What's your rig worth?

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  • crunchmancrunchman Frets: 11537
    edited March 2014
    Mine is worth far too much.  Good news is that I can't find a current address for myself on 192.com.  When you do the electoral roll you have the option to tick a box saying that you don't want your data sold on.

    It can be a bit of a pain for credit checks but at least you don't appear on sites like that.
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  • frankusfrankus Frets: 4719
    I was a little disappointed with mine - scared but disappointed then I realised it didn't include amps...

    I'm tempted to trade it in for a second hand Boxter.
    A sig-nat-eur? What am I meant to use this for ffs?! Is this thing recording?
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  • LastMantraLastMantra Frets: 3825
    frankus said:
    I was a little disappointed with mine - scared but disappointed then I realised it didn't include amps...

    I'm tempted to trade it in for a second hand Boxter.
    Don't park it outside your house though or people will know you own a Boxter and rob you.
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  • kossofffankossofffan Frets: 556
    1 Guitar, 1 Amp & 1 Pedal Board = priceless to me !
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  • Years ago in Yeovil I was doing a gig in a rough little pub. I had a 54 tele, 72 Vibrolux and an OD pedal. Other guitarist had a 90's strat plus and a Marshall VS80. 
    Mate came along and asked is that a real 50's tele I said yeah, he was appalled I would leave it on stand in the pub. 
    So I explained the majority of guitarists who knows what's what, would not steal from another musician, however the average arsehole thief would look and pick the shiny strat to pinch if he had a choice! 
    So I was safe.
    The gear has to be used and gigged, if you are too frightened of losing it don't buy it. 
    Moral, buy what you need and can use, rather than what will impress other guitarists.
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  • vizviz Frets: 10779
    Reminds me of the scene in indiana jones with the grail. "You have chosen ..... poorly".
    Roland said: Scales are primarily a tool for categorising knowledge, not a rule for what can or cannot be played.
    Supportact said: [my style is] probably more an accumulation of limitations and bad habits than a 'style'.
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  • Yep, he still sounded better than me as he was a better player !
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 17934
    tFB Trader
    Mine doesn't really tell the story from the list prices. 

    My H&K Puretone listed at about £2K and my PRS Singlecut at about £2.5K, but for both of them I paid a fraction of that. 
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  • Danny1969Danny1969 Frets: 10615

    I have 2 different rigs for the various bands I play in, 

    HT5 head - £150
    Home made 1 x 12" £80
    Custom made Superstrat £2k

    Big rig
    JMP-1 not sure, can't buy em new anymore
    EL34 100 /100 about £900 I think
    80's Les Paul, SG double neck, Superstrat all worth a fortune but not mine

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  • hywelghywelg Frets: 4316
    I had to do a reckon up of my pedal board for insurance purposes and it made me wince. Surprising how it all adds up.
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  • randomhandclapsrandomhandclaps Frets: 20521
    edited March 2014
    My muse is not a horse and art is not a race.
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  • ROOG said:
    Clingy said:
    Totally disproportionate to my ability!

    That makes at least two of us then!

    Terrible thing GAS.

    Make that three. 

    I try not to think about it, and just remind myself that I do very much enjoy playing what I've got - which fundamentally is the whole point of it for me. 

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  • Lexie1Lexie1 Frets: 135
    Yamaha THR10
    Fretboard Collective Guitar

    And that my friends is it!
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  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73140
    My last full-band live rig was about three and a half grand, of which the most valuable part was the pedalboard at about £1500. (Guitar a bit over a grand, amp a bit under.)

    Nowadays I use an acoustic guitar worth either a couple of hundred quid or about a grand and a bit, depending which I take, or a bass worth about £1500 and a pedal worth £100.

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

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  • I have a few guitars - perhaps adding up to a grand, 2 are home finished ones
    bass - £400 used, give or take
    Amp - Silverstripe Bandit, 50-60 quid used
    Pedals - about £200.

    That's quite a lot! I still want a chorus pedal, but I can happily route my signal through my computer for that.  
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  • johnnyurqjohnnyurq Frets: 1368
    When I was gigging regularly it was over £10k worth at 2nd hand prices then.

    Now after not being gigging for over 2 years I have only 6 electric guitars, 1 acoustic, a bass and 2 amps so it all including PA and the like is about £5k at todays 2nd hand values.

