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  • Paul31Paul31 Frets: 22
    @jasperthecat Welcome to the forum.  Thats an interesting backstory. Glad you recovered from the health issues. In originally from Hull so was intrigued by your move to easy Yorks.  Just wonder how easy you found it getting back into playing after such a long lay off.  Was the muscle memory still there?

    Hi Thumpingrug! I hope you dont mind my explaination of my experiences to maybe help out! i did not play for 6 years once and before that i had played for 5 years practising for around 3 hours each day and could play more or less anything with practise. I found i had forgot all my songs but my technique soon come back, i think it is like that with most things with muscle memory.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • AuxendAuxend Frets: 1
    edited August 2019
    Greeting fellow fret-boarders! My name is Glen, and I'm genuinely stoked to be part of this community. 

    Q1:  Where did you username come from?

     I needed something that wasn't taken across multiple media channels so I contrived a brand-ish thing I could use for most of them. Thusly... Auxend: where the effected signal returns

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?

    USA- Bay Area, Northern California

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?

    To shed any previously limiting ambitions or ideas about music and simply enjoy everything I can about music and music-making before I return to dust. That said: I'm currently on a guitar journey since 2016 (taking an online GIT curriculum and exploring guitar tone in every possible manner) I am a computer programmer now, previous to 1996 I was a live sound engineer for about 4 years. I was basically raised on dark 80's alternative and super into Depeche / Cure growing up in LA in the 80s.

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?

    for "vintage" spec kit: I got a Roland Juno 2 (because of Depeche) in 86' and shortly after, a BOSS CE-2 (because of the Cure) I still have them. I bought my first bass which is an 86 Japanese P-bass which I've gigged with and cherish immensely. After becoming an adult I became a strat lover and I'm still searching for the "perfect" one. Right now, the go-to guitar is my custom ordered G&L Doheny.

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?

    I have to go with Floyd / Gilmour - if I had to pick today it would be Echoes Pompeii  there is so much that is great about what's going on there...a band of young and very accomplished musicians right on the precipice of finding their sound and getting ready to change the world with Dark Side. I look at Gilmour in this video and think..."this is a long way off from my approach at his age - so you can definitely be my proxy of becoming a rock star and I'm okay with that" - The song is everything I love about Floyd

    The most popular thing I've recorded that wasn't a cover seems to be this:  but my cover of Joy Division's Colony is by far the most loved of things I've uploaded.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • @jasperthecat Welcome to the forum.  Thats an interesting backstory. Glad you recovered from the health issues. In originally from Hull so was intrigued by your move to easy Yorks.  Just wonder how easy you found it getting back into playing after such a long lay off.  Was the muscle memory still there?
    Thanks for the welcome @@thumpingrug ;
    When I first moved down from Durham I lived in Hutton Cranswick at one time.

    With regard to what it was like to pick up a guitar after all of those years.
    To be honest when I first picked up a guitar after what was about 35 years my fingers and hands felt as if they'd been grafted on from someone else. I knew what I wanted to do but I could not get my muscles moving and fingers to coordinate and stretch for the chords. It was almost nightmarish.
    I was never afraid of any key which was always chosen to suit me vocally rather than my playing and I often played my material in keys such as A-flat or D-flat  E-flat and B-flat, in fact any key except popular guitar keys like A & E etc which meant with the keys I chose, the chords were often substantial stretches for my fingers but back then it never bothered me but now, it's an entirely different story. I never even used a Capo so looking back I suppose I was pretty adept then.

    After my first tries at getting back into playing again I honestly thought I'd never get it back and it's only recently after about two months of serious regular daily practice that my fingers are just beginning to regain some of the old nimbleness they once had and in fact I'm actually trying out new styles too so I'm sort of bringing back the old while bringing in the new.

    I've got some excellent beautifully set up guitars which I've done myself so there is no excuse not to persevere and get back to where I left off and no doubt in another couple of months of regular practice I should be somewhere nearer to  where I left off but it certainly hasn't been easy.  :/

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • thumpingrugthumpingrug Frets: 3026
    @jasperthecat Welcome to the forum.  Thats an interesting backstory. Glad you recovered from the health issues. In originally from Hull so was intrigued by your move to easy Yorks.  Just wonder how easy you found it getting back into playing after such a long lay off.  Was the muscle memory still there?
    Thanks for the welcome @@thumpingrug ;
    When I first moved down from Durham I lived in Hutton Cranswick at one time.

