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Digitech pedals

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  • Dave_McDave_Mc Frets: 2390
    edited October 2014
    hugbot said:


    Even worse- I've seen tons of people on forums who are adamant that all the digitech distortions are digital (i.e. not asking, telling).
    I was buying a pedal the other day and the shop guy kept telling me all the sub £100 pedals were digital. I mentioned how an MXR was noisy and he was like "yeah thats cause its all digital inside". I was like, a Dyna comp? Really? I think he just thought digital = bad or was confusing printed circuit vs handwired.

    Except I didnt say that because I wanted him to like me so I could haggle a discount, thats my guitar shop story hope you like it.

    Some of the things I've heard in shops beggar belief.

    Maybe they can honestly play the "ignorance" card, but then again (a) if you're selling the thing you probably should know about it and (b) this ignorance always seems to result in them selling you something they stock, or something more expensive. So I kinda call BS.

    Not all shops, of course, some are great.


    ICBM said:
    Guitar shop staff who know less than nothing about the products they're selling are hardly a new thing, to be fair...

    Still annoying, though. And really shouldn't happen. I mean I wouldn't say to someone who's just been burgled, "Ah, not to worry, you're not the first person to fall foul of that old chestnut!" :D (Not saying you're suggesting that you would either, just making the point. :) )
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