play it and the Martin gets played pretty regularly.

    If I had to keep just one, it would be the Tele hands down, with no hesitation - It's perfect for me.

    Along with many others, I got Scammed by J Collingridge 'Award Winning' Photographer. Full details about his behaviour on this and other forums can be found on this thread. If you have been Scammed by J Collingridge 'Award Winning' Photographer, let us know and even if you haven't, putting a similar message in your own signature will help us warn others.
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    I own three guitars:

    A Mex Strat, a Squire Bullet Strat and a Jagmaster.

    Of those three I only really pick up the Mex.

    The other two are only worth something to me, so would not be worth selling for financial gain.

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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 17918
    tFB Trader
    I have 4 guitars. 

    The DGT gets used at practice and as main guitar at gigs.

    The Strat is on a hanger in the living room and is gig backup so probably gets equal play.

    The Gretsch is not versatile enough to be used live and a bit fragile to be left in a room with two small children so it doesn't get played enough.

    My old strat doesn't really do anything that the others don't and is really heavy so it's in storage and is kept for purely sentimental reasons.
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  • 57Deluxe57Deluxe Frets: 7360
    ...not at the same time...
    <Vintage BOSS Upgrades>
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  • ellangusellangus Frets: 250
    edited June 2015
    There's that word "sentimental". How many of us have guitars we would probably wouldn't buy now and would shunt on if it wasn't for the fact that we've had them such a long time. My Epiphone acoustic is one of those. it's a bag of shit really (actually it's really not bad at all)

    Along with many others, I got Scammed by J Collingridge 'Award Winning' Photographer. Full details about his behaviour on this and other forums can be found on this thread. If you have been Scammed by J Collingridge 'Award Winning' Photographer, let us know and even if you haven't, putting a similar message in your own signature will help us warn others.
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  • EvilmagsEvilmags Frets: 5158
    edited June 2015
    The only one I don't play is the 12 string acoustic, mainly because my picking technique hates 12 strings.
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  • slackerslacker Frets: 2280

    I've got 4 electrics, an archtop, acoustic and play bass, so that's an electric bass, electric double bass and a travel bass. I've also got a drum kit I dont play and a home keyboard I dont play,

    I've also got three amps and a bass amp.

    I dont play a lot of it and I've been trying to thin out the herd. However every time I decide I dont need something things change, I change bands and then use it again.

    I'm currently using an ES125 and a Vox AC4 out, a Musicman Stingray or a an NXT with a Markbass combo out and at home my Les Paul Classic (with Lollars) and a Bad Cat 30.

    Dont start me on the pedals I dont use.

    IMHO the advantage of having multiples is that you can swap and change without selling, trading, losing etc.

    My current guitars not in use are a Ric 330 and 360, and an Ovation  they are staying. THe SG Faded is going hopefully.

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  • usedtobeusedtobe Frets: 3842
    I used to play all mine, but in rotation, 2 or 3 being used, the rest waiting their turn. About 3 years ago, I pretty much stopped altogether. Just trying to get back to playing. Currently whittling down the collection to a level where they 'should' all get used. I'll admit to hanging on to stuff for purely sentimental reasons, but I'm trying to change that. I feel better, already, just for having less ornaments cluttering the place up.
     so if you fancy a reissue of a guitar they never made in a colour they never used then it probably isn't too overpriced.

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  • hotpothotpot Frets: 846
    14 guitars/basses & they all get rotated on a weekly basis. >:D<
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