    At one point I had over 20 guitars and always about 4 amps and a few multi FX etc, but not much in the way of discrete pedals strangely.

    Most likely will downsize some gear (although all guitars and 2 amp are keepers I reckon) in the near future as it is silly having all that gear doing mostly nowt.

    Might actually cause me to get off the treadmill and concentrate solely on what I do have, for a change.

    Ooh we are all very bad are we not?
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  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73140
    johnnyurq said:
    only 6 electric guitars
    Sorry, but that made me laugh for some reason :).

    I wonder why we "need" so many?

    I can't moralise, I have four - although one is out on permanent loan and one on temporary, so I kind-of only have two at the moment…

    And three acoustics. (6-string, 12-string and resonator.)

    And a bass - that's probably my main instrument at the moment. I did have another one but I sold it.

    And three electric guitar amps, one bass amp, one "multi-amp" (acoustic/vocal etc.) and a small PA amp.

    .. and that's not that much stuff, compared to a lot of players I know, most of who are just amateurs even if they gig occasionally (like me).

    Most professional classical musicians own one main instrument and sometimes a backup.

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

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  • This is true @ICBM but I think it's down to just treating ourselves.  

    Technically, I 'need' one guitar - I mostly play rock, groove and metal so my LTD is fine.  But I want a jazzmaster because they're great looking and sound completely different, and I want the PRS build because I like building and it'll get me something in between the pure vintage tones of the jazzmaster and the proper modern sound of the LTD.  And it has a trem, which is nice :)

    We are victims, really :P

    The acoustic folks I know basically have one, generally more expensive, guitar  that suits them well - string spacing and sound they like.

    Andy Mckee last night had 2 guitars (acoustic and acoustic baritone) and both of them managed to cover so many different tunings each, it was insane.  If I put my LTD from one tuning to another that's significantly different, things would not work out well, but acoustics seem to cope.  

    Plus, guitars are well pretty ;)
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  • johnnyurqjohnnyurq Frets: 1368
    ICBM;199309" said:
    johnnyurq said:

    only 6 electric guitars

    Sorry, but that made me laugh for some reason :).

    I wonder why we "need" so many?

    I can't moralise, I have four - although one is out on permanent loan and one on temporary, so I kind-of only have two at the moment…

    And three acoustics. (6-string, 12-string and resonator.)

    And a bass - that's probably my main instrument at the moment. I did have another one but I sold it.

    And three electric guitar amps, one bass amp, one "multi-amp" (acoustic/vocal etc.) and a small PA amp.

    .. and that's not that much stuff, compared to a lot of players I know, most of who are just amateurs even if they gig occasionally (like me).

    Most professional classical musicians own one main instrument and sometimes a backup.

    Yes it was meant slightly tongue in cheek and aimed squarely/sarcastically at me and my attitude from before of having a few over 20 and still wanting more.

    Far from cured but beginning to question the sanity and 6 is more than enough for now.

    I tell myself I have six for the different things brought to the table by the different guitars.


    Line 6 JTV-59 with ext GK3, well you know

    Telecaster with internal GK3, ditto above

    Old faithful Gibson LPR diverse basic tones

    Strat that is for plyaing and pimping with lots of lovely mods

    EVH Special MIJ with F/R and D Tuna for hooligan 80's days

    Newly acquired Haigh SG (AKA Forum tart guitar) for mini hums tones

    The problem is using the above logic it is not difficult to think well I need a Ric 6 & 12 string, Gretsch, PRS and any number of other signature tone guitars.

    Mustn't though and this is heped by being skint for now.

    We are all going to hell aren't we?

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  • John_PJohn_P Frets: 2756
    It does get a bit out of hand doesn't it...  I remember the old days gigging with a 1x12 combo and a couple of pedals compared to last nights monster rig  (although I've used more extravagent set ups)

    Part of it is having more disposable income and spending it on toys,  part of it is being serious about peforming and wanting quality gear that will sound good and be reliable. 

    I'm also all for trying to make life simple where I can so I have a rehearsal setup and a couple of gigging setups and I can grab and go whatever I need - one band uses different tunings so I have guitars ready for that and my favourites in standard.  Then of course there is the gear that has some (however tenuous and irrational) sentimental value, rarely used but they aren't going anywhere unless I really need to free up some cash.
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