    With regard to what it was like to pick up a guitar after all of those years.
    To be honest when I first picked up a guitar after what was about 35 years my fingers and hands felt as if they'd been grafted on from someone else. I knew what I wanted to do but I could not get my muscles moving and fingers to coordinate and stretch for the chords. It was almost nightmarish.
    I was never afraid of any key which was always chosen to suit me vocally rather than my playing and I often played my material in keys such as A-flat or D-flat  E-flat and B-flat, in fact any key except popular guitar keys like A & E etc which meant with the keys I chose, the chords were often substantial stretches for my fingers but back then it never bothered me but now, it's an entirely different story. I never even used a Capo so looking back I suppose I was pretty adept then.

    After my first tries at getting back into playing again I honestly thought I'd never get it back and it's only recently after about two months of serious regular daily practice that my fingers are just beginning to regain some of the old nimbleness they once had and in fact I'm actually trying out new styles too so I'm sort of bringing back the old while bringing in the new.

    I've got some excellent beautifully set up guitars which I've done myself so there is no excuse not to persevere and get back to where I left off and no doubt in another couple of months of regular practice I should be somewhere nearer to  where I left off but it certainly hasn't been easy.  :/

    Cheers @jasperthecat  appreciate the explanation and good that you stuck with it.  This is a great forum with loads of really helpful people, just throw yourself in.     I lived in Cottingham for a while and took the train to Driffeild occasionally to meet up with mates for a drink, my only knowledge of Hutton Cranswick is the train station.  

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Hello everybody,

    I'm Purple Bob, the eternal beginner. I recently found my old guitar in the loft and thought "why not?". For the Welsh people out there I am almost literally taking my fiddle back out of the roof! I grew up in orchestras and brass bands playing various instruments including french horn, valve and slide trombones and tenor horn. When I went to university I bought a guitar and got about as far as The Rock and Pop Guitar Player book 2 before my guitar got burned by a drunk girlfriend. A decade later I bought myself a mexican Strat but it got stolen while I was on holiday. Another decade later I bought a Jackson JS series Warrior and this one survived but I never had time to play it so up into the loft it went for yet another ten years. I now have a newly polished up guitar with a new set of strings, a little Squier practice amp, a Pocket Pod to make it sound fuzzy and a few tutor books so we will see how far I get this time. I'm mainly into classic rock, prog and metal from the 70s and 80s but I also love pirate and scandi folk metal from more recent times.

    Q1:  Where did you username come from?

    Deep Purple and my name, put together in a Pink Floyd style...or maybe its more Blue Peter?

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?

    Walking distance from the Peak District National Park.

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?

    To play a recognizable tune without deviation, repetition or hesitation.

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?

    My only guitar, the Jackson pointy rock beast.

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?

    Highway Star (Deep Purple) or Mexico (Alestorm) depending on how piratical I'm feeling.

    Right, back to lurking for a bit...


    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • @jasperthecat Welcome to the forum.  Thats an interesting backstory. Glad you recovered from the health issues. In originally from Hull so was intrigued by your move to easy Yorks.  Just wonder how easy you found it getting back into playing after such a long lay off.  Was the muscle memory still there?
    Thanks for the welcome @@thumpingrug ;
    When I first moved down from Durham I lived in Hutton Cranswick at one time.

    With regard to what it was like to pick up a guitar after all of those years.
    To be honest when I first picked up a guitar after what was about 35 years my fingers and hands felt as if they'd been grafted on from someone else. I knew what I wanted to do but I could not get my muscles moving and fingers to coordinate and stretch for the chords. It was almost nightmarish.
    I was never afraid of any key which was always chosen to suit me vocally rather than my playing and I often played my material in keys such as A-flat or D-flat  E-flat and B-flat, in fact any key except popular guitar keys like A & E etc which meant with the keys I chose, the chords were often substantial stretches for my fingers but back then it never bothered me but now, it's an entirely different story. I never even used a Capo so looking back I suppose I was pretty adept then.

    After my first tries at getting back into playing again I honestly thought I'd never get it back and it's only recently after about two months of serious regular daily practice that my fingers are just beginning to regain some of the old nimbleness they once had and in fact I'm actually trying out new styles too so I'm sort of bringing back the old while bringing in the new.

