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Introducing TEN32 Guitars...and features you've never seen before!

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TEN32GuitarsTEN32Guitars Frets: 70
edited September 2022 in Guitar
Fellow slingers...

My name is Chaz, I'm launching my brand this week after 15 years of solo research and development. I've got loads of new features, and I don't just mean new paint colors or a different bridge like most of the "new" stuff we see at NAMM.

I'm talking actual new features, designed to solve real problems for players like you and me.

For example, A stage and studio worthy guitar in a purpose built hard shell backpack case:

I might as well start this fire....among many other features, I build necks with bolt-on headstocks...if you want. Conventional necks also available.

If you prefer reading to video my blog is here -

And of course, my website with available models, sound clips (DI tracks included), and purchasing/configuration information is here -

My blog and FAQ are LOADED with details, but if you prefer to discuss anything at all with me directly, please feel free to email me -

I'm not just here to push guitars. I love guitar and guitar music, and I want to do my part to make sure both remain relevant now and in the future by moving the instrument forward via legitimate improvements to as many aspects as possible. I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts and feedback and will do my best to respond to each new post ASAP.

I wish I had more production work at launch, but starting a business is freakin' expensive and if I don't get this ball rolling now it'll be back to day job hell for me.

Thanks for watching/reading, hope to hear from a whole bunch of you very soon.
0reaction image LOL 21reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom


  • WezVWezV Frets: 17462
    You xan just post the youtube link to embed vids

    Looks interesting.  I like the modular idea
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • bertiebertie Frets: 13587
    is there a piece of cloth or similar that goes between the two sections ?   as snug as they look - I can see a "baggage handlers" delicate touch knocking out a tool or three and causing a bit of damage on the guitar top ?
    just because you don't, doesn't mean you can't
     just because you do, doesn't mean you should.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • tony99tony99 Frets: 7406
    This is what the guitar world has been crying out for.
    Bollocks you don't know Bono !!
    9reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • It looks interesting and indicates that you've put a lot of work in, so all the best with it. Hopefully it'll keep you out of day job hell ;-)
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • WezV said:
    You xan just post the youtube link to embed vids

    Looks interesting.  I like the modular idea
    Thanks for the heads up, and the kind words! If you have any questions, don't hesitate.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • OffsetOffset Frets: 13906
    Wow.  Great concept.  I can see a particular sector of the guitar-playing world being seriously interested in this.  All the very best of luck with it.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TEN32GuitarsTEN32Guitars Frets: 70
    edited September 2022
    bertie said:
    is there a piece of cloth or similar that goes between the two sections ?   as snug as they look - I can see a "baggage handlers" delicate touch knocking out a tool or three and causing a bit of damage on the guitar top ?
    Excellent question! As many of the storage cavities in the lid as possible are undercut to avoid exactly this scenario. Its captured pretty nicely at this particular point in the case video.

    It doesn't appear the text editor honors the link when a specific time is referenced, so you may need to manually skip ahead to about 3:35.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • tony99 said:
    This is what the guitar world has been crying out for.
    That's quite a compliment, thanks! There are 2 more videos covering even more features than the first, if youre interested. A subscribe would be much appreciated as well - YouTube is withholding features until I reach 100 subscribers  :/

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Offset said:
    Wow.  Great concept.  I can see a particular sector of the guitar-playing world being seriously interested in this.  All the very best of luck with it.
    If you happen to know any members of that sector, send them my way!  =)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Well. Just watched your videos....... Very very  impressed, the level of thought that has gone into this amazing, and they genuinly look like quality instruments. 
    I'm scared to ask how much one is...... 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28425
    I am wow’d.

    You are either a design genius (from both a practical and aesthetic perspective) or you’ve spent a hell of a long time thinking about and developing the concept (and have got a massive pile of “not quite right yet” rejects hidden away somewhere!).

    Quite possibly both.

    I guess the questions will be how the guitar itself feels & plays, and how resistant to wear & tear (or assembly & disassembly) some of the joints are.  I’d not like to swap the nut too many times.

    Finally, someone does something new in guitar development that’s actually solving a problem.

    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • Well. Just watched your videos....... Very very  impressed, the level of thought that has gone into this amazing, and they genuinly look like quality instruments. 
    I'm scared to ask how much one is...... 
    Flat top models with basic hardware start at $2k, (£1730, currently) but I'm open to other forms of value exchange, if perhaps, for example, you were a product marketing specialist? I'm good at building things, not so good at marketing :#
    0reaction image LOL 2reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Before reading the blog or watching the video,  I'm trying to work out what 10 32 means.

    Looks cool though.  Ace paint job.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28425
    TEN32Guitars said

    but I'm open to other forms of value exchange,
    We (ie the forum membership here) have helped some other businesses get off the ground, both through putting £ business their way, but also from generating the interest and comments on threads here, which Google loves.

