Turning a profit on gear - Would you?

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  • p90foolp90fool Frets: 32032
    I nearly always make a massive loss on my gear, but then I tend to gig stuff to death, so not only has it lost value due to wear and tear but it's usually paid for itself many times over.
    Tbh I've given away more of my ex-gigging guitars than I've sold.

    The only times I make a profit is when I sit on something for a few decades until the hipsters' taste coincides with own and I get offered stupid money for pedals in the back of my cupboard.
    I never put them on this forum though.
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  • FiftyshadesofjayFiftyshadesofjay Frets: 1440
    edited May 2015
    Imagine you buy an item for the price the seller asked.

    Now I'm sorry, but after that if anybody tells me what I can and can't do with that item, they can quite frankly piss right off.

    As if anybody has a say with what happens with said item apart from the owner. That's just a ridiculous notion.
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  • SargeSarge Frets: 2433
    ^ yup
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  • littlethoughtslittlethoughts Frets: 649
    edited May 2015
    One of the factors for whether or not I buy a particular piece of gear is if the price is good enough to turn a profit on it if I didn't like it. At any given time there are a few guitars I would like to have, and if I saw any of them at a price that was too good to turn down I would buy it. If it turned out I didn't like it I would sell it at a profit, because that was one of the reasons I bought it over an alternative guitar (or piece of gear) in the first place.

     But I wouldn't buy a thing at a bargain price with no intention of playing it, merely to sell it on right after (or as it should be known in these parts, to "Trohmann" or possibly to "Skatecaster", based on the huge amounts of both I've seen going on Facebook buy/sell pages).

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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    Things are worth what people are prepared to buy it for.

    I'd have no problem if I sold a guitar on here for the market value of £500, then 6-12 months later market value went up and the guy sold it here for a profit, it could easily swing the other way, does the guy chase me here for his loss?

    If something got sold here then 'flipped' a few weeks later at an inflated price then that's different, but as long as the buyer gets what they want at the price they want then there's no real issue for me.

    People should do their research and figure out what their stuff is worth, if they sell it well under then to a certain extent that's their own fault. 

    Another issue is that when selling someone could need the cash now and need to sell low, someone else could be prepared to sit and wait for a better or fairer price, it's not really fair to judge someone selling something they picked up legitimately here where both parties are happy to do a deal then force them to sell under the market value here-they might have had to go without in order to pick up the bargain.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:





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