    I've got some excellent beautifully set up guitars which I've done myself so there is no excuse not to persevere and get back to where I left off and no doubt in another couple of months of regular practice I should be somewhere nearer to  where I left off but it certainly hasn't been easy.  :/

    Cheers @jasperthecat  appreciate the explanation and good that you stuck with it.  This is a great forum with loads of really helpful people, just throw yourself in.     I lived in Cottingham for a while and took the train to Driffeild occasionally to meet up with mates for a drink, my only knowledge of Hutton Cranswick is the train station.  
    Well @thumpingrug ; I've actually come here to learn as it's so long since I was last on the front line that I need to catch up. 
    Some of it is rather Deja Vu know you've been there before therefore very familiar .
    Some of it however doesn't seem to have have changed little except perhaps relative to quality, modern guitars are generally cheaper than in the past.

    I often see older guitars for sale that my friends and I wouldn't have been seen dead playing and were noted as rubbish back then but now they ask silly money for them and people are equally silly enough to pay it.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Benm39Benm39 Frets: 838
    edited August 2019
    HI Folks, newbie here!

    Mainly play piano (Grade 8 classical) but decided to get back into playing guitar having revived an interest in going to concerts and festivals in recent years - self-taught at moment so am largely crap! Enjoy learning to play various styles - blues, rock, metal and folk, don't enjoy that I play everything badly. Married to long-suffering wife and cats who turn a deaf ear to my guitar strangling. Have an Epiphone jumbo acoustic 'inherited' from a colleague years ago which I look after should they ever want it back, and an ESP LTD Bill Kelliher BK600 signature guitar.

    Q1. Where did you username come from?  - Wholly unimaginative mingling of my name, an initial, and an age I used to be.

    Q2. Where in the world/country are you? Near Winchester in Hampshire, UK.

    Q3. What's your main musical ambition? Learn to play a handful of songs right the way through rather than noodling at stuff.

    Q4. Your best bit of gear?  Tan croc-skin tolex and basket weave Zilla SuperFatBoy 2x12 with Celestion Creamback 65M and Creamback Neo in. Love it! Even though I can't ever really play at the sort of volume it warrants - though it also makes a fabulous perch to play on.

    Q5. Your #1 track...? Varies lots - very much enjoying Mastodon currently so possibly Motherload or Jaguar God, failing that possibly Van Halen Ain't Talking About Love as the first bit of guitar a friend taught me c. 30 years ago.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Hello I'm Mark
    I've played from the age of 14 self-taught, my first guitar was a 12-string Fender bought by washing cars and paper rounds, that I used to bash at church for a few years 'till I parted company with God and church. Then work and a family came and I rarely picked the guitar up. My daughter started singing with a local choir when she was 8. I got involved and accompanied their guitarist - who left a year later. My daughter left at 16 and I've stayed ever since. She's 27 now... So I play along reading and learning chord charts to every sort of song, Disney to Don Mclean. Old man river to les miserables. I have a smattering of guitars and look forward to them accompanying me into old age when only  D E A D can be forced out of my arthritic fingers.

    Q1:  Where did you username come from?
    I'm Mark Edwards

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?

    I'm in South East London UK

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?

    I would like to finish and record some tracks - never finished, been working on them for years....

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?

    My Farida d62e imitation Martin d45

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?

    There is a stone - John Smith

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • M1ckM1ck Frets: 265
    Hello, I’m Mick I’ve been trying for years to get past the intro for Smoke On The Water - gave up for a while (about 20 years) and just decided a little while ago to give it another try. I have a Wilkes Telecaster which plays way beyond my skill level, but I hope to grow into it. I have no ambition to be a guitar god or play in a band my only ambition is to be able to play something - anything! all the way through!

    Q1 Where did your username come from?
    I’m known as Mick but Mick was taken

    Q2 Where I the world/country are you?
    oop Norf UK

    Q3 What’s your main musician ambition?
    To play confidently 

    Q4 Your “best” bit of gear - just the one?
    Currently my Wilkes

    Q5 Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?
    Changes depending how I feel currently Stormy Monday by The Allman Brothers Band - Live at the Fillmore
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • FentoFento Frets: 1
    Hi all! Fento here!
    I've been playing since i was about 14, had a couple of bands but fell out of love a while back.
    I'm now really starting to rediscover my old passion and am looking to keep going and see where it leads.

    Q1 Where did your username come from?
    Its my nickname. My surname is Fenton

    Q2 Where I the world/country are you?
    South west Scotland (from Yorkshire though)

    Q3 What’s your main musician ambition?
    To just bring a little happiness and a smile to people who listen

    Q4 Your “best” bit of gear - just the one?
    It has to be my esp ltd v250. 

