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So are we thinking Oasis are getting back together then?

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LPManicLPManic Frets: 1112
I'd say probably not.

But Noel has announced his divorce from his wife: 22 years is a long time together.

Liam often hinted that she was a reason for the distance between Noel and the family - so you never know. Liam is flying high at the moment. Couldn't be managed better. Sounds great too.

I do think more seriously that Marr and Weller are such a big influence on Noel that it's very unlikely considering they both never reformed their equally huge generation-defining bands.

But Noel might need the money now...!

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  • SidNewtonSidNewton Frets: 667
    Hopefully not, they're proper shite.
    4reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 11reaction image Wisdom
  • swillerswiller Frets: 1449
    Always thought liam was the diamond in that band. Not a big fan of oasis myself, but completely get the appeal. Dont think either of them would have been as successful without the other, but liams voice is an A&R mans dream. Noels guitar playing and songwriting is nothing that special imho. 
    Id deffo go and watch them live if they did reform.
    Dont worry, be silly.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16081
    A JAM reform would be somethin' though. That Bruce Foxton is quite something
    tae be or not tae be
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  • prowlaprowla Frets: 5010
    Is she going back to singing on cruise ships?
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • robertyroberty Frets: 10915
    I said maybe 
    3reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I can’t imagine Noel wants to go back to having to carry Liam when his antics threaten to derail the band - although in all fairness to Liam, I’d say he was past all that.

    Noel has been very honest about the fact that by the time Oasis finished, people had long since stopped caring about new Oasis albums. 

    Some bands reunite and get on with unfinished business - Echo and the Bunnymen are a good example - but it’s hard to argue were an unspent force by the time Noel walked.

    Definitely Maybe and What’s The Story… were moments in time, moments which have been and gone.

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  • darthed1981darthed1981 Frets: 12468
    LPManic said:
    I'd say probably not.
    I'd agree.

    Ignoring that this thread will turn into more Oasis bashing ("10% of the population would apply for tickets to my gigs if I were properly appreciated..." etc.) why would Noel want to reform Oasis?

    Noel in Oasis means Noel as lead guitarist in Oasis, Noel doesn't like playing lead guitar in Oasis, he let Gem do a lot of it in the later years and there is no way he needs money enough to go back to playing his solos from 25 years ago to gigs of 40 somethings.  Even if he gives half to his Mrs, Noel will still have over 30 mil... and I doubt he will have to.  He gets millions a year just from streaming, radio etc from Oasis anyhow.

    High Flying Birds have a new album out this year, they make money, and Noel does way more of what he enjoys.  Liam is riding high currently and filling Knebworth on his own... one divorce won't change anything.

    The only one of the three "Manchester titans" (The Smiths, Stone Roses, Oasis) who really were doing so little of worth they may have considered reforming were the Roses, and it took them a handful of gigs and two choons to figure out again why they split up!  The only reason Morrissey and Marr would get back together if if Moz's Nazi pals take over and it's that or the camps.
    You are the dreamer, and the dream...
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  • BlueingreenBlueingreen Frets: 2649
    edited January 2023
    Can't see that it matters much either way.  Except to fans looking for a nostalgic night out.  I'm not even a fan, but even I can see that the probability of them getting back together and making music as good as the stuff they made their name with is close to zero.
    “To a man with a hammer every problem looks like a nail.”
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  • Danny1969Danny1969 Frets: 10591

    I kind of hope not, even though I love the band. There was something special about the band in the early to mid nineties with the original line up. Young band ready to take on the world, completely fearless, Liam's voice, Noel's songs and that simple yet powerful drum, root note bass and powerchord of Tony, Guigsy and Bonehead was perfect for the songs. As soon as they changed drummers they lost something. I know White's a better drummer but they kind of gained a bit of sophistication with him but lost something else. 

    You get better as a musician as you get older but you lose something that only comes with youth and there's no getting it back. 
    I have fond memories of the times and the songs but can't see them getting back together unless it was a one off for a big cause 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 12reaction image Wisdom
  • SidNewton said:
    Hopefully not, they're proper shite.
    Beat me to it. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • the_jaffathe_jaffa Frets: 1849
    Danny1969 said:

    I kind of hope not, even though I love the band. There was something special about the band in the early to mid nineties with the original line up. Young band ready to take on the world, completely fearless, Liam's voice, Noel's songs and that simple yet powerful drum, root note bass and powerchord of Tony, Guigsy and Bonehead was perfect for the songs. As soon as they changed drummers they lost something. I know White's a better drummer but they kind of gained a bit of sophistication with him but lost something else. 

