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  • robgilmorobgilmo Frets: 3694
    Sassafras said:
    Sporky said:
    Sassafras said:
    If it gives people pleasure to spend thousands and thousands of £s on hi-fi cables, who are we to criticise?
    It's not the spending.

    It's the superstition that some hifi people (and magazines) peddle.

    If it gives people pleasure to believe a load of bollocks who are we to criticise?

    --- because there is a danger that the same people who think that opinion trumps reality when it comes to cables also then believe that opinion trumps reality when it comes to things like vaccinations. And the sad truth is that is a line of thinking that literally kills people. 

    That's a bit of a broad assumption isn't it? Wires to vaccinations? We will be on the moon landings and flat earth theory before we know it.

    Anyhow guys, this whole cable malarkey, Ive seen this before on HiFi forums, its just one of those things, we can however safely conclude that longer guitar cables can dull down the guitars treble, right?  I guess with this kind of stuff experimentation is the thing.
    A Deuce , a Tele and a cup of tea.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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