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  • rlwrlw Frets: 4768

    Ferrari are so frustrating this season.  They can turn an open goal into an own goal.  
    Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

    That's how the works Lancia team were described at Le Man many years ago.  Maybe it's an Italian thing.
    Save a cow.  Eat a vegetarian.
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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 24878
    I'm happy to lose Monaco.

    But Spa????

    That's just stupid. It's a great track.

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

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  • ColsCols Frets: 7299
    rlw said:

    Ferrari are so frustrating this season.  They can turn an open goal into an own goal.  
    Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

    That's how the works Lancia team were described at Le Man many years ago.  Maybe it's an Italian thing.
    I'm reminded of a quote from someone - might have been either John Barnard or Alain Prost, can't quite remember - remarking along the lines of:

    "When I first visited Maranello and saw the facilities and resources they had, I couldn't understand how they weren't winning every race. 

    And then when I saw the way they worked, I couldn't understand how they won anything."

    I'm happy to lose Monaco.

    But Spa????

    That's just stupid. It's a great track.
    A real kick in the teeth for the circuit if it comes to pass, coming on the heels of last year's travesty of a "race".  They've spent over £20 million upgrading the circuit, which may be financially catastrophic if the GP is yanked from under them.
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 27757
    Yeah, the car manufacturers want at least 1 more in the US and 2 more in Asia.

    And Spa doesn't pay as much as those guys. I feel like the management haven't quite realised that if you have a calendar full of Yas Marinas people aren't going to want to watch. It's your classic short-termist "just focus on profit now" attitude.

    Le sadface :( 
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • BoromedicBoromedic Frets: 5006
    Spa is one of my faves and on the list for the next GP I actually visit (if it's still around!). I'd happily lose Monaco like 

    The yard is nothing but a fence, the sun just hurts my eyes...

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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 27757
    Do we have a collective forum hierarchy of circuits? 

    My thoughts...

    S Tier

    A Tier
    Zandvoort? I can't really remember it

    B Tier
    Baku (always nuts but I'm undecided if that's a good thing. At least it's different)

    C Tier
    Monaco (mostly for the spectacle of quali)

    F Tier
    Yas Marina
    Paul Ricard (though even this year was good tbf)

    I've probably missed some
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • BoromedicBoromedic Frets: 5006
    Do we have a collective forum hierarchy of circuits? 

    My thoughts...

    S Tier

    A Tier
    Zandvoort? I can't really remember it

    B Tier
    Baku (always nuts but I'm undecided if that's a good thing. At least it's different)

    C Tier
    Monaco (mostly for the spectacle of quali)

    F Tier
    Yas Marina
    Paul Ricard (though even this year was good tbf)

    I've probably missed some
    I would agree with most of them Mike, Monaco is probably amazing when you're there but it's shite as a race. I'd put Monza in the S tier though. 

    The yard is nothing but a fence, the sun just hurts my eyes...

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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 27757
    Boromedic said:
    Do we have a collective forum hierarchy of circuits? 

    My thoughts...
    I would agree with most of them Mike, Monaco is probably amazing when you're there but it's shite as a race. I'd put Monza in the S tier though. 
    Yeah, Monaco is really important, and the circuit is good, it's just that it's incompatible with modern cars. Look at F2 or FE and you get way better racing there. 

    I did consider Monza and Suzuka as both S . I'd put those two plus all my S-es in the essential category that should never leave the calendar. If I was F1 Inc I'd be looking to buy a stake in each one so they stay protected.
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • menamestommenamestom Frets: 4771

    Monaco is not the greatest circuit but I’d like it to be retained for the history and spectacle of it.  It should be the one track that’s more than a race, but too many other street circuits have tioped the
    balance a bit.

    That list @stickyfiddle is pretty much spot on.

    Spa is a great circuit and should be kept, thinking of going if it’s on next year actually.

    I do wonder about safety after some horrendous crashes over the last few years at Eau Rouge, although I know it’s been tweaked recently.
    And it is one if the best sections of track on the calendar.
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  • ColsCols Frets: 7299
    Great question.  You missed Miami and Mexico (although I certainly wouldn't miss them if they were summarily dropped).  And in a difficult effort to try and have an equable split between tiers...

    S Tier


    A Tier

    B Tier
    Circuit Of The Americas

    C Tier

    F Tier
    Yas Marina
    Paul Ricard

    For me Monaco belongs in the top tier due to the history, atmosphere and unique challenge of the track.  There's absolutely no margin for error and mistakes are punished without mercy.  It's an insane place to try and race F1 cars, which is what makes it so special.

