Headcount of your dirt pedals - what is an abnormal amount?

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LionAquaLooperLionAquaLooper Frets: 1429
edited June 28 in FX
I'm a bit of a sucker for dual dirt pedals and went on a bit of a spree recently and without realising it I'd amassed 8 of the bloody things, on top of individual ODs I had already.  So I now have:

8 duals (e.g. EHX Hot Wax, Boss Angry Driver, Dr J Lancelot etc)  
11 individual OD/Dist (e.g. Metal Zone, SD1, BD2, Pure Sky, Bad Monkey etc)
3 Fuzzes

The most expensive one I have is probably the Angry Driver which was £120 used.  I'm not talking Klon, KoT, Gladio, boutique level type pedals here. On average I tend to not spend more than £60 on these things each.  The problem is there are so many pedals out there now that are so cheap that it's so easy to pull the trigger.  And I love all of them in my collection.  Luckily I don't collect mod/delay/verb pedals as well! 

How many do you lot have in your collections?
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  • SupportactSupportact Frets: 1144
    I make it 8 drives, 5 fuzz. So 13 in all. Plus a couple of boosts (not sure if boosts are included)

    Boss SD1
    Boss OD3
    Arion octave fuzz
    Thorpy Peacekeeper 
    Thorpy Veteran
    Thorpy Tacit Blue
    Thorpy Warthog
    Echoline Roadrunner 
    Crazy Tube Circuits Ziggy
    Lovepedal Tiki Drive
    Lovepedal Dual Zendrive 
    Ian Sherwen (Ghost Pedals) Shatterbox
    Greer Black Fuzz Custom

    Chase Tone Sectet Preamp
    Magnetic Effects Zola

    I also went on a search for dual overdives recently,  and I've ended up with a dual Zendrive (very good but still getting used to it) and a Ziggy (very good but can be a bit picky about what amp/pickups you're using). I was tempted by the Boss Angry Driver as well. I'm curious to know what was your favourite of the ones you have?

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  • JonathangusJonathangus Frets: 4834
    Nine, I think:

    Boss SD-1
    Boss DS-1
    Boss ST-2
    Marshall Guv'nor (original)
    Marshall GV-2 (two of 'em)
    EHX Green Russian
    Mooer Black Secret
    Behringer SF300
    Trading feedback | How to embed images using Imgur

    As for "when am I ready?"  You'll never be ready.  It works in reverse, you become ready by doing it.  - pmbomb

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  • ScreamingDaveScreamingDave Frets: 587
    Gosh, I feel a bit inadequate. I just have a Rat II and the Metal Muff section of an EXH Tone Tattoo on my board, and if you super-glued them in the "off" position it's debatable whether I'd ever notice.
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  • munckeemunckee Frets: 12687
    5 overdrives, peacekeeper and various cheapies, joyo, caline, mosky . One fuzz, one boost one distortion and a compressor, less than most I would have thought.  

    Since getting an attenuator I rarely bother with pedals to be fair though. 
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 18077
    tFB Trader

    Fun game guess my fav pedal brand. 

    Boss SD-1W
    Boss BD-2W
    Boss DS-1W
    Boss BP-1W
    Boss FZ-1W
    Boss FZ-2
    Boss DS-2

    Subdecay Liquid Sunshine II
    Fredrik Golden Eagle
    Laney TI Boost
    MXR Super Badass
    Juan Solo Riot Clone

    So 12!
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  • LionAquaLooperLionAquaLooper Frets: 1429
    edited June 28

    I also went on a search for dual overdives recently,  and I've ended up with a dual Zendrive (very good but still getting used to it) and a Ziggy (very good but can be a bit picky about what amp/pickups you're using). I was tempted by the Boss Angry Driver as well. I'm curious to know what was your favourite of the ones you have?

    Which dual Zendrive did you buy?  I only just recently found out about the Zendrive so to try it I bought the Mosky Tai Ji and I love it.  The Voice and Tone controls make it so versatile, plus the gain has a very wide range.  I didn't know there was a dual Zen drive!

