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  • Juan_CognitoJuan_Cognito Frets: 15
    edited April 2023
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  • MellishMellish Frets: 951
    @Juan_Cognito ; you'll, be aware of what's where if you've been here awhile so just Hi!

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  • guitarjack66guitarjack66 Frets: 2142
    Hello everyone.

    It all started for me in 1965 when me and 3 others formed a band, I left in about 70/71 due to moving away from where I'd lived and it was just just too far to travel back, I have a few stories and a few moments of fame which will come to light later I'm sure.  
    I then found motorbikes, beer and girls and an era of as they say of sex and drugs and rock and roll followed. I worked down the pit till I got my leg crushed in 1980, unfortunately I spent 7 months in hospital, split up with my wife and a couple of years learning to walk again. I could ride a motorbike so I went dispatch riding in London and earnt silly money enough to buy 2 Free House pubs. I then got seriously ill in the late 90s finished with my partner and met my now wife.
    I'd worked 2 years for Securicor but packed it all in and in 2000 emigrated  to Spain and lived there for 16 years - and wouldn't change a moment. Then sadly both our mums died so we moved back to Kent where we lived now. 
    As I have left most of my life story out because I expect you have got bored by now LOL  I have been working all the time and never had time for a band again. But I have been to see plenty of bands and go to local pub gigs and would like to catch up with guitars now I'm retired.
    Question 1..   I have two cats named Sidney and Sooty.
    Question 2..   Kent.
    Question 3..   To Play a guitar again.
    Question 4..   The guitar I just purchased name unknown,  More of that later.
    Question 5..   Whiter Shade of Pale..  

    I'd like to hear some of these stories. I havent seen you post much so far.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • MellishMellish Frets: 951
    @SidandSooty62 ; what @guitarjack66 said.

    Don't worry about "boring" us, you won't do that. Get it down in print. 

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  • StevenMKStevenMK Frets: 8
    Hi all - 

    Been lurking on here for a while, but thought I would introduce myself - my name is Steven, been playing guitar for 20+ years, just moved to the UK a few years ago. Mostly into rock and blues, but also play a little bit of country and other things. Currently trying to get back into playing live!
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  • MellishMellish Frets: 951
    @StevenMK ; Welcome to tFB

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  • Chris77Chris77 Frets: 8
    1. More lack of imagination...
    3. To still be plugging into an amp in the nursing home
    4. Epi 50s GT
    5. Too many but if i could only have one Whole Lotta Love, live.
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  • MellishMellish Frets: 951
    @Chris77 ; Hi and welcome to tFB. 

    To start a thread click the icon furthest right on the coloured bar at the top where you'll find Home, your username and a bunch of other stuff. 
    If you need to contact Admins & Mods, you'll find them listed in New Members.

    Enjoy reading posts and hope to see you adding yours. 

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  • bobaccobobacco Frets: 574
    Hey all,

    Registered a little while back, but been completely dormant. Honestly, jumped on here for the classifieds but seems like a really cool community - will stick around if you’ll take me haha. 

    First off, the questions / initiation:

    Q1:  Where did you username come from? My name’s Rob, and I think I had a tobacco burst - so it’s just a lame play on words. Haven’t smoked in years and years, so it’s not an ode to cigarettes!

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you? I’m down in West Sussex on the coast, not too far from Brighton.

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition? Lofty it may be, but it’s always been to get as close to ‘what I hear in my head’…lofty and trite, haha. But cliches are cliches for a reason, I guess.

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one? Yeah, that’s a tough one. Have to go with my Kemper; makes any guitar sound good in many, many ways. Replaced a 24+ pedal board and all my amps, without regrets (note that I don’t play out these days, so it’s purely for bedroom rock stardom).

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one? There’s no way this doesn’t change each time I’m asked! I’m a pretty voracious listener, so it could vary hugely. As I’ve gotten older (39 this year), I’ve found my tastes broadening further - so I’ll give most things a listen. 

    Cheers all - any questions, give me a shout! Not sure how much I’ll be able to add to the board, but always happy to try. 


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  • MellishMellish Frets: 951
    @bobacco ; Hi and welcome to tFB.

    To start a new thread, click on the icon furthest right on the coloured bar at the top where you'll find Home, your username and a bunch of other stuff. 
    Admins & Mods can be found in New Members if at some point you need to contact.

    Enjoy! :) 
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  • bobaccobobacco Frets: 574
    Cheers @Mellish - have a good one, bud!

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Hello all. I'm a recent beginner and (aged 28) a rather late one.

    For almost 20 years I played the trumpet and cornet in jazz/swing groups, orchestras, and mostly brass bands. We did many an exciting flower show and carol service, let me tell you. Eventually I lost interest and packed it in. I missed playing an instrument though - it really left a hole in my life. I wanted to play again. Something challenging but fun, and something I could sing along with (badly...).

