Dallas Police Shootings

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  • breakstuffbreakstuff Frets: 10440
    I've just been listening to radio two and in a phone in they had a women on who years ago whilst travelling down a freeway in Brooklyn with her husband driving,were pulled over by a cop for some reason,which was never ascertained,and when the husband was asked for id he reached into his pocket for his passport only to be shot in the arm resulting in a two week stay in hospital.The women went on to say that she and her husband where both black but born and raised in England with the obvious resulting English accent and sounded about as far removed from your typical gangbanger as could be.They where only visiting the States to see family and where unaware of any misdemeanor they may have carried out on the road.The cop shot first without explaining what they had potentially done wrong and to this day they have never received an explanation or apology.
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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    Obama has blood on his hands.  He incited this incident with the comments he made earlier this week about those two shootings.  He said they were "not unrelated incidents", which means he is saying they happened cos of an inherently racist police force.
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  • MossMoss Frets: 2409
    Another issue, another pointless Ro_S comment
    Stop crying, start buying
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  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 22613
    Moss said: Another issue, another pointless Ro_S comment
    Give him credit for consistency.

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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited July 2016
    If you're gonna discount or dispute something I've said, at least do so by trying to actually make a counter argument.

    You're unable to do so.  That's why, instead, you just resort to personal attacks.
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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited July 2016
    The day before Dallas, Obama said, " I am constrained in commenting on the particular facts of these cases, [....]  But regardless of the outcome of such investigations, what's clear is that these fatal shootings are not isolated incidents."

    So he does exactly what he says he wouldn't do.  He actually prejudges both incidents, not knowing the details what occurred in either case, and blatantly implies that they occurred due to police racism.

    If that isn't irresponsible incitement, I dunno what is.
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  • ClarkyClarky Frets: 3261
    edited July 2016
    JezWynd said:
    The thing that struck me in the video stream of the killing in the car was the fear and hysteria in the voice of the policeman.
    I agree… when I saw the vid the first thing that occurred to me was that the cop was afraid..
    what we didn't see was how he behaved prior to the shooting, that would have revealed much more..

    pure speculation on my part… I reckon he was afraid of getting shot by the guy in the car when he reached for his ID..
    so his fear is preconceived but real none the less..
    and after the shooting maybe his fear switched to 'what have I just done'
    shooting to maim is one thing, shooting many times is quite another..
    it's as if the cop's emotional state was seriously over charged

    feeling the need to pull a gun on someone when sorting out a broken tail light though is pretty excessive..
    gives a clear indication of what a mess the US has become

    EDIT: had a lil' think… given that the cop was not alone.. and that the driver had apparently said he had a legal concealed gun in the car [to ensure things are clear and don't get out of hand]
    why didn't the driver just keep his hands on the steering wheel, tell the cop where his ID and gun are so that another cop can retrieve them safety, whilst the first cop covers the driver..
    the driver would have then simply got a ticket for the busted light and no one would have had to get killed..
    a seriously poor demonstration of how to think on your feet tactically from the police in that situation..
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  • Winny_PoohWinny_Pooh Frets: 7900
    Read this article, the stats and the situation are absolutely mental.

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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    There's clearly an issue with American cops killing black people, I'm not sure it's an only black person issue though-they kill a loooot of people, black, white and other.

    A number of the black people that have been killed that everyone has gone apeshit over have probably been lawful killings-one guy that's being martyred ran at the police with a screwdriver as far as I understand it.

    It's easy to throw shit out at cops for shooting people, but in America, with everyone having a gun in many/some/a few cases I don't blame them for shooting people in some situations.

    What is pretty clear though is that in many cases black guys get shot when white people wouldn't-which is fucked up.

    I'm glad I'm British and live in Britain-that place is still like the Wild West in a lot of ways.

    While I despise Black Lives Matter and their rhetoric and MO I understand why and how they have appeared.

    I shared a video on FB yesterday (which I never do, unless it's dogs/funny etc) of American cops brutality, in a 10 minutes video they are kicking people in the face that are subdued-handcuffs etc where there's no need for it.

    But yeah, guns. Murica.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:





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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    I'm drunk

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:





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  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17137
    Buggered if I can tell the difference lloyd, you still talk a load of shite when you're sober.

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  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    chillidoggy;1144193" said:
    Buggered if I can tell the difference lloyd, you still talk a load of shite when you're sober.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:





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  • ChalkyChalky Frets: 6811
    edited July 2016
    lloyd;1144298" said:
    [quote="chillidoggy;1144193"]Buggered if I can tell the difference lloyd, you still talk a load of shite when you're sober.

    But you're always entertaining and worth a read :)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    Chalky;1144407" said:
    [quote="lloyd;1144298"][quote="chillidoggy;1144193"]Buggered if I can tell the difference lloyd, you still talk a load of shite when you're sober.

    But you're always entertaining and worth a read :)[/quote]

    Im at a wedding so could well spout some shite later!

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:





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  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17137
    I did wonder whether to put a smiley after my last comment, but I felt you know me well enough by now!

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  • ClarkyClarky Frets: 3261

    if gun culture and gang culture in the US was different, maybe the police would feel less threatened and behave differently..

    btw I'm not saying this is a black thing, but US culture thing in general
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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    edited July 2016
    So it transpires that neither of the Black men who were shot last week were strangers to the Law. And both are reported to have been carrying guns.

    The man who was shot in the car park of a shop had a record of a multitude arrests, charges and criminal convictions.  This included time in prison.  He was a sex offender; he raped a 14 year old.  He had choked and hit an ex girlfriend.  There was a previous instance of him resisting arrest and wrestling with police.  He was on probation.
    The police attended due to a report he had threatened someone with a gun.

    The man who was shot in his car after a police stop, had over 50 traffic and drug convictions. 
    The police stopped him because he matched the description of a recent armed robber suspect; not because of a broken tail-light.
    The policeman who shot him was Hispanic/Latino, not white.

    Yet again, people should not prejudge before the facts come out. People should wait until the details of the investigations into the two incidences come out, rather than automatically putting it into a race narrative.  And that includes President Obama.  
    The shooting of these two men last week may or may not have been justified; let's wait and see.   Just because a white policeman shoots a Black man that doesn't necessarily mean that it was unjustified and racial motivated.
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  • quarkyquarky Frets: 2777
    I think there is just too much shooting regardless of white/black. If you are going to be a cop, you have duty of care and responsibility. That means that in some cases, you need to risk your personal safety over and above that of the public. So you don't shoot without bloody good cause, which doesn't include a criminal record.

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  • Ro_SRo_S Frets: 929
    quarky said:
    I think there is just too much shooting regardless of white/black. If you are going to be a cop, you have duty of care and responsibility. That means that in some cases, you need to risk your personal safety over and above that of the public. So you don't shoot without bloody good cause, which doesn't include a criminal record.

    in those two recent cases, both ppl shot are reported as reaching to their pockets/waists.
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