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What is the best amp you've ever played?

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  • DefaultMDefaultM Frets: 7434
    I’d say Engl Screamer combo but it was very unreliable so HRD Lacquered Tweed.
    Unless Axe FX II counts?
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  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73099
    Mesa Trem-o-verb.

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

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  • JezWyndJezWynd Frets: 6183
    Princeton Recording Amp. The most glorious clean sound I've ever heard. Perhaps not a great amp for live gigs but for home use and recording it was a very capable combo.
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  • Silverface Fender Super Reverb. Playing my Strat. Loud. What's not to love?
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  • Marshall Bluesbreaker. Changed my entire world-view on the formerly hated for 20 years of playing Marshall. Always found Marshall’s fizzy and unusable, then played one of these and immediately had to have one. 
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  • rze99rze99 Frets: 2406
    My 70s Marshall JMP stack. I’ve had it over 40 years. 
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  • NerineNerine Frets: 2315
    Three spring to mind. 

    An old JMP 2203 and beat up Marshall 4x12 in a rehearsal room somewhere in Brighton about 20 years ago. 

    Sounded just completely sublime. Epic thing. So fat and raw, yet very smooth and not harsh. Beautiful. 

    Two Rock Classic Reverb Sig. and Two Rock vertical 2x12. Played it in Coda a while back. Absolutely gorgeous. The depth was insane. A ridiculously room filling sound. Was happy just listening to things ring out through it. Majestic amp. 

    Soldano SLO 30 H and Soldano vertical 2x12. 
    Recently plugged into in GG Newcastle when I was on a jolly to watch JoBo. 
    Shouldn’t have. 
    Now want one quite badly. 
    Sooooo thick and the sustain was just unreal. A drive tone to die for. 
    Exceeded expectations if even possible. 

    I’ve played through/owned heaps and heaps of other stuff but they are ones that have stuck in my mind for whatever reason. 

    Had a couple of hours with a lovely, wound up Z-Wreck a few months back, and that was something else, too, but not quite at the same level of epicness as the three above. 
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  • KebabkidKebabkid Frets: 3353
    Kebabkid said:
    Divided by 13 JRT 9/15 head into a Tone Tubby 2x12 cab with H-Bombo combo of speakers (one alnico and one ceramic)
    I remember that; really great clean tones as far as I remember.
    yep and very 3-D like plus it took every OD pedal I ever put through it really well.

    I should add, I had a similar experience on the amp dirt side with an original 5150. That was something!
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  • I don't have a ton of things to compare it with, but my 1979 JMP 2204.
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    As for "when am I ready?"  You'll never be ready.  It works in reverse, you become ready by doing it.  - pmbomb

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  • Gartone 5E3, loud in a rehearsal room. Glorious 
    I’ve since built a 5E3 using the same output transformer and Celestion Blue, sounds fantastic and would love to compare it with a Gartone. 

    Late 60’s Marshall 18W, again loud and with some very special guitars. Stunning. 

    I was given an original RS Deluxe output transformer and already had some NOS GEC KT66’s so I built a JTM45. That makes me smile when I play it 
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  • DodgeDodge Frets: 1466
    This 64 Top Boost:

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  • I loved my old 2 channel Dual Rec, but the Reborn Multiwatt was actually a better amp.

    that being said, the amps that made me smile the most was an EVH 5150iii 50W and a JCM800

    The 5150 was an early one without the stacked gain and volume controls. That stupidity was the reason I sold it, but it did make me smile a lot.

    As for an 800 - it's just a perfect amp. Nothing does what it does and it doesn't pretend to do much else either.

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

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  • I'm very torn on this subject. 

    Lower wattage amps

    Ceriatone OTS 20 mini - beautiful clean and very smooth and nice OD channel. 

    Ceriatone 5E3 combo - my first tweed experience, stuck a boost up front and now I love pushing this. 

    Ceriatone (yer I have a Ceriatone thing) Expression Trainwreck - rock monster but very dynamic with the guitar's controls. 

    I've only ever tried/owned one 100watter which is a Peavey Classic 100 head and 4x10 matching cab. This really is special and I love how much air this moves. I don't really need 100 watts but I can't bare to let go of it. 

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  • WazmeisterWazmeister Frets: 9717
    edited September 2023
    - Matchless DC30/ Lightning/Nighthawk

    - Redplate CDS2/ Redplate Blackverb - Id def own one again, the CDS2 is probably my fave amp ever (when they work...)

    - Mesa Snake King (rather loud though)

    - Milkman Creamer 20w - the one sound still haunts me.

    - Carr Rambler - huge Carr fan, and pre-Two Rock, my fave clean amp ever.

    - Two Rock Studio Signature - absolutely mind blowing live; currently own one.

    - Lazy J10 LC - currently own.

    - Boss Dual Cube - currently own.

    - Bartel Starwood - Everyone should experience playing one of these...

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  • BillDLBillDL Frets: 7813
    I wish I had paid more attention at the time, but it was a long time ago (around 1985) and I didn't know a huge amount about amp makes and models back then - still don't, but I do know a bit more now.  A guy that was doing a show alongside me rolled in this beast of a 1x15 combo on castors.  It was uncovered dark stained and varnished wood and had a brown grille cloth unlike anything I had seen.  I thought it was a bass amp that he was using, but I remember him saying that it was a custom built one "based on" a Fender design from the 70s that had been built by somebody in or around the Glasgow area.  I don't think it was as powerful as the 200W Showman, and was more likely to be a 75 to 100W amp.  I was in awe of the really rich bass response and singing highs on it when he played it slightly overdriven, but the reverb with tremolo or vibrato (didn't know which) on the clean channel was beautiful.  I didn't get long to play it, but I knew instantly what people meant when I heard them talk about the "feel" of an amp.
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  • sweepysweepy Frets: 4218
    Two Rock CRS  50w with PRS Stealth cab, shown with the 1x12 Zilla cab
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  • Fender vibroking.
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  • nero1701nero1701 Frets: 1545
    Milkman 100 pedal amp
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  • ElectricXIIElectricXII Frets: 1200
    edited September 2023
    Maybe I'm not easily impressed, or perhaps I'm not that fussy, but I've been playing for decades and haven't yet come across an amp that "blows me away". I've played through lots of nice amps though, but haven't found one that outshines all others. I'm not looking either. My run of the mill gigging amps do what I need.
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  • StratavariousStratavarious Frets: 3757
    edited September 2023
    Yep.. I still have my a Mesa MKIII Simulclass, reverb, EQ, EVM…. Amp perfection.  Deep, huge cleans, crunch and endless huge dirt tones.   R2 modded for balancing all 3 channels.  Got a black hole mass cab to go with it with more EVMs in it!

    Countless gigs with it and still now my go to studio amp. 

    More limited but always blows me away… my old, ‘79 JMP 50w Master Lead II, pre JCM800 rock god.
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