    You get better as a musician as you get older but you lose something that only comes with youth and there's no getting it back. 
    I have fond memories of the times and the songs but can't see them getting back together unless it was a one off for a big cause 
    This! Sums it up perfectly
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Danny1969 said:

    I kind of hope not, even though I love the band. There was something special about the band in the early to mid nineties with the original line up. Young band ready to take on the world, completely fearless, Liam's voice, Noel's songs and that simple yet powerful drum, root note bass and powerchord of Tony, Guigsy and Bonehead was perfect for the songs. As soon as they changed drummers they lost something. I know White's a better drummer but they kind of gained a bit of sophistication with him but lost something else. 

    You get better as a musician as you get older but you lose something that only comes with youth and there's no getting it back. 
    I have fond memories of the times and the songs but can't see them getting back together unless it was a one off for a big cause 
    All of this.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mudslide73mudslide73 Frets: 3111
    I reckon they'll do it.. probably next summer (24). They're selling as much music as when they were together and the kids love em. It'll be 30 years since Definitely Maybe and I think they'll play Knebworth. There I've said it.
    "A city star won’t shine too far"

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  • jonnyburgojonnyburgo Frets: 12460
    I don't think Liam needs to although he always says he would in a second, his star has far ascended Noel's after being the also ran for many years, that must sting for Noel.
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  • KeikoKeiko Frets: 1070
    I think the real reason they broke up is because Noel was unhappy with Liams voice. Oasis were becoming a joke. Just watch some of the last concerts with Liam, they are awful. He is just kind of lobbing words into the microphone, you can't call it singing. Plus the fact Liam hasn't matured at all since the 90's, and still acts like a bell end teenager.

    The whole 'fight' story is just something for the media and public to feed on.

    Why would Noel go back? Can't see it happening and don't want it to happen either. Liams voice is still awful thesedays in my opinion. Just listen to the 90's material and be happy with that.

    Not a fan of Noels recent music, but at least he has his self respect and doesn't have to share the stage with a yob anymore.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • jonnyburgojonnyburgo Frets: 12460
    I'd say Liam has grown up a hell of a lot, now that he isn't bunging a load of gack up his hooter every day, he comes across well in interviews now, very friendly and self aware actually. I've seen some ropey performances from a few years ago but he seems to respect the fact that he has to look after his voice now. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Keiko said:
    I think the real reason they broke up is because Noel was unhappy with Liams voice. Oasis were becoming a joke. Just watch some of the last concerts with Liam, they are awful. He is just kind of lobbing words into the microphone, you can't call it singing. Plus the fact Liam hasn't matured at all since the 90's, and still acts like a bell end teenager.

    The whole 'fight' story is just something for the media and public to feed on.

    Why would Noel go back? Can't see it happening and don't want it to happen either. Liams voice is still awful thesedays in my opinion. Just listen to the 90's material and be happy with that.

    Not a fan of Noels recent music, but at least he has his self respect and doesn't have to share the stage with a yob anymore.
    Not matured? Hes pretty much tee total (as his band and crew also have to be) and is one of the nicest people on the planet. He was a silly billy, but that was 15 years ago. Hes now a 50 year old man and is performing better than ever. The 'fight' was because Noel had a s*n journalist (his best mate) with him at all times, and Liam took offence to that. To him drinking their beer, eating their food, and Noel took his mates side. 
     I was lucky enough to be at one of the last gigs (Liverpool echo arena) and they were the best Id seen them for a long while, sadly Noel ws that loud on stage by that point, Liam had to shout and screwed his throat up. Ive been lucky enough to have seen many many gigs since he went solo as one of good friends is in his band, and hes so so good. 100% about the fans, and he knows what they want. 

     Noel is just a bitter old man now.  
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28355
    edited January 2023
    Too bad about their marriage. That seems like a long way in to knock it on the head.

    I like Noel, he's a great character and he amuses me when he shows up talking about stuff. Didn't really care for the band, although they did produce a bunch of cool singles. I always saw Noel as the talent. Liam seems like an industrial grade bell end to me, although in all fairness I haven't seen nor heard him in the past decade or so.

    I can't see much point in new albums, but they could make a killing on ticket sales. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • rze99rze99 Frets: 2406
    edited January 2023
    They would still be a massive pull so they should do charity gigs for Manchester food banks or Ukraine 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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