Honest question no baiting or insults

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  • DLM said:
    Seriously if I lose my gf I'll never get another that hot again, I'm seriously punching above my weight there!!!!!
    For the record, he's underselling it here.



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  • hungrymarkhungrymark Frets: 1782
    Fretwired;1132713" said:
    professorben said:

    What was so wrong with being in the EU anyway?

    I mean I've not been affected negatively in anyway that I can see by being in the EU.

    Ask yourself this - do you want the Euro?

    If the answer is no then leave now as our influence will diminish overtime and we'll be shackled to economically stagnant bloc that increasingly can't make decisions. The real power is in the Euro zone. We are not members, so when the economic rules are being discussed we have to leave the room. The EU is aiming for closing fiscal union (harmonisation of tax rates, budgets and so forth) and political union (EU army, seat at the security council, foreign minister) - I don't want that either.

    If you want the Euro then campaign to join the Euro zone. At least we'd have a seat at the top table. But look at Europe. Greece has been treated appallingly and people are in poverty. Youth unemployment is running at 25% in some countries and growth is stagnant. Countries with the Euro can't react to the economic problems in their country as they're shackled to an inflexible currency/economic model. I don't want the UK to end up like Greece or Spain.

    To most people the EU means two things. freedom of movement and free trade. If we had those elements then my guess is most people would be happy. I'm for a free trade deal that allows us to cut our own deals with other countries and I'm not fussed about freedom of movement - I'm happy to keep it with some basic protection. I think the benefits of free movement outweigh the downsides.

    I want our parliament to set our laws and our courts to uphold the law along with the ECHR. The growth in the world economy will be in Asia - an independent UK can prosper IMHO.

    The EU is not all bad, but the above are my major reasons for wanting to leave.
    Pretty much exactly my position @Fretwired. I've never agreed with you so much as on the EU, if ever ;-)
    Use Your Brian
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  • RockerRocker Frets: 5030
    @lloyd, my post was poorly worded but it was pointing out that the EU has not a monopoly on having 'unelected officials' making serious and far reaching decisions.
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. [Albert Einstein]

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  • johnnyurqjohnnyurq Frets: 1368
    dtr said:
    Chalky said:
    @dtr - the youth unemployment is very real for those caught up in it.
    I agree, but youth unemployment has been coming down significantly in the last 5 years...
    To me it looks like that graph is going in the direction I'd want to see continue. (Got it from here by the way - http://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/SN05871)

    it doesn't sound like you're AGAINST youth unemployment almost halving over the last five years, so I'm struggling to see what the basis of your argument is.

    That is all very well but will it continue to do so in the next 5, 10, 15 years?

    No one including the leave camp can say either way with any great certainty. I hink in the medium term there will be a lot of hardship unemployment wise and may even a retunr to the much higher number losing their homes we witnessed a few years back.
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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    @Rocker no worries, I actually considered putting in a "I know our government is shit too" addendum.

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  • quarkyquarky Frets: 2777
    edited June 2016
    Chalky said:
    It is simply misleading to think that the EU is economically sound or politically stable.
    Indeed, some Italian banks were in trouble a few days ago.
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  • siremoonsiremoon Frets: 1524
    quarky said:
    Chalky said:
    It is simply misleading to think that the EU is economically sound or politically stable.
    Indeed, some Italian banks were in trouble a few days ago.
    I see from that piece there are calls for some of the banking rules to be waived to facilitate a bank rescue.  Now what was Juncker saying the other day about the rules being the rules? 
    “He is like a man with a fork in a world of soup.” - Noel Gallagher
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