     Which is my favourite?  It's a toss up between the Angry Driver and the Hot Wax.  The Angry Driver is highly rated for a reason.  I've heard people say the Angry Charlie is too thin because it only has 1 tone control but I found out for myself it's not thin at all (for my uses).  With the built in BD2 it's a great pairing.  With a remote switch it opens up more possibilities.  So versatile.  The Hot Wax has less features but is criminally underrated.  The Crayon can go low to mid/high gain but retains clarity which is something I look for in an OD.  The Hot Tubes side can go low gain to fuzz territory.  Great on strats.  Just wish the order of the two sides was changeable though.

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  • gatheredinsonggatheredinsong Frets: 697
    6 overdrives, 4 fuzzes.

    Too many considering the lack of time I have to play them.
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 28141
    Some rookie numbers here so far...

    Janray, Page & EP Booster on the main board. Harlot & Klone on the small board.

    And the below, of which dirts are 14 + 2 + 9 + 4 + 3... And another couple for sale not pictured. 

    Please buy my things....

    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • TimmyOTimmyO Frets: 7892
    "1" seems to be the abnormal number 
    Red ones are better. 
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  • pluckbuddypluckbuddy Frets: 323
    edited June 28
    I really want to have just one or two overdrives but annoyingly my two favourites are fairly similar and I can't bring myself to get rid of either.

    The others are more expendable but are nice to mess with every now and then, mainly to remind myself not to buy more of them. 

    Kingsley Page
    Fairfield Barbershop 

    Diamond Drive
    Hudson Broadcast
    Fat Rat
    Tone City King of Blues
    Nobels Odr (the gold one)
    Probably one or two others.

    I've had several Rats, klones, 2 Buffalo TDXs and another Broadcast before... I just keep buying the same things over and over again...
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  • LionAquaLooperLionAquaLooper Frets: 1429
    What is that unbranded black dual pedal in the bottom picture? 
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  • ReverendReverend Frets: 5266
    off the top of my head, as not at home

    Boss SD1 (modded)
    Boss SD1w
    Boss HM2
    Boss DS1
    Boss Angry Driver
    bad monkey
    Marshall Guv x 2 original and reissue
    Marshall Shredmaster
    Marshall Drivemaster x3 (no idea how as I'm not i ever bought 1)
    Marshall guv2 x 2
    MXR 78 badass
    MXR Distortion Plus
    MXR ZZ44 
    MXR ZW berzerker (not sure if it counts as the same pedal)
    MXR custom badass modified overdrive
    MXR super baddass distrotion
    MXR jimi hendric system fuzz
    Behringer super fuzz
    Krank distortus maximus
    Does it doom Bower power
    DOD Gunslinger

    there are a couple of rat clones, a klone and the joyo ocd clone as well. pretty sure Im missing some

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  • Flanging_FredFlanging_Fred Frets: 3169
    edited June 29
    A quick count up

    8 Overdrives

    Arion SOD1 Stereo overdrive
    Boss SD1 Super Overdrive
    Boss SD2 Dual Overdrive
    Caline Orange Burst
    Danelectro Pastrami
    Joyo American Sound
    Paul C Tim v2
    Zoom Power Driver

    7 Distortions

    Boss BD2 Blues Driver
    Boss DS1 Distortion
    Boss MD2 Mega Distortion
    Danelectro Black Liquorish
    Danelectro Grilled Cheese
    Tomsline Black Teeth (Rat clone)
    Marshsll Guv’nor Mk1

    5 Fuzz

    ThorpyFX Veteran Si
    Hudson Broadcast Dual
    Zoom Ultrafuzz
    Behringer Superfuzz
    Behringer Ultrafuzz

    That’s more than I need really but it’s nice to have some fun toys around. It’s good to change around a bit when things get stale as I only ever have a maximum of 3 dirt pedals on a board at a time.

    EDIT: Listed pedals
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  • SupportactSupportact Frets: 1144
    I got the black version of the dual zendrive,  like this one (picture grabbed off Google):

    I'd been using the Lovepedal Tiki Drive for my live board recently,  which is basically a Zendrive with a separate distortion circuit in series.  It's ace, but only one footswitch, so ideally I'd like to be able to switch in and out of both circuits. Which lead me to consider a dual zendrive.  But I couldn't find anywhere that sells them and so I don't think they make them anymore.  Anyway literally the next day one came up for sale here so I went for it! It's really good and has one side slightly higher gain and a switch so you can change the order.

