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What's the worst film you ever paid to see at the cinema, and did you walk out?

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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28356
    Just for fun I thought I'd see how IMDB rates the mentioned films, my nomination is the worst! 

    The Humanoid 3.9
    Inspector Gadget 4.1
    The Swarm 4.5
    Eragon. 5.1
    The Tesseract 5.3
    Spawn. 5.3
    resident evil 5.5
    Stepping Out. 6.4
     Kentucky Fried Movie 6.5
    Safe House 6.7
    parenthood 7
     Julie & Julia. 7
    Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 7.1
    Phantom of the Opera. 7.3
    The Force Awakens. 7.9
    Bladerunner 2049 8
    The Exorcist 8
    Interstellar. 8.6
    Joker 8.7
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  • BrizeBrize Frets: 5641
    Requiem for a Dream. I thought it was utter drivel but it's highly rated.
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  • BlaendulaisBlaendulais Frets: 3330
    edited December 2019
    bbill335 said:
    Joker. saw it through to the end, but never have i felt more talked-down-to by an idiotic MOVIE that has the gall to be so naval-gazily self-important. 
    Theres no accounting for taste

    My walkout was Justice League.  Awful
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  • scrumhalfscrumhalf Frets: 11481
    5.1 for Eragon? That's the total rating, surely, not the average rating.
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  • TheMarlinTheMarlin Frets: 8203
    Meet the Feebles. A fetid turd of a movie. 
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  • TheMarlinTheMarlin Frets: 8203
    Brize said:
    Requiem for a Dream. I thought it was utter drivel but it's highly rated.
    It’s highly heralded, but it’s utter cack. 
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  • TheMarlin said:
    Brize said:
    Requiem for a Dream. I thought it was utter drivel but it's highly rated.
    It’s highly heralded, but it’s utter cack. 
    Crazy film. If you walked out you missed the ‘ass to ass’ scene. 
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  • bbill335bbill335 Frets: 1406
    bbill335 said:
    Joker. saw it through to the end, but never have i felt more talked-down-to by an idiotic MOVIE that has the gall to be so naval-gazily self-important. 
    Theres no accounting for taste

    My walkout was Justice League.  Awful
    never saw JL at the pictures but it is fucking atrocious. 
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  • tone1tone1 Frets: 5224
    Final destination...., Year 2000..I couldn’t tell you just how bad it was because I walked was that bad 
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  • Danny1969Danny1969 Frets: 10700
    Last night, Cats .... lasted about 20 to 30 mins before missus wanted to go. It was soooo bad I can't describe it 
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  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

    Total tripe. But we didn't leave.

    I generally don't like the cinema. Would rather watch at home.


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  • I have never walked out. I did go to see The Baby Of Macon with my wife and about 10 other people, and after 30 minutes we were the only ones left. I thought it was a good film, albeit pretty brutal. 
    Some folks like water, some folks like wine.
    My feedback thread is here.
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  • StuckfastStuckfast Frets: 2441
    I can't remember what it was called but it starred Jeremy Irons, who started a steamy affair with Juliette Binoche, who was supposed to be his son's partner. It was utterly shit, to the point where everyone in the cinema was howling with laughter at the bits that were supposed to smoulder with sexual tension.
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  • soma1975soma1975 Frets: 7044
    Spy Hard and yes I did. 
    My Trade Feedback Thread is here

    Been uploading old tracks I recorded ages ago and hopefully some new noodles here.
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  • kjdowdkjdowd Frets: 852
    Deuce Bigalow: European gigolo. The only question is why I was there in the first place 
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  • Winny_PoohWinny_Pooh Frets: 7936
    edited December 2019
    Star wars ep ii - attack of the clones.

    My buddy and me were actually laughing out loud at some of the cringy dialogue, it was that bad. 

    We did finish watching it but never watched another SW movie until The force awakens and while "ok", it's probably the last one I'll ever watch. 
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  • Judge Dredd (the Stallone one).  Didn't walk though...If I'm paying, I'm staying.
    New fangled trading feedback link right here!
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  • StevepageStevepage Frets: 3143
    The Happening. So shit I laughed at how terrible the acting was. Didn't walk out though.
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  • equalsqlequalsql Frets: 6297
    Chicago.. utter utter crap. I wanted to leave so much but was with the wife so had to endure it.
    Chewed my knuckles down to the bone during that appalling experience :s
    (pronounced: equal-sequel)   "I suffered for my art.. now it's your turn"
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  • I've got a couple that were equally as bad as each other:

    Curious George
    The Greatest Showman

    I stayed for the first one because I was on a date but the second one I did walk out and left the family in there whilst I sat outside eating ice cream which was much more preferable.
    Taking part in 1000 Lights - raising money for Uprawr Mental Health Foundation
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