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Anyone just gone all-in on one guitar model/type?

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  • VoxmanVoxman Frets: 4824
    Roland said:
    For me there are two different answers. In general variety is the spice of life. Being able to experience different types of guitar, different pickups, neck profiles, fretboard radii, materials etc is important. If I don’t then how do I know what I like, and that my tastes haven’t changed over time. 

    However, when it comes to performing I want to minimise the workload. I also want to minimise the risk of me doing something wrong, like selecting the wrong pickup in the heat of the moment. This means one guitar which can cover the whole setlist. I obviously take a backup in case of string breakage or other failure, but it will be similar to the first.
    I'm exactly the same. For gigging my do it all guitar is my 2002 PRS Cu24 and my back up is my Patrick Eggle Berlin Pro. 
    I started out with nothing..... but I've still got most of it left (Seasick Steve)
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  • Got close when on a Gretsch spree a while back. However, quickly realised that it is the variation of sounds and feels that inspires me. That said, when I was younger, skint and gigging three times a week in an originals band I had just one guitar (a tele) and a back up (Gibson melody maker). I barely ever played the back up. Less may therefore be more, as I was definitely more productive as a writer back then. 
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  • I’ve burnt through many a guitar to find one that covers the most ground and while I have a couple of other guitars that are cool to play but the one that sonically does it for me is my PRS DGT, it’s just got a bit of everything
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  • I love having multiple different guitars that push me in different directions. That can be hugely inspiring. Switching between 2 different Strats/Teles can be useful if they sound quite different, but I've never understood those who end up with 6+ Strats or Teles and nothing else - what's the point? 
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • I've been using SGs exclusively since about 2006. I do have a couple of other guitars, a Minarik Inferno that gets an outing on high days and holidays and a Squier Bullet Mustang that I use for practice at the office, but I’d be quite happy if all I had were the SGs
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  • NeilNeil Frets: 3705
    When I'm playing my Les Paul I think, "this is it, cannot be bettered. It's my number one".

    Then I pick up a Strat and within ten minutes think the same thing about that.  LOL

    I guess variety is the spice of life for me. 
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  • timmypixtimmypix Frets: 2477
    I love Les Pauls, and they always feel like home, even if other designs are technically more ergonomic. 

    But they can't do everything - they'll never do a Strat sound, sometimes I want 24 frets, sometimes I want a wiggle stick, sometimes I want an extra string. But 90% of what I want to do, I'm happiest on an LP.
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  • CountryDaveCountryDave Frets: 870
    edited September 2023
    I have a few teles, a couple of strats, a Les Paul Jr and a recently bought PRS.  However, when I go out to gig I almost always take a couple of teles.
    A recent build has given me a Nashville style tele that can cover any strat sounds I use with the band.
    99% of all my playing is done on one or two of the teles.  The others are just nice to have.
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  • OffsetOffset Frets: 12558
    I like to cover all bases.  So bolt-ons, set and straight thru necks; single coils, humbuckers, mini humbuckers, P90s; single and double cuts, blah blah blah.  What I feel like playing used to vary from week to week but for the first time in years, I'm only picking up one particular guitar.  It isn't 'the one' - or is it?!  Not my usual style of go-to either.
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  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73211
    Yes. HSH with a slightly slimmed-down Strat-style body, bolt-on maple neck, maple fingerboard, vibrato, master volume and tone.

    One Aria, one PRS. They look a bit different and have different switching, but are otherwise interchangeable and give me all the solidbody electric guitar sounds I want.

    I could have just one of them, but I have both for different sentimental reasons.

    I only have one guitar these days. 

    I've been through far too many, but honestly within about twenty minutes of playing this one I knew it was the last guitar I'd ever buy. All the others have gone now. 
    Out of interest, what is it?

    I know it’s not the 381 ;).

    At one point I did consider that as my only guitar, but it doesn’t have a vibrato…

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

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  • DrBobDrBob Frets: 3023
    In response to the OP I haven’t but in reality an HSS Strat with a light body and a Fat neck with a rosewood board would probably be all I ever needed 
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  • BrioBrio Frets: 1981
    Not me. Had a clear out recently but couldn't get below 3. Tele, PRS DGT SE and Chapman Bea Baritone.
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  • I couldn't do it, as I like a change sometimes. I haven't got that many guitars (compared to some here anyway) and they're all quite different. 

    That said, for gigging I've settled into using my telecaster (Mexican, baja model) pretty much exclusively, and it's been like that for the last year really. I've got used to it for this current band and it holds its tuning really well. Also it seems pretty much indestructible. I still wouldn't get rid of the others though. 
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  • I don't want to but I'd go all Tele if it was compulsory.
    "A city star won’t shine too far"

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  • When I was gigging regularly I ended up with a few shapes (Jackson King V & Kelly, LTD EC1000), but all with EMG 81/60 sets. These days I'm all about the superstrats, although I do have a few pickup configurations: HH with & without trem, and HSS with trem. To be fair though, playing the stuff I play, they all sound broadly similar anyway (as I've proved in other threads on here before).

    Too much gain... is just about enough \m/

    I'm probably the only member of this forum mentioned by name in Whiskey in the Jar ;)

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  • DrBob said:
    In response to the OP I haven’t but in reality an HSS Strat with a light body and a Fat neck with a rosewood board would probably be all I ever needed 
    That's what I thought too. You'd imagine a HSS type strat would cover all bases. I can see how an SG could as well though.
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  • I prefer hardtails. I only play for my own fun, Make/Model doesn't really matter I'll try anything. Recent I got a couple of LH models a V and a LP to give them a try.
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  • No matter what brand/model, it’s 24.75” scale length, HH or P90s for me. Total comfort zone.

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  • Stevepage said:
    I haven't but I have 3 superstrats and 4 strats. So if I was forced to narrow down to one guitar it would be a Strat with a humbucker in the bridge.

    Yes, although I've got most variants, going forwards I think it will be an HSS Strat type configuration for me. Although, it doesn't have to be a Fender.

    It's not a competition.
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  • Charvel model series (and recently contemporary series too)...  love the necks
    My trading feedback

    is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?

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