Ugh. FML.

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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29224
    What do you do with them all?

    At work I have one big 4k monitor and a 15" retina screen. At home I'm fine on just my laptop.
    Either spreading windows around so that I can have what I'm working with (fer instance a CAD program) open at the same time as reference stuff - such as a few PDFs of component specifications.

    Plus I do testing at home, so having the configuration software on one monitor while the others show the outputs of what I'm testing is useful. Saves a boring trip into the office with a load of kit to use the monitor tree there.

    Also more pixels = better.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28104
    Sporky said:

    Also more pixels = better.

    ^^ that's more pixels.

    The 2x27" widescreens give me 5120*1440, the laptop & 21" add a few more pixels, but they're just for work emails & SharePoint access.
    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29224
    That's fewer pixels (assuming the 21 and laptop are no more than full HD).

    UHD is 3840x2160
    QHD is 2560x1440
    FHD is 1920x1080

    So your total is 9,984,000 pixels. Mine is 14,054,400, ignoring the laptop screen.

    You do have a fine set-up, mind. Must take a while to get the mouse from one side to the other!
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • MyrandaMyranda Frets: 2940
    Mine is 16,857,600 for now not counting the server screen. But it's lopsided for now :( don't like the lack of symmetry 
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  • SporkySporky Frets: 29224
    What have we sunk to?

    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
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  • MyrandaMyranda Frets: 2940
    Counting pixels... We've become one-of-them (or several-of-them) 
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  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 27165
    OK, new system's built and running. Just one slight problem...the goddamn cooler is too tall for the case - it's one of the split-compartment cube cases, and the cooler is just shy of an inch over, so I'm running it with the side off for the time being. Seems to be OK, the CPU cores are sitting at about 25 degrees. Obviously, I need to do some more testing to be 100% confident of it.

    It was mildly terrifying, though, because the second time I rebooted it came up with "CPU FAN ERROR!" before it even got to the UEFI screen. Turns out that this cooler is semi-passive - it defaults to the fan being off with < 30% on the PCM pin. I suppose I could keep it like that (it's supposed to work, after all), but after the last few days....NOPE.

    On the upside, it's hella fast.
    <space for hire>
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  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 27165
    Oh, and for the record, I've got 7022592 pixels if I use the desktop, or 12782592 if I use the laptop with all three external monitors (yes, I can do that if I want, and it's insane).

    That doesn't count the other 5 monitors I've got kicking around, all 1600x900 apart from one 1680x1050.
    <space for hire>
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