Little things that irrationally irritate you

What's Hot


  • TimcitoTimcito Frets: 1021
    edited June 29
    Golf on the TV. The inactivity, the sleepy voices, the daft jargon, and the spiffy James-Bond-in-Goldfinger duds. Seeing the crowd soporifically following the 'action' out on the 'fairway' is as good a metaphor for mindless support and obedience as I've ever seen.
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  • ShrewsShrews Frets: 3235
    Timcito said:
    Golf on the TV. The inactivity, the sleepy voices, the daft jargon, and the spiffy James-Bond-in-Goldfinger duds. Seeing the crowd soporifically following the 'action' out on the 'fairway' is as good a metaphor for mindless support and obedience as I've ever seen.
    'Get in the hole!' 
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  • LightB4soundLightB4sound Frets: 165
    Roadworn guitars
    Relic'd gear
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  • guyinlyonguyinlyon Frets: 354
    LionAquaLooper said:
    "Needless to say" followed by words
    "No offence but" followed by words

    People who say/write "There are no words" or "I have no words".


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  • guyinlyonguyinlyon Frets: 354
    Cols said:

    Coffee shop staff who...

    Coffee shop staff that expect a tip.

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  • guyinlyonguyinlyon Frets: 354
    Philly_Q said:
    I can't stand polo shirts.

    I can't stand polo.
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  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 24204
    guyinlyon said:
    Philly_Q said:
    I can't stand polo shirts.
    I can't stand polo.
    It's easily avoided.  Polo shirts less so.
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  • guyinlyonguyinlyon Frets: 354
    LionAquaLooper said:
    - People who say "PIN Number"
    ATM Machine

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  • guyinlyonguyinlyon Frets: 354
    Kalimna said:
    Muppets on the road who drive 20-30mph under the speed limit,
    It's a speed LIMIT, not a minimum speed, deal with it.

    Oh yes, people that use "muppet" as a derogatory thing suck.
    Muppets are funny, intelligent entertainment, and millions of children around the world have been help by "Sesame Street" and it's many off-shoots.

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  • sev112sev112 Frets: 2897
    Gassage said:
    Cliches irk me.

    I avoid cliches like the plague.
    And Spelling mistakes; I’m forming a club for people who don’t make them and you can’t join us
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  • BillDLBillDL Frets: 8169
    guyinlyon said:

    Oh yes, people that use "muppet" as a derogatory thing suck.
    People that use the term "derogatory thing".
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  • guitars4youguitars4you Frets: 15020
    tFB Trader
    guyinlyon said:
    Kalimna said:
    Muppets on the road who drive 20-30mph under the speed limit,
    It's a speed LIMIT, not a minimum speed, deal with it.

    The issue with many of them who drive at say 40 in a 50 area is when the road then moves into a built up 30 zone, they still continue on at 40 - Showing that incompetence and ignorance was the issue
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  • KalimnaKalimna Frets: 1569
    guyinlyon said:
    Kalimna said:
    Muppets on the road who drive 20-30mph under the speed limit,
    It's a speed LIMIT, not a minimum speed, deal with it.

    The issue with many of them who drive at say 40 in a 50 area is when the road then moves into a built up 30 zone, they still continue on at 40 - Showing that incompetence and ignorance was the issue
    And that's exactly my thoughts too. 

    It is indeed a limit, not a target, but in the absence of obstacles (e.g. parked cars, built up area, narrow road, windy road, wet/icy road surface, etc), driving so slowly can be a considerable inconvenience to other road users who perhaps have jobs or appointments to get to. Or perhaps just want to get somewhere quickly. And if you have ever driven around rural areas of Scotland you will have noticed many signs requesting that slow drivers pull over to let following traffic pass.

    And muppets, whilst entertaining and sometimes informative, are puppets and have limited intelligence and understanding. Much like aforementioned road users. Deal with that.
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  • KurtisKurtis Frets: 924
    edited June 29
    If you drive too slowly in your driving test you'd probably get failed.

    I was taught to safely and smartly get up to the speed of the traffic. 
    Without going over obviously.

    If you are going significantly slower than the rest of the cars on the road you are a danger. 
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  • KalimnaKalimna Frets: 1569
    Other little things that irrationally irritate me : 

    Plastic milk jug tops (the seal underneath the screwtop lid) when the fold-up tab peels off but the seal doesnt.
    Very specific to my line of work, but glass ampoule tops that either dont snap off, or disintegrate into many razor sharp glass splinters.
    Peaches and nectarines that smell divine but taste like water. (See also : strawberries and melons)
    Not having the 'correct' jack connector when plugged into a single amp and trying different guitars (right angle jack - Les Paul, straight - Strat).
    Enjoying a satisfying dump only to discover lack of toilet paper at an inoppurtune moment.
    Watching catch-up-tv only to find the image has shrunk and a good portion of the screen taken up by someone signing the dialogue. Ive absolutely no reason to grumble at the signing person, but why shrink the original image??????
    Oh, and one more thing. Whenever we're having a group chat at work and I use "So say we all" or "And the hits just keeeeep on coming" and nobody understands the reference.

    That is all for now.
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  • SnapSnap Frets: 6280
    Not sure it this is irrational or entirely reasonable but two things that really really get on my nerves are whistling (which is intrusive and moronic) and sniffing.

    You can almost guarantee that if you are on a train, some weirdo will be continually sniffing. I hate that!
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  • TimcitoTimcito Frets: 1021
    Snap said:
    Not sure it this is irrational or entirely reasonable but two things that really really get on my nerves are whistling (which is intrusive and moronic) ...
    Even worse are whistlers who clearly think they are good at it!   ;) 
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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 25050
    It's the Register Office.
    Not the Registry Office.

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

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  • LionAquaLooperLionAquaLooper Frets: 1429
    Chris Martin
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  • KalimnaKalimna Frets: 1569
    Timcito said:
    Snap said:
    Not sure it this is irrational or entirely reasonable but two things that really really get on my nerves are whistling (which is intrusive and moronic) ...
    Even worse are whistlers who clearly think they are good at it!   ;) 
    And there's a particular breed of whistler that adds a warble to the tone, like an off-kilter tremolo/vibrato. 
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