    Monza was a difficult one to only place in the second tier.  Along with Silverstone and Monaco, it's the only circuit on the calendar which goes all the way back to the very first F1 championship in 1950.  It's a place where ghosts truly walk among the trees, and the flat out blast makes it - like Monaco - a rather unique challenge in the calendar.

    For all that, it rarely produces a good race.  If I had to pick one out of the two Italian circuits, it would be Imola.  It's a better circuit for racing and is just as old school in terms of narrow layout and gravel traps to snare the unwary.

    The bottom five were easy to pick.  All soulless venues, and for Miami in particular I had to have a good hard think to remember if we'd actually had a race there this year, or if it was making its debut for 2023.  Oh yeah - it was the one with the fake marina.  Can't recall much about the race though... 
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  • pigfacepigface Frets: 213
    edited July 2022
    No love for Hockenheim or the Nürburgring? Last German GP was in 2019.

    Edit: I had forgotten the Eifel Grand Prix of 2020 which was a German GP in all but name.
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  • ColsCols Frets: 7299
    pigface said:
    No love for Hockenheim or the Nürburgring? Last German GP was in 2019.

    Edit: I had forgotten the Eifel Grand Prix of 2020 which was a German GP in all but name.
    I still miss the old Hockenheimring; it's not the same since they tore up the flat-out blast into the forests and made it stadium section only.
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  • BoromedicBoromedic Frets: 5006
    Me too, loved the old Hockenheim and there were some really great races there too. Nowhere near the same now, it's quite boring.

    The yard is nothing but a fence, the sun just hurts my eyes...

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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 27757
    Looks like I forgot China Mexico and Miami existed. I don't have strong feeling about this, so I guess those are all B or C. 

    I loved the old Hockenheim. The modern one is fine but hit & miss. I actually have a feeling with the new cars it could be quite good. I don't remember ever watching anything interesting happen at the south loop of the Nurburgring. 

    And a minor anecdote about Monza. We stayed at a B&B in New England about 9 months ago, run by an Italian couple living in Vermont. I had a stream of one of the F1 sessions on my ipad over breakfast and the main guy spotted my screen and we got talking. He was a Ferrari fan, naturally, but recommended avoiding Monza as it's a rubbish place to watch racing outside of just seeing cars going really fast and not knowing what's actually happening in the race. I did stress I'd like to go there just for the atmosphere, but he reckoned Silverstone was way better :D 
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 12514
    edited July 2022
    Monaco might have the history but it’s a boring bloody race to watch, on tv anyway.

    ps, is Canada on your list? 
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  • skullfunkerryskullfunkerry Frets: 4262
    I know it only hosted one race during lockdown but I think I'd put Mugello in one of the higher tiers, too.
    Too much gain... is just about enough \m/

    I'm probably the only member of this forum mentioned by name in Whiskey in the Jar ;)

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  • NiteflyNitefly Frets: 4952
    I know it only hosted one race during lockdown but I think I'd put Mugello in one of the higher tiers, too.
    And that one in Portugal.

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  • BoromedicBoromedic Frets: 5006
    Yeah, Portimao was great :)

    The yard is nothing but a fence, the sun just hurts my eyes...

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  • ColsCols Frets: 7299
    Mugello and Portimao were both excellent circuits, and I'd be glad to see F1 races at them again (although it would mean three races in Italy, which would be a bit greedy).  I hadn't included them as they're not in this year's calendar (same with the eminently forgettable Shanghai circuit).

    Which does, I suppose, raise the question of tracks from years gone by which have been dropped.  I can think of the following:

    Estoril (Portugal)
    Magny Cours (France)
    Kyalami (South Africa)
    Buenos Aires (Argentina)
    Sepang (Malaysia)
    Istanbul (Turkey)
    Indianapolis (USA)
    Fuji (Japan)
    Valencia (Spain)
    Jerez (Spain)
    Yeongam (South Korea)
    Buddh (India)
    Adelaide (Australia)

    Where do these rank?  For me, the main standouts are Estoril, Adelaide and Istanbul.  Magny Cours never had a great reputation in its day, but against the current crop of circuits it actually looks pretty good.
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  • sinbaadisinbaadi Frets: 1340
    Monza is absolutely one of the top tier circuits in every sense.

    If you have a list of "historic/iconic" circuits and another of "actually just a great layout for modern F1" then you have a very short list of tracks that top both of those.

    For me:

    Monaco is a jewel in the crown for F1, and if they stop racing there it would be a shame as they will never go to another street circuit that is anywhere remotely as exciting.  

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