    I’d bet that, in a day or three, this thread will appear on Google’s front page for results on “ten32 guitars” or any other keywords that you want to be found by (once we start using them!).

    However, that’s tended to help UK based businesses (it’s which I included the “Made in the UK” section when we originally set-up the forum).  It’s slightly harder for US businesses when you factor in shipping costs and import duties (etc) and the UK is obviously a much smaller market, so usually of less interest to US businesses,

    Though I guess at least we wouldn’t have to worry about headstock breaks during shipping with your models!!
    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • TTony said:
    I am wow’d.

    You are either a design genius (from both a practical and aesthetic perspective) or you’ve spent a hell of a long time thinking about and developing the concept (and have got a massive pile of “not quite right yet” rejects hidden away somewhere!).

    Quite possibly both.

    I guess the questions will be how the guitar itself feels & plays, and how resistant to wear & tear (or assembly & disassembly) some of the joints are.  I’d not like to swap the nut too many times.

    Finally, someone does something new in guitar development that’s actually solving a problem.

    Thanks for the good words and the hearty laugh - you're right on the money about the piles of prototypes. This is about 20% of the bold on headstock attempts. They made great firewood. You can see I tried a wide variety of approaches. I cant imagine how big the prototype pile would be if I had kept all 15 years worth...enough to fill a bedroom without a doubt.

    I don't know about the genius business, but I will say its amazing what you can do with a CNC machine and an unhealthy obsession  =)

    I'd highly recommend the other 2 videos in the series - they cover all of the assembly details, like for example the fact that I don't use destructive fasteners - all of the threaded receptacles in the neck and headstock are stainless steel, flanged, and hexagonally locked into the wood. Its overbuilt and designed to last in every way possible. The only threads that aren't stainless are 2 aluminum pieces I machine myself used for attaching the headstock plate bolt and modular nuts - nuts attach with 2.5mm torx machine screws, so you can replace the nut repeatedly for years and never damage those threads.

    I'd like to think the build quality is on par with the practical and aesthetic elements.

    There are a couple dozen sound clips on the blog here if you'd like to hear them. I'm a better builder than I am a player!

    As for how it feels and plays....I'll throw this out - I haven't needed to level and crown frets for the last 5 necks. My philosophy is - the less fret work a neck needs, the better it's built and plays.
    0reaction image LOL 2reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • SassafrasSassafras Frets: 30355
    Interesting to see not just another Gibson or Fender clone.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Before reading the blog or watching the video,  I'm trying to work out what 10 32 means.

    Looks cool though.  Ace paint job.
    Thank you sir, although I cant take credit for that particular finish. I used a fine gentleman by the name of Pat Wilkins before I learned the skill myself. Pat does exceptional work at great prices, although I'm sure shipping from the UK might negate his great prices -

    Here's a test dye job on a quilted top I'm working on right now, not even cleared -

    The story of the name goes something like this - I signed up for NAMM 2011 with no brand name. I had nothing I liked. Turns out, the part number engraved into the front of the CNC I had only just bought was "1032" , which reads several different ways, so it was changed to "10-32", then eventually "TEN32".
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • AsterixTGAsterixTG Frets: 315
    edited September 2022
    Watched all three vids and while I can be pretty sure I'm not the target market, I sincerely applaud your efforts here.

    It's clear there's been a huge amount of thought and it's ingenious. I'm sure you've had a lengthy beta test of the product to find it's weaknesses but I do hope the business model has enough contingency built in for warrantee stuff because even when you make things idiot proof with every disclaimer under the sun listed, you've always underestimated the ability for people let their inner moron take control and do the stupidest of things, then say it's someone else's fault.

    Btw - I really like that much of it is standard off the shelf sizes and fittings. That in itself shows wisdom and I really hope it works.

    Best of luck Chaz.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • We (ie the forum membership here) have helped some other businesses get off the ground, both through putting £ business their way, but also from generating the interest and comments on threads here, which Google loves....
    I made sure to carefully read the rules. The only box I didn't check was the UK business part, so thanks for not kicking me out :)

    I'm already seeing a link to this forum on page 2 of my google results, so I think you're probably right!

    Shipping a case that fits under an airplane seat is much cheaper than a typical sized one, and it would take a pretty major spill to damage the guitar inside this case! Maybe that makes it a slightly easier decision for those who may be interested.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Sassafras said:
    Interesting to see not just another Gibson or Fender clone.
    I did my best to differentiate the designs while keeping a familiar feel. I really wanted them to be a sexier version of what we're all used to, but with a plethora of real usability hidden under the surface. The guitars themselves wouldn't necessarily stand out in a lineup with other electrics, but the case would most certainly stand out, and of course all the features lurking under the hood are meant to be standouts.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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