What Burstbuckers Does Dave grohl Use?

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kyle.tricaricokyle.tricarico Frets: 7
edited December 2016 in Guitar
I have surfed the Internet hundreds of times over and can't decide whether Dave grohl uses type 1&2 Gibson USA humbuckers or type 2&3 Gibson USA humbuckers, does anyone know for sure? If so what are some good places to purchase these pickups and what exact specs should I be looking for with these pickups?
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  • I think he uses Burstbucker 2 and 3's, these are in his signature guitar. 
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  • NerineNerine Frets: 2318
    I'm genuinely unsure why this is a question. Don't get me wrong. Good songwriter. But I can't ever remember listening to any Foo Fighters track and thinking "Killer guitar tone!!!" 

    It's the parts that work. Not the sounds in this case. 

    Apologies. That comes across as a bit narky, but he has probably used so many different guitars on FF albums that it's largely irrelevant. 

    Plus. Flame jacket on, no FF album sounds GREAT. The songs are good. Which gives the illusion of it sounding great. 

    Its a classic scenario. 

    Would you rather listen to an average mix of the best song ever, or a masterfully mixed and produced, perfect production of the biggest pile of dog shit song in the world? 

    Genuinely, (and I'm a bit pissed, granted) I can't ever recall DG having a killer guitar sound on record. 

    Possibly because it's mainly about what works for the song. And he knows that. So whatever works. :) 
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  • DeijavooDeijavoo Frets: 3299
    I enjoyed the first record and parts of the second one. I enjoyed the sounds of the guitars on the songs I enjoyed. 

    Goes to show you are right I guess. Less so with Sunny Day Real Estate though obviously. Terrible recorded sounds, mint records. 

    Maybe good basslines/tones is the key.
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  • You are right @Nerine, he doesn't have a 'killer' guitar tone but it's the songs he writes that make the foo fighters large, learning some of their songs you realise how music smart he is, but, I'm getting a chibson DG 335 so I want to know what pickups he uses so I can get the same sound, becaus personally, the DG335 does sound pretty damn good. I guess it's just a matter of opinion
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  • impmannimpmann Frets: 12724
    Whatever pickups were fitted to a mid 60s Trini Lopez.

    Seriously, I wouldn't get hung up about it - a pair of lowish wind "paf" type pickups will get you there.
    Never Ever Bloody Anything Ever.

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  • Ones that have a deep, throaty Grohl at low volumes ;)
    6reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Is his guitar even plugged in live?
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  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    Love how someone can diss one of the most successful guitarists / bands of the last 30 years on an Internet forum.

    May I suggest Nerine that you upgrade your hifi equipment /speakers /headphones.....

    Or visit your GP and have your ears cleaned.

    To the OP a 335 with Lollartrons sounds pretty Grohl like to my ears. Easy tones to replicate.
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  • MtBMtB Frets: 922
    There's some info in a thread in the "Parts" classifieds, page 2 titled "Burstbuckers wanted" that might help you.
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  • On record it's usually a Trini Lopez, which means late 60's "Patent No" hum buckers, so any PAF-alike will get you close. Live it's Burstbuckers which are basically a hot PAF, so that's what you want to look for. 

    I wouldn't get too hung up on the specific pickups as long as they're roughly the right flavour.
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • MattFGBIMattFGBI Frets: 1602
    Personally I really like the FF guitar tones. Its generally a nice, thick crunchy sound with clarity. I also think their stuff is recorded and engineered very well. 
    This is not an official response. 


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  • capo4th said:
    Love how someone can diss one of the most successful guitarists / bands of the last 30 years on an Internet forum.

    Surely the same as someone hating on millions of dogs into one bad experience?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • Ik that I need some burstbucker pickups for the guitar, I just wasn't sure whether to go for really hot pickups (being type 2&3) or warmer pickups (being type 1&2). Which one would be the safer more versatile one is more what I'm looking for, 2&3 might be too grungy and too much output. And whatever ones I do buy, does it have to have the Gibson USA symbol on the back or are any PAF pickups that are advertised as USA Gibson alright to purchase?
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  • danbandanban Frets: 343
    Personally I'd go for Gibson 57 Classic's, which I favour more than the burstbuckers
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  • Same foo fighters sound though? @danban ;
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  • danbandanban Frets: 343
    It all depends what amp and pedal setup your using too
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  • danbandanban Frets: 343
    I currently play in a foo fighters tribute band
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  • BridgehouseBridgehouse Frets: 24581
    I reckon he uses a pair of Vic Firth 6b's..

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  • danbandanban Frets: 343
    I reckon 2b's
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  • Ik for a fact Dave grohl uses Burstbucker pickups, I just want ant to know if I should be looking at the high output set up being type 2&3 or the warmer setup being type 1&2. I'm using a fender mustang III V2 and pedal wise I only have a Boss DS-1, I'm wondering if the 2&3 setup is too high? or is it?
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