    Q5 Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?
    wow, tough one.....   but has to be 'One' by Metallica
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Q1:  Where did you username come from?   It's a play on my surname

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?  Cardiff, UK

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?   Create music that I love

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?  My 1988 Gibson Les Paul Std which I bought in 2000

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?   "Alvarez" by Funeral for a Friend

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Q1:  Where did you username come from?  It's a variation of my surname

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?  Cardiff, UK

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?  To make music that I love

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?  My Gibson Les Paul 1988

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?  "Alvarez" by Funeral for a Friend

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • My name is Scott... And i have a (guitar) problem.

    1. I have played music my whole life and never really had any success with it. Just a self deprecating joke.

    2. Just outside Toronto, Canada

    3. At this point just to make my own music on my own terms. 

    4. If I have to pick one it's my USA deluxe Strat.. my Gibson es339 is a close second though.

    5. So many.. I can't get enough of sweet emotion though.. maybe tender surrender.. Riviera Paradise.. you don't have enough storage on your server for my complete list :)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • GrampaGrampa Frets: 1016

    Q1:  Where did you username come from?  Sadly an indication of my advancing years

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?  Devon

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?  To play at my grand children's joint 21st/18th birthday party

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?  McCarty 594

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?  Probably 'Hold On To Me' sung by Rachel Potter

    My other passion is firearms! Does that make me a closet Redneck???
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Grampa said:

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?  McCarty 594

    Now surpassed by your Modern Eagle Quatro  ;)
    Trading feedback info here

    My band, Red For Dissent
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • GrampaGrampa Frets: 1016
    Let's call that one a draw....Mc 594 vs MEQ, that's gonna be a hard one to call mate.
    My other passion is firearms! Does that make me a closet Redneck???
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • KarnakKarnak Frets: 16
    Where did you username come from?
    I couldn't think quick enough when signing up. I guess it is kind of subliminal, because I have recently been listening to some Zep. Robert Plant's son's name (tragically died when a child) was Karak. I misspelled it and thought, hey I will leave this - it sounds like an ancient Egyptian city. Weird.

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?
    From South Wales. Still number one in the rugby world. I hear your groans, I feel your hurt. Don't worry, it's just a passing phase.

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?
    To be able to smoothly navigate the fretboard, and compose a piece of music (probably fingerstyle) that makes me happy.

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?
    My Huss and Dalton OM, which is up for sale because I hanker for a Celtic/European sound.

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?
    Mary Jane 2. Nick Drake is my all-time favourite artist. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Hello all

    This looks like a very extensive forum, which I hope to enjoy being a member of. I'm also going to be asking members for help with locating a particular guitar, but I'll post that somewhere more relevant. So, here are my 5 answers:

    Q1:  Where did you username come from? Well, it's just my name.

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you? Honiton, Devon, UK

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition? Play more in public. I'm an acoustic guitarist and singer and do some folk club spots with my friend

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one? Martin J40 with k&k mini pure tranducers

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one? Easy! 'Like a Rolling Stone' Bob Dylan, Highway 61 Revisited, 1965. It's not even my favourite track, but it is my number 1. The snare drum hit at the beginning is the start of rock music. Released nearly 2 years before Sgt Pepper and nearly a year before Revolver (the two most popular contenders)!

    Cheers, Rob

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Hi All, long time lurker here finally decided to get involved!

    Q1:  Where did you username come from?

    It's from the name my son chose for our imaginary blues duo, the Mojo Bros (he's only 7 and unfortunately doesn't have the attention span to learn properly but loves to mess around with his Squire Mini Strat and an old harp we have knocking around)

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?

    Dereham, Norfolk, UK

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?

    Currently my live playing is limited to taking part in my local regular Blues Jam, but I love it and would like to join/ form a band, just to perform on the local scene and play with others for fun.

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?

    Tricky choice, but I think my 99 Samick Epiphone Sheraton just about edges it. It plays great and feels like it's picked up a bit of mojo over the years, sometimes it stops me in my tracks and I just can't stop looking at it! My wife hates that and refers to all my guitars as my mistresses!

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?

    Impossible to choose one forever but today I'll go for 'Crossroads' by Cream

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Hello everyone, 

    Been a member for some time, reading a lot and using the fantastic pool of information that this forum is.I hope to contribute too. 

    Q1:  Where did you username come from?

    Just my name and my favourite number. Nothing inspirational but very effective to remember

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?

    Sunny Dorset,UK. I'm originally from Portugal.

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?

    Find a group of mates and make some music. Loud music. With energy. 

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?

    My favourite at the moment: RoadHouse Strat with Texas specials 

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?

    I grew up with Grunge so pick one song from the 90's and It was my favourite song at some point. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
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