    I toyed with the idea of the electric guitar; it features heavily in the sort of music I like. The idea grew and grew on me, until in January - almost on an impulse - I visited my local music shop. The owner must have discerned that I was an idiot, knowing nothing about the instrument and having no clue what I wanted, but he sent me off with a Telecaster. In hindsight I should have done some research, but fair play, he chose well. I love it. Knowing a little more now about guitars, I've not seen a single one I'd prefer.

    So now I'm another noob plodding away at the Justin Guitar course in the hope that one day I'll be halfway decent.

    Q1: Where did you username come from?

    It's an incredibly funny and witty pun on my guitar.

    Q2: Where in the world/country are you?

    North Wales, UK.

    Q3: What's your main musical ambition?

    To be able to play the music I like, and to be technically competent.

    Q4: Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?

    The Tele. Or maybe my cool orange pick. I don't have much gear yet.

    Q5: Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?

    How am I meant to choose just one? Alright, Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd. Cliché I know.
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  • MellishMellish Frets: 951
    @NothingOnTheTele ; Welcome to tFB.

    The icon furthest right on the coloured bar at the top where you'll find Home, your username and a bunch of other stuff is the one to click if you want to start a new thread. ☺️

    Enjoy! The :) 
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  • @Mellish Thanks very much.
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  • Hi, I'm SuperFamiTom,

    I'm very new to playing the guitar having just picked up my first a couple of weeks ago. I can only assume I'm very much of a late starter as I turn 50 in September. Always fancied playing guitar but other things in life got in the way I guess. With my impending half century looming I decided that if I don't start now then I almost certainly never will. 

    Been in to guitar based music all my life. My all time favourite band is Fugazi, but a big fan of other stuff such as Metallica, Slayer, Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr. etc but also electronic stuff too. I'll listen to anything that's got a bit of energy behind it.

    To the questions...

    Q1:  Where did you username come from?

    My main love in life (other than my missus and the dog obviously) has always been arcade and video games. Particularly Japanese ones. The Super Famicom, my favourite ever games console, was the Japanese version of the Super Nintendo / SNES. My surname is Thomas and so SuperFamiTom is a play on that.

    Q2:  Where in the world/country are you?

    A small town fairly near Doncaster in South Yorkshire.

    Q3:  What's your main musical ambition?

    To be able to play guitar well in my bedroom that it makes me smile.

    Q4:  Your "best" bit of gear - just the one?

    I've only got the one, my new guitar. A Yamaha 311h.

    Q5:  Your #1 ever track - again, just the one?

    As mentioned above, my favourite band is Fugazi and my favourite Fugazi track is 'Shut the Door' 

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  • MellishMellish Frets: 951
    @SuperFamiTom ; Welcome to tFB.

    Admins & Mods are listed in New Members if you get stuck or need to report.
    To start a new thread, click the icon furthest right on the coloured bar at the top where you'll find Home, your username etc. 

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  • TomykTomyk Frets: 49

    Hey chaps! 

    My username is just a play on my actual name :) 

    I’m from Surrey

    My main musical ambition is to play stuff that I find enjoyable and fulfilling. I spent too much time getting hung up trying to learn songs I didn’t even like that much. Now I’m just looking to play what makes happy! 

    My best bit of gear is whatever inspires me in the moment.. usually a strat! 

    Impossible to pick a single best track but 

    Drivin South by Hendrix is always going to make me drive along.. what a great rhythm!!


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  • MellishMellish Frets: 951
    @Tomyk ; Hi and welcome to tFB. 

    Start your own threed? Simple just click on the icon fat right on the coloured bar at the top where you'll find Home, your username and a bunch of other stuff. 
    Admins & Mods are listed in New Members if you need them.
    The rules are explained in Help & Feedback and Off Topic. 

    Enjoy :) 
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    I have been IPLAYLOUD online for over 25 years.
    I live on Long Island, NY. I have been on many Forums over the years, looking forward to this one.
    I enjoy playing Rockabilly & Surf, and have been doing it...along with Pop and Blues and whatever for decades in the NYC area. I have been following Vintage Guitars since they were just Used Guitars.
    I have many Reverend Guitars, a few old Fenders (Competition Mustangs, Coronados), Metropolitan Guitars (Made in Houston TX by Robin), and other "offbeat" brands (Silvertone, Danelectro, Hallmark).
    #1 Track is tough! Something by Les Paul or Jeff Beck I suppose.
    I'm a retired Sales Rep (NYC area) for Converse, Champion, and other Sporting Goods companies.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • MellishMellish Frets: 951
    @IPLAYLOUD ; Hi and welcome to tFB.

    Look forwatd to reading your comments.
    Admins & Mods are listed in New Members if you get stuck, just pick one and send them a message.

    Enjoy! :) 
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