    Aside from Zendrive types my favourite ODs have been the Thorpy Peacekeeper, and my old favourite SD1. Favourite Fuzz is easily the Tacit Blue. 

    Interesting what you say about the Hot Wax, I'd not actually considered that one but it sounds good. They are fun to try out, but I've probably got more than I need now, as you see. 
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 28141
    What is that unbranded black dual pedal in the bottom picture? 
    Presuming your'e talking to me, it's a KOT clone from the Fuzzdog kit. REALLY good pedal but I'm annoyed that I built it with blue LEDs and not red/yellow ones to match the knobs. One day... 
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • slackerslacker Frets: 2291
    edited June 28
    Back to abnormal bordering on obsessive

    King of tone
    Prince of tone 
    Beano boost
    Sunface bc108
    Dirty boy geranium boy
    Bad cat siamese drive 
    Full drive fm 
    Stonedeaf pd2
    Double rock 
    Wooly mammoth
    Fuzz factory 
    Bliss factory 
    Rastop super divider

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  • AlexlotlAlexlotl Frets: 185
    I think if dirt pedals are relatively cheap and not too enormous, it’s worth holding onto them even if they’re off your board, so you don’t romanticise the memory of them and end up buying them again.

    I am holding onto my unused MXR Timmy and ‘78 Badass Distortion (DS-1) for this reason.

    3 dirt pedals on the board - TS Mini, Keeley Super Phat Mod and an Ibanez 850 Fuzz Mini. 
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  • Rowby1Rowby1 Frets: 1298
    Only have four. A Suhr Riot and Tim Pierce OD on my gigging board and a ODR-1 and Revivaldrive Custom on my recording board. 
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  • LionAquaLooperLionAquaLooper Frets: 1429
    edited June 28
    I got the black version of the dual zendrive,  like this one (picture grabbed off Google):

    I'd been using the Lovepedal Tiki Drive for my live board recently,  which is basically a Zendrive with a separate distortion circuit in series.  It's ace, but only one footswitch, so ideally I'd like to be able to switch in and out of both circuits. Which lead me to consider a dual zendrive.  But I couldn't find anywhere that sells them and so I don't think they make them anymore.  Anyway literally the next day one came up for sale here so I went for it! It's really good and has one side slightly higher gain and a switch so you can change the order.

    Aside from Zendrive types my favourite ODs have been the Thorpy Peacekeeper, and my old favourite SD1. Favourite Fuzz is easily the Tacit Blue. 

    Interesting what you say about the Hot Wax, I'd not actually considered that one but it sounds good. They are fun to try out, but I've probably got more than I need now, as you see. 
    Wow I'm jealous.  That sounds like my kind of dual pedal - one side higher gain than the other and the order can be reversed.  The fact they're both Zendrives is a big plus. I'd take that over a Gladio any day.  

    What is that unbranded black dual pedal in the bottom picture? 
    Presuming your'e talking to me, it's a KOT clone from the Fuzzdog kit. REALLY good pedal but I'm annoyed that I built it with blue LEDs and not red/yellow ones to match the knobs. One day... 
    I actually prefer blue (or white LEDs).  I love the KoT but the red and yellow LED combination reminds me of ketchup and mustard combo
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  • mo6020mo6020 Frets: 484
    edited June 28
    Eh, I had to go through and count...

    • King of Tone
    • Greer Lightspeed
    • Audiokitchen Small Trees
    • 2 x Dual Hudson Broadcasts
    • Walrus Audio Eras
    • Walrus Audio Iron Horse v2
    • Lazy J Cruiser Deuce
    • 2 x Chase Secret Preamps
    • Crowther Hotcake
    • Vox Distortion/Booster
    • Op Amp Big Muff
    • AnalogMan Sunface
    • AnalogMan Astrotone
    • MAS Effects Tiny Fuzz
    • SM Fuzz Octave Fuzz
    • SM Fuzz NKT275 Fuzz
    • AnalogMan modded Boss BD-2 
    • MiJ Boss SD-1
    • MiJ Boss DS-1
    • Ceriatone Centura
    • Fjord Fuzz Odin
    • Fjord Fuzz Embla
    • Dan Drive Austin Pride

    So 25... seems excessive tbh. 9 fuzz, 3 distortion, 8 OD, and 5 boosts.
    "Filthy appalachian goblin."

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